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Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

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{ni:.} - noting the fact that Visarga {wic~sa.} विसर्गः is used differently in Skt-Dev (also in Mon-Myan} from Bur-Myan,
   this phoneme may have only half-blink duration.

UKT notes :

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p144c3-b14/ p088

• निषेद्धव्य [ ni-shed-dhavya ]
-- fp. to be restrained or prevented; -sheddhrí, m. restrainer, preventer; -shedha, m. keeping off, prevention; prohibition; negation: -ka, a. prohibiting; -shedhin, a. repelling = surpassing (--°); -shedhya, fp. to be prevented or prohibited; -sheva, a. practising (--°); m. adoration: â, f. practice, addiction to; enjoyment; adoration; -shevaka, a. (--°) frequenting; practising; enjoying; -shevana, n. visiting; practice; employment of, addiction to (g., --°); -shev- (end p144c3) (p145c1-top) -itavya, fp. to be practised or observed; -employed; -enjoyed; -shevin, a. devoting oneself to, practising; enjoying, having sexual intercourse with; -shevya, fp. to be visited; -enjoyed; venerable.
निषेद्धव्य  ni-shed-dhavya to be restrained or prevented; -sheddhrí, m. restrainer, preventer;


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p145c1-b01/ p088

• निष्क [ nishká ]
-- m. (n. rare) gold (silver) neck or breast ornament: used as a weight (varying with the period); a coin (of variable value): -kantha, a. (î) wearing a gold necklace.
 निष्क   nishká gold (silver) neck or breast ornament: used as a weight (varying with the period);


p145c1-b02/ p088

• निष्कण्टक [ nish-kantaka ]
-- a. free from thorns or enemies; -kampa, a. not trembling, im movable, motionless; unmoved, steadfast: -tâ, f. firmness; -karuna, a. pitiless, cruel; -karman, a. inactive, idle; -karsha, m. drawing out, extraction; essence, substance, main point: ab. chiefly, mainly; -karsha na, n. drawing out, extraction; putting off; -kala, a. lacking parts, undivided; frail; m. decrepit old man; -kalaṅka, a. spotless, undefiled; -kalmasha, a. sinless, spotless: î bhû, become spotless or sinless.
निष्कण्टक   nish-kantaka free from thorns or enemies;


p145c1-b03/ p088

• निष्कान्त niskanta [ nish-kânta ]
-- a. uncomely, ugly; (nísh)-kâma, a. free from desires; disinterested (act); -kâmuka, a. free from worldly desires; -kârana, a. having no cause or motive; disinterested: °--, -m, ab. without cause, from disinterested motives; -kâshá, m. scrapings of a pan.
निष्कान्त   nish-kânta uncomely, ugly;


p145c1-b04/ p088

• निष्किंचन niskincana [ nish-kimkana ]
-- a. having nothing, penniless: -tva, n. poverty; -kilvisha, a. free from sin.
निष्किंचन   nish-kimkana having nothing, penniless:


p145c1-b05/ p088

• निष्कुट niskuta [ nish-kuta ]
-- m. n. grove; -kutûhala, a. free from curiosity; -kula, a. having no family, whose family is extinct, alone in the world: -tâ, f. extirpation; -kulîna, a. of ignoble family.
 निष्कुट   nish-kuta grove;

ex·tir·pate v. tr. ex·tir·pat·ed ex·tir·pat·ing ex·tir·pates 1. To pull up by the roots. 2. To destroy totally; exterminate. See note at abolish. 3. To remove by surgery. [Latin exstirpāre exstirpāt- ex- ex- stirps root] -- AHTD


p145c1-b06/ p088

• निष्कृत niskrta [ nish-kritá ]
-- (pp.) n. expiation; appointed place, rendezvous; (nísh)-kriti, f. restoration, restitution, compensation; expiation; -kripa, a. pitiless.
 निष्कृत   nish-kritá expiation; appointed place, rendezvous;

ex·pi·ate v. ex·pi·at·ed ex·pi·at·ing ex·pi·ates v. tr. 1. To make amends or reparation for; atone: expiate one's sins by acts of penance. v. intr. 1. To make amends; atone. [Latin expiāre expiāt- ex- intensive pref.; See ex- pi āre to atone ( from pius devout) ] -- AHTD


p145c1-b07/ p088

• निष्केवल्य niskevalya [ nísh-kevalya ]
-- a. belonging to some one exclusively: with sastra, n., or uktha, n. midday recitation meant for Indra alone; -kaitava, a. free from fraud, honest (person); -kaivalya, a. mere, simple.
  निष्केवल्य   nísh-kevalya belonging to some one exclusively:


