Update: 2020-03-29 01:21 AM -0500


Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

MC-indx.htm | Top

Contents of this page

{aar~} : repha cont





आरूx{093c}ढ   â-rûdha √ruh.
आर्षभ   aNrshabha belonging to --, of a bull.
आविल   âvila turbid, dim; tainted by, filled with (--°). 

UKT notes :
Ardra Nakshatra
{aar~da} <-- {a.d~ra.} <-- {a.dra.}
- The red-star Betelgeuse (pronounced as 'betel juice')
ruled by ‘Rudra’, the Déva-God of destruction -- the storm god {dé-wau:}.
Beetlejuice - TV cartoon series American-Canadian animated television series which ran from September 9, 1989, to October 26, 1991, on ABC and, on Fox from September 9, 1991, to December 6, 1991.

Hindu (Vedic) priests
UKT 161114: I must now make the basic assumption that Vedic speech is Old Magadhi - which has become extinct, except for a remnant like Pal-Myan still found extensively in the Pal speech of Bur-Myan Theravada Buddhist monks.

Contents of this page

{aar~} : repha cont

p041c3-b30/ p039 

• आर्त [ â&halfacute;rita ]
- pp. fallen into (trouble); afflicted, distressed; hurt, pained, tormented; stricken by, suffering from, anxious about (-- °): -tara, cpv. more afflicted, sadder; -nâda, m. cry of distress; -rava, m. cry of distress.
आर्त   â◡́rita fallen into (trouble); afflicted, distressed; hurt, pained, tormented; stricken by, suffering from, anxious about (--°): -tara, cpv. more afflicted, sadder; -nâda, m. cry of distress; -rava, m. cry of distress.

Contents of this page



• आर्तव [ ârtavá ]
- a. (î) seasonable; menstrual; n. monthly purification; the ten days following it.
 आर्तव   ârtavá (î) seasonable; menstrual; n. monthly purification; the ten days following it.



• आर्ति [ â&halfacute;riti ]
- f. trouble, misfortune, pain.
आर्ति   â◡́riti trouble, misfortune, pain.



• आर्त्नी [ &asharp;r-tnî ]
- f. notched end of a bow.
 आर्त्नी   aNr-tnî notched end of a bow.


p042c1-b04/ p039 

• आर्त्विज्य [ ârtvigya ]
- n. office of priest (ritvig).
आर्त्विज्य   ârtvigya office of priest (ritvig).


p042c1-b05/ p039 

• आर्द्र [ ârdrá ]
- a. moist, wet; fresh, new; soft, tender; â, f. sg. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion; -tâ, f. wetness; tenderness; -nayana, a. moist-eyed; -bhâva, m. moistness; tender-heartedness; -ya, den. P. moisten; soften; -vastra, a. wearing a wet garment: -tâ, f. abst. n.
आर्द्र   ârdrá moist, wet; fresh, new; soft, tender; â, f. sg. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion; -tâ, f. wetness; tenderness; -nayana, a. moist-eyed; -bhâva, m. moistness; tender-heartedness; -ya, den. P. moisten; soften; -vastra, a. wearing a wet garment: -tâ, f. abst. n.

©  आर्दा [ârdrâ],
= आ र ् द ा  --> {aar~da}
Skt:  â- f. sg. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion; -- Mac042c1
Bur: {a.dra.} -- UTM-PDD139

UKT 131203: In U Tun Myint's list of Nakshatra, {a.dra.} is given as #6.
See my note on Ardra Nakshatra


p042c1-b06/ p039 

• आर्द्रार्द्र [ ârdra‿ârdra ]
- a. overflowing with (--°).
 आर्द्रार्द्र   ârdra̮ârdra overflowing with (--°).



• [ârdri-kri ]
- moisten, refresh; soften, prati , moisten or refresh again


p042c1-b08/ p039 

• आर्द्रैधाग्नि [ ârdra‿edha‿agní ]
= आ र ् द ् र ै ध ा ग ् न ि
- m. fire of green wood.
 आर्द्रैधाग्नि   ârdra̮edha̮agní fire of green wood.


p042c1-b09/ p039 

• आर्धधातुक [ ârdha-dhâtu-ka ]
- a. added to the weak or unmodified root (suffix).
 आर्धधातुक   ârdha-dhâtu-ka added to the weak or unmodified root (suffix).



