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Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

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UKT notes :
Trigarta Kingdom
Tripuira Kingdom

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p113c1-b00/ p079

• त्रस्नु trasnu [ tras-nu ] = त ् र स ् न ु
-- a. timid.
 त्रस्नु   tras-nu timid. 


p113c1-b01/ not online

• [TRÂ] II; IV. Â.
-- traya , protect, rescue, from (ab., g.); ps. trâyate : pp., trâta . pari , id. ; ps. impv. partrâyatâm , help!


p113c1-b02/ p079

• त्राण trana [ trâ‿ana ]
-- n. protection (of or from, --°); help; shelter; mail, cuirass, guard, helmet.
 त्राण   trâ̮ana protection (of or from, --°); help; shelter; mail, cuirass, guard, helmet.


p113c1-b03/ p079

• त्राणन tranana [ trân-ana ] n. protecting, guarding.
 त्राणन   trân-ana protecting, guarding.


p113c1-b04/ p079

• त्रातव्य tratavya [ trâ-tavya ]
-- fp. to be protected or guarded; -trí, m. protector, saviour (of, g., from, ab.); -tra, n. protection.
 त्रातव्य   trâ-tavya to be protected or guarded; -trí, m. protector, saviour (of, g., from, ab.); -tra, n. protection.


p113c1-b05/ p079

• त्रापुष trapusa [ trâpush-a ]
-- a. made of tin.
 त्रापुष   trâpush-a made of tin.

p113c1-b06/ p079

• त्रायति trayati [ trâ-ya-ti ]
-- m. the root trâ (3rd sg. used as n.).
 त्रायति   trâ-ya-ti trâ (3rd sg. used as n.).


p113c1-b07/ p079

• त्रास trasa [ trâs-a ]
-- m. fright, terror; frightening: -dînam, ad. pitifully for fear; -‿artham, n. in order to frighten.
 त्रास   trâs-a fright, terror; frightening: -dînam, ad. pitifully for fear; -̮artham, n. in order to frighten.


p113c1-b08/ p079

• त्रासन trasana [ trâs-ana ]
-- a. (î) frightening (g. or --°); n. terrifying; scaring away; -anîya, fp. calculated to frighten or terrify; -in, a. timid.
त्रासन   trâs-ana (î) frightening (g. or --°); n. terrifying; scaring away; -anîya, fp. calculated to frighten or terrify; -in, a. timid. 

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p113c1-b09/ p079

• त्रि tri [ trí ]
-- num. pl. m. n. (f. tisri) three: trishu (gr. or lex.)=of all three genders.
त्रि   trí tisri) three: trishu (gr. or lex.)=of all three genders.


p113c1-b10/ p079

• त्रिंश triṃsa [ trim-sá ]
= त ् र ि ं श
-- a. (î) thirtieth; -sát, f. [tri+ (da) sat] thirty (rarely pl., gnly. in the same case as its noun, sts. governing a gen.); -sati, f. id.
 त्रिंश   trim-sá (î) thirtieth; -sát, f. [tri+ (da) sat] thirty (rarely pl., gnly. in the same case as its noun, sts. governing a gen.); -sati, f. id.


p113c1-b11/ p079

• त्रिंशत्क triṃsatka [ trimsat-ka ]
-- n. an aggregate of 30; -tamá, ord. num. (&isharp;) thirtieth.
  त्रिंशत्क   trimsat-ka an aggregate of 30; -tamá, ord. num. (î) thirtieth.


p113c1-b12/ p079

• त्रिंशद्भाग triṃsadbhaga [ trimsad-bhâga ]
-- m. thirtieth part; -vimsa, a. pl. between twenty and thirty.
त्रिंशद्भाग   trimsad-bhâga thirtieth part; -vimsa, a. pl. between twenty and thirty.

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p113c1-b13/ p079

• त्रिक trika [ tri-ká ]
-- a. forming a triad, consisting of three; ± sata, three per cent.; n. triad; chine-bone; hips; m. triangular place or court.
त्रिक   tri-ká forming a triad, consisting of three; ± sata, three per cent.; n. triad; chine-bone; hips; m. triangularplace or court.


p113c1-b14/ p079

• त्रिककुद् trikakud [ tri-kakúd ]
-- a. having three peaks; ep. of Vishnu (Krishna) and of Brahma.
 त्रिककुद्   tri-kakúd having three peaks; ep. of Vishnu (Krishna) and of Brahma.


p113c1-b15/ p079

• त्रिककुभ् trikakubh [ tri-kakúbh ]
-- a. id.; m. thunderbolt; ep. of Indra.
 त्रिककुभ्   tri-kakúbh thunderbolt; ep. of Indra.