p145c1-b08/ p088

• निष्कोश niskosa [ nish-kosa ]
-- a. withdrawn from the scabbard; -koshana-ka, a. fit for picking the teeth (g.).
निष्कोश   nish-kosa withdrawn from the scabbard;


p145c1-b09/ p088

• निष्क्रम niskrama [ nish-krama ]
-- m. going out; first walk out with a child in the fourth month after birth; -kramana, n. id.; leaving (ab.); disappearing; -kráya, m. redemption; compensation; reward, payment: -kráyana, n. redemption; ransom; expiation.
निष्क्रम   nish-krama going out; first walk out with a child in the fourth month after birth;


p145c1-b10/ p088

• निष्क्रिय niskriya [ nish-kriya ]
-- a. inactive, idle; neglecting one's religious duties: -‿âtman, a. lazy, -‿âtmatâ, f. laziness; habitual neglect of religious duties.
निष्क्रिय   nish-kriya inactive, idle;


p145c1-b11/ p088

• निष्क्रोध niskrodha [ nish-krodha ]
-- a. not angry with (g.); -klesa-lesa, a. free from the smallest of cares, perfectly happy.
निष्क्रोध   nish-krodha not angry with (g.);


p145c1-b12/ p088

• निष्ठ nistha [ ni-shtha ]
-- a. (--°) being or situated on; based or dependent on; relating to; devoted to, intent on; °--, dependent (people, loka, m. pl.=dependants); with d. leading to, producing; â, f. basis, state; intentness; perfection, completion; summit, limit; end, catastrophe, death; perfect knowledge, certainty, complete familiarity with (lc.); decision, regarding (g.); the terminations -ta and -ta-vat of the past participle, one of these past participles (gr.): -sûnya, a. irresolute (mind). ( end p145c1 )
 निष्ठ   ni-shtha (--°) being or situated on; based or dependent on;

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p145c2-b00/ p088

• निष्ठीवन nisthivana [ ni-shthîv-ana ]
-- n. spitting; spittle: -sarâva, m. spittoon.
   निष्ठीवन   ni-shthîv-ana spitting; spittle: -sarâva, m. spittoon.


p145c2-b01/ p088

• निष्ठुर nisthura [ ni-shth-ura ]
-- a. [√sthâ] harsh, coarse; contumelious, rude: -tâ, f., -tva, n. harshness; coarseness.
निष्ठुर   ni-shth-ura [√sthâ] harsh, coarse; contumelious, rude:

con·tu·me·ly  n. pl. con·tu·me·lies 1. Rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence. 2. An insolent or arrogant remark or act. [Middle English contumelie from Old French from Latin contumēlia contumāxinsolent] -- AHTD

p145c2-b02/ p088

• निष्ठ्यूत nisthyuta [ ni-shthyûta ]
-- pp. √shthiv; n. ejected spittle.
 निष्ठ्यूत   ni-shthyûta √shthiv; n. ejected spittle.


p145c2-b03/ p088

• निष्णात nisnata [ ni-shnâ-ta ]
-- pp. √snâ: -tva, n. familiarity with (prati).
निष्णात   ni-shnâ-ta √snâ: -tva, n. familiarity with (prati).


p145c2-b04/ p088

• निष्पङ्क nispanka [ nish-paṅka ]
-- a. free from mud or dirt, clean, pure; -patti, f. being brought about; maturity; derivation, from (--°); -pat tra, a. featherless; leafless; -pattrâ-kri, wound with an arrow in such a manner that only the feathers do not penetrate; -pathya, a. ill.
  निष्पङ्क   nish-paṅka free from mud or dirt, clean, pure;


p145c2-b05/ p088

• निष्पन्द nispanda [ nish-[s]panda ]
-- a. motionless: î kri, render motionless; -parikara, a. not having made the necessary preparations; -parikaya, a. not becoming intimate; -pari- kkhada, a. having no retinue; -paryanta, a. unlimited.
 निष्पन्द   nish-[s]panda motionless: îkri, render motionless;