• [ârdhika]
- m. = ardha-alrin


Contents of this page


UKT 150507: The word Aryan {aar~ya.} seems to be just the name of a tribe which values "accuracy" of one's word above everything else. Moral and religious attributes seems to be later additions. Please note I use "accuracy" instead of the loaded word "Truth".

p042c1-b11/ p039 

• आर्य [ &asharp;rya ]
- a. (â or î) belonging to the faithful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m. Âryan (Vedic Indian); man of the first three castes; man of worth: voc. sir, friend; â, f.; Âryâ verse; a metre; -ka, m. man of worth; N. of a king; -guna, m. noble quality; -grihya, a. siding with the noble; -ketas, a. noble-minded; -gana, m. Âryans, honourable people; -gushta, pp. approved by the honourable; -tâ, f., -tva, n. honourableness; -dâsî, f. N.; -duhitri, f. daughter of a noble (honorific mode of addressing a female friend); -desa, m. district inhabited by Âryans; -desya, a. coming from an Âryan district; -putra, m. son of an Âryan, honorific designation of (1) son of person addressed; (2) husband; (3) sovereign; -prâya, a. inhabited chiefly by Âryans; -buddhi, a. noble-minded; -bhata, m. N. of two astronomers: î-ya, n. work composed by Âryabhata.
 आर्य   aNrya (â or î) belonging to the faithful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m. Âryan (Vedic Indian); man of the first three castes; man of worth: voc. sir, friend; â, f.; Âryâ verse; a metre; -ka, m. man of worth; N. of a king; -guna, m. noble quality; -grihya, a. siding with the noble; -ketas, a. noble-minded; -gana, m. Âryans, honourable people; -gushta, pp. approved by the honourable; -tâ, f., -tva, n. honourableness; -dâsî, f. N.; -duhitri, f. daughter of a noble (honorific mode of addressing a female friend); -desa, m. district inhabited by Âryans; -desya, a. coming from an Âryan district; -putra, m. son of an Âryan, honorific designation of (1) son of person addressed; (2) husband; (3) sovereign; -prâya, a. inhabited chiefly by Âryans; -buddhi, a. noble-minded; -bhata, m. N. of two astronomers: î-ya, n. work composed by Âryabhata.

"Aryabhata आर्यभट «āryabhaṭa» or Aryabhata I [2] [3](476–550 CE) [4] [5] was the first of the major mathematician-astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. His works include the Āryabhaṭīya (499 CE, when he was 23 years old) [6] and the Arya-siddhanta.


p042c1-b12/ p039 

• आर्यमिश्र [ ârya-misra ]
- a. venerable, &c. &c. (as an honorific designation).
आर्यमिश्र   ârya-misra venerable, &c. &c. (as an honorific designation).



• [âryamna ]
- n. N. of a lunar mansion

UKT 131201: Search for Uttaraphalguni Aryamna .
Aryaman अर्यमन् pronounced as "aryaman" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryaman 131201 


p042c1-b14/ p039

• आर्यराज [ ârya-râga ]
- m. N. of a king; -rûpa, a. having the air of respectability; -liṅgin, a. bearing the marks of respectability; -varman, m. N. of a king; -vâk, a. speaking an Aryan tongue; -vidagdha-misra, a. honourable, learned, &c. &c. (honorific designation); -vritta, n. honourable behaviour; a. behaving honourably; -vesha, a. respectably dressed; -vrata, a. behaving like an Aryan; -sîla, a. of honourable character; -samaya, m. ordinance of honourable men; -suta, m. = ârya putra (husband); -strî, f. woman of the upper castes.
आर्यराज   ârya-râga -rûpa, a. having the air of respectability; -liṅgin, a. bearing the marks of respectability; -varman, m. N. of a king; -vâk, a. speaking an Aryan tongue; -vidagdha-misra, a. honourable, learned, &c. &c. (honorific designation); -vritta, n. honourable behaviour; a. behaving honourably; -vesha, a. respectably dressed; -vrata, a. behaving like an Aryan; -sîla, a. of honourable character; -samaya, m. ordinance of honourable men; -suta, m.=âryaputra (husband); -strî, f. woman of the upper castes.


p042c1-b15/ p039 

• आर्यागम [ âryâ‿âgama ]
- m. intercourse with a woman of the upper castes.
 आर्यागम   âryâ̮âgama intercourse with a woman of the upper castes.



• [âryâ-gîti ]
- f. species of Aryâ metre


p042c1-b17/ not online

• आर्याणक [âryânaka ] aaryaanaka
- N. of a country

UKT 161110: आर्याणक is my transliteration - need to check


p042c1-b18/ p039 

• आर्याधिष्ठित [ ârya‿adhishthita ]
- pp. controlled by men of the higher castes.
  आर्याधिष्ठित   ârya̮adhishthita controlled by men of the higher castes. 


p042c1-b19/ p039 

• आर्यावर्त [ ârya‿âvarta ]
- m. land of the Âryans (between Himâlaya and Vindhya Range): pl. its inhabitants.
 आर्यावर्त   ârya̮âvarta land of the Âryans (between Himâlaya and Vindhya): pl. its inhabitants.