p113c1-b16/ p079

• त्रिकद्रुक trikadruka [ trí-kadru-ka ]
-- m. pl. N. of certain three Soma vessels; -kapâla, a. distributed on three dishes; -karma-krit, a. performing the three chief actions of a Brâhman (sacrifice, Vedic study, and charity); -karman, a. id.
  त्रिकद्रुक   trí-kadru-ka three Soma vessels; -kapâla, a. distributed on three dishes; -karma-krit, a. performing the three chief actions of a Brâhman (sacrifice, Vedic study, and charity); -karman, a. id.


p113c1-b17/ p079

• त्रिकाल trikala [ tri-kâla ]
-- n. the three times: past, present, and future; morning, noon, evening: -m, three times; -a, a. knowing the three times, omniscient; -darsin, a. id.; -rûpa, a. appearing in the form of the three times (sun); -snây-in, a. bathing morning, noon, and night: (-i)-tâ, f. practice of bathing morning, noon, and night.
 त्रिकाल   tri-kâla the three times: past, present, and future; morning, noon, evening: -m, three times; -gña, a. knowing the three times, omniscient; -darsin, a. id.; -rûpa, a. appearing in the form of the three times (sun); -snây-in, a. bathing morning, noon, and night: (-i)-tâ, f. practice of bathing morning, noon, and night.


p113c1-b18/ p079

• त्रिकूट trikuta [ tri-kûta ]
-- a. having three peaks; m. N. of various mountains; -kritvas, ad. thrice; -gana, m. the triad virtue (dharma), utility (artha), pleasure (kâma).
 त्रिकूट   tri-kûta having three peaks; m. N. of various mountains; -kritvas, ad. thrice; -gana, m. the triad virtue (dharma), utility (artha), pleasure (kâma).

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p113c1-b19/ p079

• त्रिगर्त trigarta [ tri-garta ]
-- m. pl. (country of the three strongholds), N. of a people; sg. the country or a prince of Trigarta.
  त्रिगर्त   tri-garta (country of the three strongholds), N. of a people; sg. the country or a prince of Trigarta.

See my note on Trigarta Kingdom


p113c1-b20/ p079

• त्रिगुण triguna [ tri-guna ]
-- m. pl. or n. sg. the three fundamental qualities; a. consisting of three threads or cords; threefold; three times as great or as many; containing the three fundamental qualities; sapta trigunâni dinâni, three times seven=twenty-one days; -‿ât maka, a. possessing the three fundamental qualities.
 त्रिगुण   tri-guna the three fundamental qualities; a. consisting of three threads or cords; threefold; three times as great or as many; containing the three fundamental qualities; sapta trigunâni dinâni, three times seven=twenty-one days; -̮âtmaka, a. possessing the three fundamental qualities.


p113c1-b21/ not online

• [tri-grâmî]
-- f. N. of a locality.

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p113c1-b22/ p079

• त्रिच trica [ trika ]
-- m. n. stanza of three verses (cp. trika).
 त्रिच   trika stanza of three verses (cp. trika).


p113c1-b23/ p079

• त्रिचक्र tricakra [ tri-kakrá ] (p113c2-top  )
-- a. three-wheeled; n. three- ( end p113c1) wheeled car; -kakshus, a. three-eyed; -ka tura, a. three or four; -gagat, n. sg. pl. the three worlds (heaven, earth, lower regions): (g)-gananî, f. the mother of the three worlds, Pârvatî; -gata, a. wearing three braids: â, f. N. of a Râkshasî; -gâta: -ka, n. the three spices, viz. cinnamon, cardamoms, and nut meg; -nayana, m. (three-eyed), Siva; -nâ- kiketa, a. having three times lighted the fire named Nâkiketa.
 त्रिचक्र   tri-kakrá three-wheeled; n. three-wheeled car; -kakshus, a. three-eyed; -katura, a. three or four; -gagat, n. sg. pl. the three worlds (heaven, earth, lower regions): (g)-gananî, f. the mother of the three worlds, Pârvatî; -gata, a. wearing three braids: â, f. N. of a Râkshasî; -gâta: -ka, n. the three spices, viz. cinnamon, cardamoms, and nutmeg; -nayana, m. (three-eyed), Siva; -nâ- kiketa, a. having three times lighted the fire named Nâkiketa.