p145c2-b06/ p088

• निष्पाण्डव nispandava [ nish-pândava ]
-- a. delivered from the Pândavas; -pâda-ka, a. accomplishing; -pâdana, n. accomplishment; -pâdya, fp. to be accomplished, -brought about: -‿abda sahasra, full millennium; -pâpa, a. sinless; -pâlaka, a. having no guardian; -pîdana, n. pressure; -putra, a. sonless, childless; -pu rusha, a. having no males; -pulâka, a. free from shrivelled grain: î-kri, free from shrivelled grain; -pesha, m. impact; clash ing sound; -paurusha‿âmarsha, a. destitute of manliness and anger; -prakâra-ka, a. free from specifications; -prakâsa, a. dark; -praa, a. witless, stupid; -pratâpa, a. destitute of dignity; -pratikriya, a. not to be saved, past help: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.; -prati graha, a. accepting no gifts: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.; -pratigha, a. unobstructed; -pratipaksha, a. having no adversary: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. ɴ.; -pratibandha, a. free from obstacles; unobjectionable; -pratîkâra, a. that cannot be helped; irremediable; unhindered; -pratyâsa, a. having given up all hope of (lc. or upari): î-bhu, lose all hope of (prati); -pratyûha, a. free from obstacles: -m, ad. without hindrance; -pradesa, a. having no fixed place; -prapañka, a. unevolved, exempt from multiformity: -sad-âtman, a. having real existence without being evolved; -pra bha, a. deprived of radiance or splendour: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. ɴ.; -prabhâva, a. powerless: -tva, n. -ness; -pramâna-ka, a. supported by no authority; -prayogana, a. disinterested (spectator); useless: -m, ad. uselessly; needless, uncalled for; -pravâni, a. fresh from the loom; quite new.
 निष्पाण्डव   nish-pândava delivered from the Pândavas; -pâda-ka, a. accomplishing;


p145c2-b07/ p088

• निष्फल nisphala [ nish-phala ]
-- a. bearing no fruit; fruitless, useless, vain; reaping no advantage, unsuccessful: -tva, n. abst. ɴ.
निष्फल   nish-phala bearing no fruit; fruitless, useless, vain;


p145c2-b08/ p088

• निष्फलय nisphalaya [ nish-phala-ya ]
-- den. P. render fruitless.
निष्फलय   nish-phala-ya P. render fruitless.


p145c2-b09/ not online

• [nish-phali-kri]
-- leave unrewarded


p145c2-b10/ p088

• निष्यन्द nisyanda [ ni-shyanda ] m. shower.
 निष्यन्द   ni-shyanda shower.


p145c2-b11/ p088

• निःष्पन्दता nihspandata [ nih-shpanda-tâ ]
-- f. motionlessness.
 निःष्पन्दता   nih-shpanda-tâ motionlessness. 

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p145c2-b12/ p088

• निस् nis [ nís ]
-- ad. out, forth (V.); prp. combined with verbs, out, away from (ab.); nominal prefix, 1. as prp.: out of; 2. as negation: dis-, lack of; without,-less; 3. emphasizing the following word: altogether.
  निस्   nís out, forth (V.); prp. combined with verbs, out, away from (ab.);


p145c2-b13/ p088

• निसर्ग nisarga [ ni-sarga ] m. evacuation of excrement; giving away; bestowal, grant; creation; innate disposition, nature: °--, -tas, in., ab. by nature; -ga, a. innate, original, origin- (end p145c2) (p145c3-top) ally formed by (--°); -padva, a. (î) naturally inclined towards (lc.).
  निसर्ग   ni-sarga evacuation of excrement; giving away;


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p145c3-b01/ not online

• निसूदन nisudana [ ni-sûdana ]
-- v. nishûdana.


p145c3-b02/ p088

• निसृत nisrta [ ni-srita ]
-- pp., v. √sri.
 निसृत   ni-srita √sri.


p145c3-b03/ p088

• निसृष्टार्थ nisrstartha [ ni-srishta‿artha ]
-- a. authorized; m. envoy.
 निसृष्टार्थ   ni-srishta̮artha authorized; m. envoy.


p145c3-b04/ p088

• निस्तमस्क nistamaska [ nis-tamas-ka ]
-- a. free from darkness, light; -tamisra, a. id.; -taraṅga, a. waveless, calm; -tarana, n. getting out of danger, escape; -taranîya, fp. to be got over; -tartavya, fp. to be crossed; to be overcome; -tala, a. not flat, round, spherical; -târa, m. crossing, passing over the sea (also fig.); liquidation, payment.
 निस्तमस्क   nis-tamas-ka free from darkness, light;


p145c3-b05/ p088

• निस्तुष nistusa [ nis-tusha ]
-- a. unhusked; purified, pure; -trish, a. satisfied.
निस्तुष   nis-tusha unhusked; purified, pure;


p145c3-b06/ p088

• निस्तेजस् nistejas [ nis-tegas ]
-- a. devoid of lustre; destitute of energy or vigour; spiritless, dull; -toya, a. destitute of water: -trina-pâdapa, a. destitute of water, grass, and trees.
 निस्तेजस्   nis-tegas devoid of lustre; destitute of energy or vigour; spiritless, dull; -toya, a. destitute of water: -trina-pâdapa, a. destitute of water, grass, and trees.