UKT161110: The so-called "Land of the Aryans" is a large track of land where many battles have been fought. It is suitable for chariot war-fare in which the most prominent weapon is the bow and arrow. To the east, where Myanmarpré is, is covered by thick forest, where battles are fought mainly by elephantry in which the prominent weapon is the throwing-spear. There are two reasons why the Indian armies, with ancient heroes like Arjuna, and warrior-kings like Asoka, could not come into Myanmarpré, because war-chariots and horses could not be carried across the high mountains separating India and Myanmarpré. It is also the reason why we do not find Asoka's inscriptions in Myanmarpré.


Contents of this page


p042c1-b20/not online

• आर्ष [ ârsha ]
- a. (î) referring to or derived from the Rishis, antique, archaic; added to a Rishi's name (suffix); m. marriage ordained by Rishis; n. hymns of the Rishis; holy lineage; Rishi authorship of a hymn.

UKT 150507: Arsha Vivaah आर्ष विवाह : In this type of marriage, the family of the groom pays kanya-shulkam or bride-price to the parents of the bride. According to certain texts, the prescribed bride-price is a cow with a calf and a pair of bulls. The sacred texts provide various lists of specific communities where this custom prevailed and imply that it is unfitting in general society. However, several instances are found in the puranas of marriage between a man from mainstream communities and a woman from one of the bride-price seeking communities (Pandu-Madri; Dasharatha-Kaikeyi, etc.). In nearly all cases, the man willingly pays the bride-price and brings his bride home.
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivaah 150507


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p042c2-b00/ p039 

• आर्षभ [ &asharp;rshabha ]
- a. belonging to --, of a bull.
 आर्ष   ârsha (î) referring to or derived from the Rishis, antique, archaic; added to a Rishi's name (suffix); m. marriage ordained by Rishis; n. hymns of the Rishis; holy lineage; Rishi authorship of a hymn.



• [ârsheyá ]
= a. n. = ârsha ; -brâhmana , n. N. of a Brâhmana


p042c2-b02/ p039 

• आर्षोढा [ ârsha‿ûdhâ ]
- f. woman wedded after the manner of the Rishis.
आर्षोढा   ârsha̮ûdhâ woman wedded after the manner of the Rishis.


p042c2-b03/ p039 

• आर्ष्टिषेण [ ârshtishená ]
- m. descendant of Rishtishena.
 आर्ष्टिषेण   ârshtishená descendant of Rishtishena. 

UKT 150507: "5. The Bishi Devapi, the son of Rishtishena, knowing how to propitiate the gods, has sat down to his functions as Hotri. He has brought down from the upper to the lower ocean the rain waters of heaven." - from Rig-Veda Sanhita: A Collection of Ancient Hindu ..., by H. H. Wilson, 1866, p282-3 - "
http://www.forgottenbooks.com/readbook_text/Rig-Veda_Sanhita_1000022464/289 150508
See downloaded in PDF SD-Library - HHWilson-RigVeda-5thAsh<Ô> 161110
Note161110: I can't find the exact passage in downloaded PDF: I'll have to go all the 314 pages.

( end of old p042-1.htm)

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p042c2-b04/ not online

• • आल «āla» [âla ]
- m. N. of a monkey

p042c2-b05/ p039 

• आलक्ष्य [ â-lakshya ]
- fp. visible; to look at; scarcely perceptible.
 आलक्ष्य   â-lakshya visible; to look at; scarcely perceptible.


p042c2-b06/ p039 

• आलंकारिक [ âlamkârika ]
- m. rhetorician.
 आलंकारिक   âlamkârika rhetorician.

UKT 131202: Alankarika is one of the rhetorician mentioned by H. H. Wilson in his 3rd ed. of Kalidas Megha-Duta (Cloud Messenger), 1867: - HHWilson-KalidasaMeghaDuta<Ô> (link chk 161111)
   "At the end of the volume is a list of authors, or works, from which confirmative or illustrative quotations have been cited by one or other of the commentators. They are here given alphabetically in akshara order : -
Aja-vilāpa , Alaṅkāra-sarvaswa , Amara , Amara-mālā , Amaru , Āgama , Ālaṅkarikā , Uttaraka-tantra , Udayana, ... "

From: http://dhavalias.blogspot.ca/2010/08/sanskrit-alankara-upama-alankara.html 131202
"The characteristic of the Upama alankaara is as follows:
उद्भूता  भाति  साम्यश्रीरुभयोर्यत्र  सोपमा|
(When the beauty of equality between the thing equated and the thing equated to pleases the hearts of connoisseurs, it is known as "Upamaa", उपमा)
this is the definition of Kuvalayaananda."


p042c2-b07/ p039 

• आलपन [ â-lap-ana ]
- n. chat, conversation; -ita, n. (pp.) discourse, talk; -itavya, fp. to be addressed.
आलपन   â-lap-ana chat, conversation; -ita, n. (pp.) discourse, talk; -itavya, fp. to be addressed.