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p113c2-b01/ p079

• त्रित trita [ tritá ]
-- m. N. of a Vedic god, Third form of Agni (probably lightning), connected with Indra and the winds, represented as engaged in combat with meteoric demons; his dwelling-place is remote and hidden, and he is called Âptya, son of the waters (=clouds); N. of various Rishis: pl. a class of gods.
 त्रित   tritá Rishis: pl. a class of gods.


p113c2-b02/ p079

• त्रितय tritaya [ tri-taya ]
-- n. triad; -tâ, f., -tva, n. id.; -danda, n. triple staff of the Brâhman ascetic; triple control (of thought, word, and deed); -dandin, a. bearing the triple staff; controlling thought, word, and deed; m. Brâhman ascetic.
 त्रितय   tri-taya triad; -tâ, f., -tva, n. id.; -danda, n. triple staff of the Brâhman ascetic; triple control (of thought, word, and deed); -dandin, a. bearing the triple staff; controlling thought, word, and deed; m. Brâhman ascetic. 



p113c2-b03/ p079

• त्रिदश tridasa [ tri-dasá ]
-- a. pl. three times ten; m. the thirty sc. gods (round number for 33): -tâ, f., -tva, n. divine nature; -pati, m. ep. of Indra: -sastra, n. Indra's weapon, thunderbolt; -vanitâ, f. celestial female, Apsaras; -saila, m. ep. of mount Kailâsa; -sreshtha, a. ep. of Brahma or Agni.
 त्रिदश   tri-dasá three times ten; m. the thirty sc. gods (round number for 33): -tâ, f., -tva, n. divine nature; -pati, m. ep. of Indra: -sastra, n. Indra's weapon, thunderbolt; -vanitâ, f. celestial female, Apsaras; -saila, m. ep. of mount Kailâsa; -sreshtha, a. ep. of Brahma or Agni.

p113c2-b04/ p079

• त्रिदशाधिप tridasadhipa [ tridasa‿adhipa ]
-- m. lord of the gods; -‿adhipati, m. id.; -‿âyudha, n. rain bow; -‿ari, m. enemy of the gods, Asura; -‿âlaya, m. abode of the gods, heaven; celestial, god.
 त्रिदशाधिप   tridasa̮adhipa lord of the gods; -̮adhipati, m. id.; -̮âyudha, n. rainbow; -̮ari, m. enemy of the gods, Asura; -̮âlaya, m. abode of the gods, heaven; celestial, god.


p113c2-b05/ not online

• [tridasî-bhû]
-- become a god .


p113c2-b06/ p079

• त्रिदशेन्द्र tridasendra [ tridasa‿indra ]
-- m. chief of the gods, ep. of Indra; -‿îsvara, m. pl. chiefs of the gods (Indra, Agni, Varuna, Yama).
 त्रिदशेन्द्र   tridasa̮indra chief of the gods, ep. of Indra; -̮îsvara, m. pl. chiefs of the gods (Indra, Agni, Varuna, Yama).


p113c2-b07/ p079

• त्रिदिव tridiva [ tri-divá ] n. third (=highest) heaven, always with g. divah (V.); heaven (C.): -gata, pp. gone to heaven, dead; -‿îsvara, m. ep. of Indra; -‿okas, m. inhabitant of heaven, god.
 त्रिदिव   tri-divá third (=highest) heaven, always with g. divah (V.); heaven (C.): -gata, pp. gone to heaven, dead; -̮îsvara, m. ep. of Indra; -̮okas, m. inhabitant of heaven, god.


p113c2-b08/ p079

• त्रिधाtridha [ trí-dhâ ]
-- ad. threefold; thrice; in three places, in(to) three parts; -kri, triple.
 त्रिधा   trí-dhâ threefold; thrice; in three places, in(to) three parts; -- kri, triple.


p113c2-b09/ p079

• त्रिधातु tridhatu [ tri-dh&asharp;tu ]
-- a. threefold; n. the triple world.
 त्रिधातु   tri-dhaNtu threefold; n. the triple world.


p113c2-b10/ p079 

• त्रिधामन् tridhaman [ tri-dhâman ]
-- a. tripartite; -nayana, a. three-eyed; m. ep. of Siva; -netra, a. three-eyed; m. Siva; -paksha, n. three fortnights; -pañkâsá, a. consisting of 53; -patâka, a. (hand) with three (forefinger, middle, and little finger) outstretched fingers (sign on the stage to indicate a desire to say something secretly); -patha, n. the three paths, i. e. heaven, sky (or lower regions), and earth.
 त्रिधामन्   tri-dhâman tripartite; -nayana, a. three-eyed; m. ep. of Siva; -netra, a. three-eyed; m. Siva; -paksha, n. three fortnights; -pañkâsá, a. consisting of 53; -patâka, a. (hand) with three (forefinger, middle, and little finger) outstretched fingers (sign on the stage to indicate a desire to say something secretly); -patha, n. the three paths, i. e. heaven, sky (or lower regions), and earth.