p145c3-b07/ p088

• निस्त्रप nistrapa [ nis-trapa ]
-- a. shameless; -trimsa, a. cruel, pitiless (-tva, n. pitilessness); m. sword: -dharmin, a. resembling a sword; -traigun ya, a. not endowed with the three qualities.
 निस्त्रप   nis-trapa shameless; -trimsa, a. cruel, pitiless (-tva, n. pitilessness);


p145c3-b08/ p088

• निस्यन्द ni-syanda, ˚ष्यन्द nisyanda ni-syanda, °syanda [ -shyanda ]
-- a. trickling or streaming down; m. trickling, effusion; downward flow, stream, discharge; sweat; -syandin, a. streaming or trickling down; dropping (--°).
निस्यन्द   -shyanda trickling or streaming down;


p145c3-b09/ p088

• निस्वन nisvana [ ni-svana ]
-- m. noise, sound; voice.
 निस्वन   ni-svana noise, sound; voice.

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{ni:.} (?)

p145c3-b10/ p088

• निःसंशय nihsaṃsaya nihsadhara [ nih-samsaya ]
-- a. undoubted, certain; undoubting, sure: -m, a1 certainly, undoubtedly; -samsayita, pp. unquestioned, sure, safe; -samskâra, a. unrefined, ill-mannered: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.; -saṅkhya, a. innumerable; -saṅga, a. unattached; indifferent to (lc.), disinterested, free from all desires: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. ɴ.; -sakiva, a. lacking a minister; -samkâra, a. not going out, not leaving the house; -samgña, a. unconscious; -sattva, a. devoid of reality; wanting in courage or firmness; weak, wretched; deprived of living beings: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -tâ, f. untruthfulness, mendacity, insincerity; -sam tati, a. destitute of offspring; -samdigdha, pp. not doubtful, certain: -m, ad. undoubtedly, certainly; -samdeha, a. id.; -samdhi, a. lacking a joining or interstice; close, firm (embrace); -sapatna, a. having no rival; uncontested; unrivalled: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.; -sambâdha, a. uncrowded; -sambhrama, a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarana, n. going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or --°); -sarani, a. pathless; -sarpa, a. free from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha, a. powerless; fainting: °--, ad. in a faint; -sahâya, a. companionless, helpless.
 निःसंशय   nih-samsaya undoubted, certain; undoubting, sure:


p145c3-b11/ p088

• निःसाधार [ nih-sâdhâra ]
-- a. unsupported: -m, ad. without a support; -sâdhvasa, a. fearless, undaunted: -tva, n. abst. ɴ.; -sâm arthya, a. unsuitable; -sâmânya, a. unusual, extraordinary; -sâra, a. sapless, insipid; insignificant; worthless, vain, transitory (-tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. ɴ.); m. a musical measure; -sârana, n. removal; expulsion; -sârya, fp. to be excluded from (ab.).
 निःसाधार   nih-sâdhâra unsupported:


p145c3-b12/ p088

• निःसीमन् nihsiman [ nih-sîman ]
-- a. unlimited, boundless; -sukha, a. joyless, sad; -sûtra, a. lacking a cord; helpless; -soma-ka, a. moonless.
 निःसीमन्   nih-sîman unlimited, boundless;


p145c3-b13/ p088

• निःस्तम्भ nihstambha [ nih-stambha ]
-- a. lacking pillars; having no support.
निःस्तम्भ   nih-stambha lacking pillars;


p145c3-b11/ p088

• निःस्नेह nihsneha [ nih-sneha ]
-- a. not oily, not greasy, free from fat; lacking moisture (soil); devoid ( end p145 ) ( p146c1-top  )
of affection for (prati); having no desire for, indifferent towards (--°); not treated with affection (servants); abhorred, odious.
 निःस्नेह   nih-sneha not oily, not greasy, free from fat;


UKT: p145c3-b11 move to next file.


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UKT notes


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