p042c2-b08/ p039 

• आलम्ब [ â-lamb-a ]
- a. hanging down; m. hold, support; -ana, n. holding fast to; supporting (--°); hold, support; foundation; -in, a. hanging down; attached to, resting on, reaching down to, dependent on, supporting (--°).
आलम्ब   â-lamb-a hanging down; m. hold, support; -ana, n. holding fast to; supporting (--°); hold, support; foundation; -in, a. hanging down; attached to, resting on, reaching down to, dependent on, supporting (--°).


p042c2-b09/ p039 

• आलम्भ [ â-lambh-á ]
- m. laying hold of, contact; plucking; killing; -ana, n. id.; -in, a. touching (--°).
 आलम्भ   â-lambh-á laying hold of, contact; plucking; killing; -ana, n. id.; -in, a. touching (--°).


p042c2-b10/ p039 

• आलय [ â-laya ]
- m. (n.) dwelling, house; seat.
 आलय   â-laya dwelling, house; seat.


p042c2-b11/ p039 

• आलर्क [ âlarka ]
- a. belonging to a mad dog.
 आलर्क   âlarka belonging to a mad dog.


p042c2-b12/ p039 

• आलवाल [ âla-vâla ]
- n. watering trench (round the root of a tree).
आलवाल   âla-vâla watering trench (round the root of a tree).


p042c2-b13/ p039 

• आलस्य [ âlas-ya ]
- n. idleness, sloth, indolence: -nibandhana, a. due to indolence; -vakana, n. argument of sloth.
  आलस्य   âlas-ya idleness, sloth, indolence: -nibandhana, a. due to indolence; -vakana, n. argument of sloth.

sloth - n. ¹. Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence. ². Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae of South and Central America, having long hooklike claws by which they hang upside down from tree branches and feeding on leaves, buds, and fruits, especially: a. A member of the genus Bradypus, having three long-clawed toes on each forefoot. ... - AHTD


p042c2-b14/ p039 

• आलान [ âlâna ]
- n. post or rope for tying an elephant; i-ka, a. serving for a post or rope.
आलान   âlâna post or rope for tying an elephant; i-ka, a. serving for a post or rope.


p042c2-b15/ p039

• आलाप [ â-lâp-á ]
- m. talk, conversation; song (of birds): -vat, a. addressing.
 आलाप   â-lâp-á talk, conversation; song (of birds): -vat, a. addressing.


p042c2-b16/ p039 

• आलि âli, आली [ âlî ]
- f. ¹. female friend; ². streak, line, row; swarm.
 आलि   âlî 1. female friend; 2. streak, line, row; swarm.

p042c2-b17/ p039 

• आलिङ्गन alingana [ â-liṅg-ana ]
Skt: आलिङ्गन [ â-liṅg-ana ]- n. embrace. -- Mac042c2
Skt: आलिङ्गन «āliṅgana» - n. embrace -- SpkSkt
आलिङ्गन   â-liṅg-ana embrace.

UKT 131202: Note the vertical conjunct form in original Macdonell presentation. In Skt-Myan, it will be shown as {kín:si:}. The modern form of Skt-Dev is to use the {a.þût} instead of vertical conjuncts.


p042c2-b18/ not online

• आलिङ्गन alingana [ â-liṅg-ana ]
Skt: आलिङ्गन [ â-liṅg-ana ]- n. embrace. -- Mac042c2
Skt: आलिङ्गन «āliṅgana» - n. embrace -- SpkSkt

UKT 131202: Note the vertical conjunct form in Macdonell. In Skt-Myan, it will be shown as {kín:si:}. The modern form of Skt-Dev is to use the {a.þût} instead of vertical conjuncts.


p042c2-b19/ p039 

• आलीढ [ â-lîdha ]
- pp. √lih; n. kind of attitude in drawing a bow: -visesha-sobhin, a. specially conspicuous owing to this attitude.
 आलीढ   â-lîdha √lih; n. kind of attitude in drawing a bow: -visesha-sobhin, a. specially conspicuous owing to this attitude.


p042c2-b20/ p039 

• आलु âlu, आलू [ âlû ]
- f. pitcher; n. (ŭ) raft.
आलु   âlû pitcher; n. (ŭ) raft. 


p042c2-b21/ p039 

• आलुञ्चन [ â-luñkana ]
- n. tearing in pieces.
 आलुञ्चन   â-luñkana tearing in pieces.

p042c2-b22/ p039

• आलेखन [ â-lekhana ]
- n. scratching, scraping.
 आलेखन   â-lekhana scratching, scraping.


p042c2-b23/ p039 

• आलेख्य [ â-lekhya ]
- n. painting; picture; -purusha, m. human phantom; -sesha, a. remaining in a picture only = deceased; -samarpita, pp. painted.
 आलेख्य   â-lekhya painting; picture; -purusha, m. human phantom; -sesha, a. remaining in a picture only=deceased; -samarpita, pp. painted.