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p113c2-b11/ p079

• त्रिपद् tripad [ tri-pád (or trí-: strong st. -pâd) ]
-- a. () three-footed; taking three steps; -î, f. kind of gait in the elephant; -pada, a. having three feet; having three (metrical) pâdas; -pala, a. weighing three palas; -pâthin, a. studying the three Vedas; -pâdaka, a. (ikâ) three-footed; -pitaka, n. the three literary collections (lit. baskets) of the Buddhists (i. e. the Sûtra-, Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-pitaka); -piba, a. drinking with three organs (ears and tongue); -pishtapa, n. Indra's heaven; -pun- dra: -ka, n. three streaks marked on various parts with ashes, esp. on the forehead by Siva-worshippers.
 त्रिपद्   tri-pád (or trí-: strong st. -pâd) (-î) three-footed; taking three steps; -î, f. kind of gait in the elephant; -pada, a. having three feet; having three (metrical) pâdas; -pala, a. weighing three palas; -pâthin, a. studying the three Vedas; -pâdaka, a. (ikâ) three-footed; -pitaka, n. the three literary collections (lit. baskets) of the Buddhists (i. e. the Sûtra-, Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-pitaka); -piba, a. drinking with three organs (ears and tongue); -pishtapa, n. Indra's heaven; -pun- dra: -ka, n. three streaks marked on various parts with ashes, esp. on the forehead by Siva-worshippers.


p113c2-b12/ p079

• त्रिपुर tripura [ tri-pura ]
-- n. triple citadel; three Asura fortresses of gold, silver, and iron, burned by Siva; î, f. N. of the capital of Kedi; -ghâtin, -ghna, m. Siva; -dâha, m. burning of Tripura; -druh, -dvish, m. Siva; -vigaya, m. con- ( end p113c2 )
quest of Tripura; -vigayin, m. Siva; -hara, m. id.
त्रिपुर   tri-pura triple citadel; three Asura fortresses of gold, silver, and iron, burned by Siva; î, f. N. of the capital of Kedi; -ghâtin, -ghna, m. Siva; -dâha, m. burning of Tripura; -druh, -dvish, m. Siva; -vigaya, m. conquest of Tripura; -vigayin, m. Siva; -hara, m. id.

See my note on Tripura

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p113c3-b01/ p079

• त्रिपुराणक tripuranaka [ tri-purâna-ka ]
-- a. (ikâ) worth three purânas; -purânîya, a. id.
 त्रिपुराणक   tri-purâna-ka (ikâ) worth three purânas; -purânîya, a. id.


p113c3-b02/ p079

• त्रिपुरान्तक tripurantaka [ tripura‿antaka ]
-- a. destroying Tripura (Râma's bow); m. ep. of Siva; -‿ârâti, m. Siva; -‿ari, m. id.
 त्रिपुरान्तक   tripura̮antaka destroying Tripura (Râma's bow); m. ep. of Siva; -̮ârâti, m. Siva; -̮ari, m. id.


p113c3-b03/ p079

• त्रिपुरुष tripurusa [ tri-purusha ]
-- n. three men=three generations: -m, ad. for three generations; á, a. as long as three men.
 त्रिपुरुष   tri-purusha three men=three generations: -m, ad. for three generations; á, a. as long as three men.


p113c3-b04/ p079

• त्रिपुरेशाद्रि tripuresadri [ tripura‿îsa‿adri ]
-- m. N. of a mountain; -‿îsvara, N. of a town and of a temple.
 त्रिपुरेशाद्रि   tripura̮îsa̮adri -̮îsvara, N. of a town and of a temple.


p113c3-b05/ p079

• त्रिपुष्कर tripuskara [ tri-pushkara ]
-- a. adorned with three lotuses: pl. N. of a sacred bathing-place.
त्रिपुष्कर   tri-pushkara with three lotuses: pl. N. of a sacred bathing-place.