• [âlepa ]
- m., -na , a. smearing; ointment


p042c2-b25/ p039 

• आलोक [ â-loka ]
- m. seeing, looking, sight; light, lustre; glimmer, trace of (g.); praise, panegyric; -na, a. beholding, looking at; n. look; sight: -tâ, f. looking at, contemplation; -nîya, fp. that may be gazed at: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.; -patha, m. horizon; -mârga, m. id.
आलोक   â-loka seeing, looking, sight; light, lustre; glimmer, trace of (g.); praise, panegyric; -na, a. beholding, looking at; n. look; sight: -tâ, f. looking at, contemplation; -nîya, fp. that may be gazed at: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -patha, m. horizon; -mârga, m. id.  

pan·e·gyr·ic - n. ¹. A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment. ². Elaborate praise or laudation; an encomium. -- AHTD


p042c2-b26/ p039 

• आलोकिन् [ âlok-in ]
- a. looking at, contemplating (--°).
आलोकिन्   âlok-in looking at, contemplating (--°).


p042c2-b27/ p039 

• आलोचन [ â-lok-ana ]
- n., â, f. seeing; consideration; -anîya, -ya, fp. to be considered.
 आलोचन   â-lok-ana seeing; consideration; -anîya, -ya, fp. to be considered.


p042c2-b28/ p039 

• आलोल [ â-lol-a ]
- a. gently waving, slightly rolling; -ikâ, f. lullaby.
 आलोल   â-lol-a gently waving, slightly rolling; -ikâ, f. lullaby.


p042c2-b29/ p039 

• आलोहित [ â-lohita ]
- a. reddish; î-kri, redden, dye red.
 आलोहित   â-lohita reddish; î-kri, redden, dye red.

( end of p042-2.htm)

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p042c2-b30/ p039 

• आव [ âvá ]
- prn. stem of 1st pers. dual.
 आव   âvá 1st pers. dual.


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p042c3-b00/ p039 

• आवत् [ â-vát ]
- f. nearness.
 आवत्   â-vát nearness. 


p042c3-b01/ p039 

• आवत्सरान्तम् [ â-vatsara‿antam ]
- ad. till the end of the year.
 आवत्सरान्तम्   â-vatsara̮antam till the end of the year.


p042c3-b02/ p039 

• आवन्तिक [ âvantika ]
- a. relating to Avanti: â, f. N.
आवन्तिक   âvantika relating to Avanti: â, f. N.


p042c3-b03/ p039 

• आवन्त्य [ âvantya ]
- m. king or inhabitant of Avanti.
 आवन्त्य   âvantya king or inhabitant of Avanti. 

UKT 150508: Avanti अवन्ति (= अ व न ् त ि) - an ancient Indian janapada (realm),


p042c3-b04/ p039 

• आवपन [ â-vápana ]
- n., î, f. strewing, laying on; vessel.
 आवपन   â-vápana strewing, laying on; vessel.


p042c3-b05/ p039

• आवय [ âvayá ]
- n. conception.
 आवय   âvayá conception. 


p042c3-b06/ not online

• अवयাज् [ãvayâg ]
Skt: [ãvayâg ] - m. (nm. yâs ) kind of priest - Mac042c3
Skt: अवजयते { अवयज् } «avajayate» - v. offer a sacrifice, get rid of or remove by means of a sacrifice - SpkSkt

UKT: The Avayaj is probably not well known. However, H.H. Wilson, E.B. Cowell in Rgvedashita, 1854, mention that he may be Pratiprasthdtri. See the downloaded pdf copy in TIL library.
See my note on Vedic (Hindu) priests


p042c3-b07/ p039 

• आवर् [ &asharp;-var ]
- aor. 2 & 3 sg. of √vri, cover.
 आवर्   aN-var 2 & 3 sg. of √vri, cover.


p042c3-b08/ p039 

• आवरक [ â-var-aka ]
- a. covering, concealing, veiling; m. protector; -ana, a. covering; n. envelopment; cover, garment; obstruction, interruption; protection, shield; bolt, lock.
आवरक   â-var-aka covering, concealing, veiling; m. protector; -ana, a. covering; n. envelopment; cover, garment; obstruction, interruption; protection, shield; bolt, lock.



• [â-varîvar ]
- 3 s. impf. intv of â-vrit


p042c3-b10/ p039 

• आवर्जन [ â-vargana ]
- n. conciliating, winning.
 आवर्जन   â-vargana conciliating, winning.


p042c3-b11/ p039 

• आवर्त [ â-vart-á ]
- m. turn; whirlpool; lock, twist of hair; -aka, m. kind of mythical clouds; -ana, a. turning round; n. return; -in, a. returning.
आवर्त   â-vart-á turn; whirlpool; lock, twist of hair; -aka, m. kind of mythical clouds; -ana, a. turning round; n. return; -in, a. returning.


p042c3-b12/ p039 

• आवलि âvali, ˚ली [ -lî ]
- f. streak, line, row.
 आवलि   -lî streak, line, row.


p042c3-b13/ p039 

• आवश्यक [ âvasya-ka ]
- a. (î) necessary, inevitable; n. inevitableness; easing nature: -tâ, f. necessity, inevitableness.
 आवश्यक   âvasya-ka (î) necessary, inevitable; n. inevitableness; easing nature: -tâ, f. necessity, inevitableness.



• [â-vas]
- 3 sg. aor. of √vas, shine


p042c3-b15/ p039 

• आवसति [ â-vas-atí ]
- f. night's lodging; quarters; -athá, m. id.; abode; -ath-ya, m. sacred domestic fire.
 आवसति   â-vas-atí night's lodging; quarters; -athá, m. id.; abode; -ath-ya, m. sacred domestic fire.


p042c3-b16/ p039 

• आवह [ â-vaha ]
- a. bringing, effecting (--°).
 आवह   â-vaha bringing, effecting (--°).


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p042c3-b17/ p039 

• आवाप [ â-vâp-a ]
- m. strewing, sowing; insertion; mingling; hand-guard; diplomacy; *-aka, n. kind of hand ornament.
आवाप   â-vâp-a strewing, sowing; insertion; mingling; hand-guard; diplomacy; *-aka, n. kind of hand ornament.

UKT 161115: One of the meanings given for आवाप [ â-vâp-a ] is "hand-guard" or hand-guards, and breast-guards used by modern women archers. Stories of woman-archers are to be found in Greek mythology based on fact confirmed by archaeology. See Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazons 161115
"Among Classical Greeks, amazon was given a folk etymology as originating from a- (ἀ-) and mazos (μαζός), "without breast", connected with an etiological tradition once claimed by Marcus Justinus who alleged that Amazons had their right breast cut off or burnt out. [14]

p042c3-b18/ p039 

• आवार [ â-vâra ]
- m. guard, protection.
 आवार   â-vâra guard, protection.


p042c3-b19/ p039 

• आवारिधि [ â-vâridhi ]
- ad. up to the sea.
आवारिधि   â-vâridhi up to the sea. 


p042c3-b20/ p039 

• आवास [ â-vâs-a ]
- m. abode; -in, a. dwelling (--°).
 आवास   â-vâs-a abode; -in, a. dwelling (--°).


p042c3-b21/ p039 

• आवाहन [ â-vâhana ]
- n. invitation.
 आवाहन   â-vâhana invitation.


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p042c3-b22/ p039 

• आवि âvi, आवी [ âv&isharp; ]
- f. pain: pl. throes (--°, a., f. î).
 आवि   âvî pain: pl. throes (--°, a., f. î).


p042c3-b23/ p039 

• आविक [ &asharp;vi-ka ]
- a. coming from a sheep, woollen; n. sheep-skin; woollen cloth: -sautrika, a. consisting of woollen threads.
 आविक   aNvi-ka coming from a sheep, woollen; n. sheep-skin; woollen cloth: -sautrika, a. consisting of woollen threads.


p042c3-b24/ not online

• आविद् [ â-víd ]
- f. fore-knowledge.
आविद्   â-víd fore-knowledge.


p042c3-b25/ p039 

• आविद्वस् [ â-vid-vás ]
- pf. pt. knowing.
आविद्वस्   â-vid-vás knowing. 



p042c3-b26/ p039 

• आविर्भाव [ âvir-bhâva ]
= आ व ि र ् भ ा व
- m., °र्भूति  -bhûti, f. manifestation.
 आविर्भाव   âvir-bhâva manifestation.


• आविर्भूत «āvirbhūta»
- adj. become apparent, manifest, visible -- SpkSkt


p042c3-b27/ not online

• आविल [ âvila ]
- a. turbid, dim; tainted by, filled with (--°).


p042c3-b28/ p039 

• आविलय [ âvila-ya ]
- den. P. make turbid; sully.
 आविलय   âvila-ya P. make turbid; sully. 


p042c3-b29/ p039 

• आविष्करण [ âvish-karana ]
- n., °-kâra, m. manifestation, display.
 आविष्करण   âvish-karana manifestation, display.


p042c3-b30/ p039 

• आविष्ट [ â-vishta ]
- pp. (√vis) entered; affected by, filled with (--°).
 आविष्ट   â-vishta (√vis) entered; affected by, filled with (--°). 


p042c3-b31/ p039 

• आविस् [ â-vís ]
- ad. visible, manifest: with √as and √bhû, become manifest, appear; with √kri and cs. of √bhû, make manifest, show.
 आविस्   â-vís visible, manifest: with √as and √bhû, become manifest, appear; with √kri and cs. of √bhû, make manifest, show.


p042c3-b32/ not online

• आवी [âvî ]
- vâvi and âvyã ; -sûtra , n. wollen thread


p042c3-b33/ p039

• आवृत् [ â-vrít ] f. turning towards or in; direction; series of rites; ceremony; manner.
आवृत्   â-vt turning towards or in; direction; series of rites; ceremony; manner.

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UKT notes

Ardra Nakshatra

- UKT 131203 : Astrological terms are not usually given in Skt-Dev on the internet, and I am finding it difficult to comparing them to Bur-Myan terms.

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardra_nakshatra 131203

Ardra {a.dra.} is the name of a nakshatra in Hindu astrology, the 4th or 6th depending on numbering scheme used. The Sanskrit name ãrdrã  translates to "the moist one". It is associated with the star Betelgeuse (α Ori). The Ardra nakshatra extends from 06 degrees 40 minutes to 20 degrees 00 minutes of Mithun (Gemini).

The Hindu myth associated to Ardra is that of Taraka. Taraka is an asura who is granted invulnerability by Brahma. [1]

The presiding deity is Rudra, its symbol is a teardrop, the ruling planet is Rahu. In Tamil and Malayalam Ardra is referred to as Thiruvathirai and Thiruvathira respectively.

Ardra : - It lies completely in Gemini and the ruling planet is ‘Rahu’, hence it is a Mercury+Rahu combination. It can be considered as the combination of intellectual feeling with passionate thinking. The deity is ‘Rudra’, the God of destruction and it renders this quality in the native. ‘Ardra’ means moist or wet. It is symbolized as a teardrop. As Rahu is the ruling planet the darker side of keen desire of materialism, causing troubles for others. Thunder power can make a person violent by nature. Native of ‘Ardra’ can be complaining and ungrateful. The animal symbol is female dog (bitch) again confirming violence. This is a ‘teekshna Sangyak’ Nakshatra, leading to destructive acts.

Go back Ardra-note-b

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Hindu (Vedic) priests

- UKT 131204, 140813, 161114

Hindu priests are those who have mastered the Sanskrit speech, and, for one like me to have at least some fundamental knowledge of both spoken and written Sanskrit, there is no way out but to study the poetic meters. Only then, would I be able to guess how the ancient linguists like Panini have put the grammatically simple language like Magadhi (I presume it to be like the Bur-Myan - both being Tib-Bur languages) into Sanskrit (a typical Indo-European - IE). I must now make the basic assumption that Vedic speech is Old Magadhi - which has become extinct, except for a remnant like Pal-Myan still found extensively in the Pal speech of Bur-Myan Theravada Buddhist monks.

Vedic speech (spoken language) and Sanskrit speech (spoken language) are quite different as can be seen from the poetic meters. Gayatri meter, an example of Vedic meter is different from other Sanskrit meters. For one who would like to have some basic and scientific knowledge of Sanskrit speech derived from Vedic speech, one must know about poetic meters. I have found an excellent source in The science of Sanskrit Meter or Chanda Shastra from
- www.jupiter2saturn.com 161114

From: The science of Sanskrit Meter or Chanda Shastra.
- www.jupiter2saturn.com 161114
(lecture series in video)

"Sanskrit prosody or Chandas refer to one of the six Vedangas, or limbs of Vedic studies. It is the study of poetic meters and verse in Sanskrit. [1] This field of study was central to the composition of the Vedas, the scriptural canons of Hinduism, so central that some later Hindu and Buddhist texts refer to the Vedas as Chandas.

"The Chandas, as developed by the Vedic schools, were notable for including both linear and non-linear systems. The system was organized around seven major meters, state Annette Wilke and Oliver Moebus, called the "seven birds" or "seven mouths of Brihaspati", and each had its own rhythm, movements, and aesthetics wherein a non-linear structure (aperiodicity) was mapped into a four verse polymorphic linear sequence. The structure of meters in Sanskrit prosody include those based on fixed number of syllables per verse, and those based on fixed number of morae per verse.

"The Gayatri meter was structured with 3 verses of 8 syllables (6x4),
the Usnih with 2 verses of 8 and 1 of 12 syllables (7x4),
the Anustubh with 4 verses of 8 syllables (8x4),
Brihati with 2 verses of 8 followed by 1 each of 12 and 8 syllables (9x4),
the Pankti with 5 verses of 8 syllables (10x4),
the Tristubh with 4 verses of 11 syllables (11x4), and
the Jagati meter with 4 verses of 12 syllables each (12x4).
In Vedic culture, the Chandas were revered for their perfection and resonance, with Gayatri meter treated as the most refined and sacred, and one that continues to be part of modern Hindu culture as part of Yoga and hymns of meditation at sunrise.

"Extant ancient manuscript on Chandas include Pingala's Chandah Sutra, while an example of Middle Ages Sanskrit prosody manuscript is Kedara Bhatta's Vrittaratnakara. The most exhaustive compilations of Sanskrit prosody contain over 600 metres. "

Myanmar-Buddhism (as generally practiced by the majority of all indigenous natives) have no priests nor priestesses. What we find in Myanmarpré are monks and nuns. Female monks are not allowed and nuns are laywomen dressed in special robes observing a higher code of conduct: the Ten Precepts. This is all because Buddhism does not require the presence of a Supreme Being (YHWH, God, or Allah) in its doctrines. In all other religions priests and priestesses are intermediaries between the Supreme Being and humans: the possible exception being Islam.

Yet, because of my notion that Yagur-veda is somehow related to the Theravada Myanmar Buddhist tradition of reciting the Paritta, I have to look into Hindu priest who conduct Hindu rituals.

We must note that the ancient Vedas and the modern day versions are different if we take into account the number of hymns dedicated to each deity in Rig Veda. Since there are more hymns directed to Indra, Agni and Soma than to the modern Hindu Trinity, the Mahabrahma, Vishnu and Siva, we can say that the Hindu Trinity is a a later addition. You will see below that as the ritual changes, the roles of the priests also changes. 

You must also note that Vedas are quite different from Vedangas which are described as the limbs of the Vedas. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedanga 140813. Astrology is one of the six Vedanga and is different from the four Vedas. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas 140813

Excerpt from Wikipedia on Vedic Priesthood:
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adhvaryu 140813

Priests of the Vedic religion are officiants of the yajna service. As persons trained for the ritual and proficient in its practice, they were called ṛtvij ("regularly-sacrificing"). As members of a social class, they were generically known as vipra ("sage") or kavi ("seer") {ka.wi.}. [UKT ¶]

Specialization of roles attended the elaboration and development of the ritual corpus over time. Eventually a full complement of sixteen ṛtvijas became the custom for major ceremonies. The sixteen consisted of four chief priests and their assistants.

Chief Priests

The older references uniformly indicate the hotṛ as the presiding priest, with perhaps only the adhvaryu as his assistant in the earliest times. The phrase "seven hotars" is found more than once in the Rgveda. RV 2.1.2 enumerates them as the hotṛ, potṛ, neṣṭṛ, agnīdh, prashāstṛ (meaning the maitrāvaruna), adhvaryu and brahman (meaning the brāhmanācchamsin).

• The hotṛ was the reciter of invocations and litanies. These could consist of single verses ( ṛca), strophes (triples called tṛca or pairs called pragātha), or entire hymns (sukta), drawn from the ṛgveda . As each phase of the ritual required an invocation, the hotṛ had a leading or presiding role.

• The adhvaryu was in charge of the physical details of the sacrifice (in particular the adhvara, a term for the Somayajna). According to Monier-Williams, the adhvaryu "had to measure the ground, to build the altar, to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and immolate it," among other duties. Each action was accompanied by supplicative or benedictive formulas (yajus), drawn from the yajurveda. [UKT ¶]

UKT 140814: In Rgvedashita, by H.H.Wilson, E.B.Cowell, 1854, p. 077, pdf 112/385, we read:
"3. The two b (priests, the Hotṛi and Adhwaryu), equal honour, and alike assiduous, labouring mutually for a common object, ..." shows that the two were of equal importance in the beginning.
--- b. Or the two, in both this and the next verse, may refer to the husband and wife associated in the performance of the sacrifice.

Over time, the role of the adhvaryu grew in importance, and many verses of the ṛgveda  were incorporated, either intact or adapted, into the texts of the yajurveda.

• The udgātṛ was a chanter of hymns set to melodies (sāman) drawn from the sāmaveda. This was a specialized role in the major soma sacrifices: a characteristic function of the udgātṛ  was to sing hymns in praise of the invigorating properties of soma pavamāna, the freshly pressed juice of the soma plant.

• The brahman was superintendent of the entire performance, and responsible for correcting mistakes by means of supplementary invocations.

The Rgvedic Brahmanas, Aitareya and Kausitaki, specify seven hotrakas to recite shastras (litanies): hotṛ, brāhmanācchamsin, maitrāvaruna, potṛ, neṣṭṛ, agnīdh and acchāvāka. They also carry a legend to explain the origin of the offices of the subrahmanya and the grāvastut.

UKT more in the Wikipedia article.

Go back Hindu-priests-note-b

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