p113c3-b06/ p079

• त्रिपृष्ठ triprstha [ tri-prishtha ]
-- a. having or occupying three backs, ridges, or heights; m. Vishnu; -prakâra, a. threefold; -phala, a. bearing three fruits; -bâhu, a. three-armed; -bhâga, m. third part (esp. of the eye in a side-glance); -bhuvana, n. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, and earth; m. N.: -guru, m. ep. of Siva, -pati, m. ep. of Vishnu; -bhauma, a. three-storied; -madhu, a. who knows or recites the three verses beginning with madhu (RV. I, xc, 6-8); -mâtra, a. containing three morae; -mârga-gâ, f. ep. of the Ganges; -mûrti, a. having three forms; °--, the trinity, i. e. Brahma, Vishnu, Siva.
 त्रिपृष्ठ   tri-prishtha having or occupying three backs, ridges, or heights; m. Vishnu; -prakâra, a. threefold; -phala, a. bearing three fruits; -bâhu, a. three-armed; -bhâga, m. third part (esp. of the eye in a side-glance); -bhuvana, n. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, and earth; m. N.: -guru, m. ep. of Siva, -pati, m. ep. of Vishnu; -bhauma, a. three-storied; -madhu, a. who knows or recites the three verses beginning with madhu (RV. I, xc, 6-8); -mâtra, a. containing three morae; -mârga-gâ, f. ep. of the Ganges; -mûrti, a. having three forms; °--, the trinity, i. e. Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. 

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p113c3-b07/ p079

• त्रियम्बक triyambaka [ tri-y-ambaka ]
-- m. (three-eyed), Siva.
 त्रियम्बक   tri-y-ambaka (three-eyed), Siva.


p113c3-b08/ p079

• त्रियव triyava [ tri-yava ]
-- a. weighing three barley corns; -yâna, n. the three vehicles (to salvation) of the Buddhists; -yâma, a. having three watches (nine hours): â, f. night; -ras aka, n. spirituous liquor (having three tastes); -râtrá, n. sg. pl. period of three nights (i. e. days): -m, for three days, in., ab. after three days; a. lasting three days; m. three days' festival: -‿avaram, ad. at least three days; (í)-rûpa, a. having three forms or colours; -liṅga, a. having the three fundamental qualities; having three genders, adjectival; -loka, n., î, f., sg., m. pl. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, earth: -nâtha, m. ep. of Indra and of Siva, -‿îsa, m. ep. of Vishnu.
त्रियव   tri-yava weighing three barleycorns; -yâna, n. the three vehicles (to salvation) of the Buddhists; -yâma, a. having three watches (nine hours): â, f. night; -rasaka, n. spirituous liquor (having three tastes); -râtrá, n. sg. pl. period of three nights (i. e. days): -m, for three days, in., ab. after three days; a. lasting three days; m. three days' festival: -̮avaram, ad. at least three days; (í)-rûpa, a. having three forms or colours; -liṅga, a. having the three fundamental qualities; having three genders, adjectival; -loka, n., î, f., sg., m. pl. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, earth: -nâtha, m. ep. of Indra and of Siva, -̮îsa, m. ep. of Vishnu.

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p113c3-b09/ p079

• त्रिलोचन trilocana [ tri-lokana ]
-- a. three-eyed; m. Siva; N.: -pâla, m. N.
 त्रिलोचन   tri-lokana three-eyed; m. Siva; N.: -pâla, m. N. 


p113c3-b10/ not online

• [trilla-ka] , [trilla-sena]
-- m. Ns.

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p113c3-b11/ p079

• त्रिवन्धुर trivandhura [ tri-vandhurá ]
-- a. three-seated; -var ga, m. aggregate of three: virtue (dharma), pleasure (kâma), utility (artha); or loss (ksha ya), status quo (sthâna), gain (vriddhi); or the three qualities (sattva, ragas, tamas); or the three higher castes; -varna, a. three-coloured; -varsha, n. space of three years; a. three years old; -valî (sts. i only °--), f. three folds above the navel (considered beautiful in women); -vâkika, a. produced by three words; -vârshika, a. three years old; -vi krama, n. the three steps of Vishnu; a. hav ing taken the three steps; m. Vishnu; -vidya, a. containing the three Vedas; -vidha, a. of three kinds, triple, threefold; -vidhâ, ad. into three parts; -vishtapa, n. (Indra's) heaven; -vishtí, ad. three times; -vt, a. threefold, triple, tripartite; m. (sc. stoma) peculiar triple mode of reciting RV. IX, xi; triple cord: -karana, n. tripling, -tâ, f. threefoldness; -veda (°--), î, f. the three Vedas; a. versed in or containing the three Vedas; -vedin, a. id.
 त्रिवन्धुर   tri-vandhurá three-seated; -varga, m. aggregate of three: virtue (dharma), pleasure (kâma), utility (artha); or loss (kshaya), status quo (sthâna), gain (vriddhi); or the three qualities (sattva, ragas, tamas); or the three higher castes; -varna, a. three-coloured; -varsha, n. space of three years; a. three years old; -valî (sts. i only °--), f. three folds above the navel (considered beautiful in women); -vâkika, a. produced by three words; -vârshika, a. three years old; -vikrama, n. the three steps of Vishnu; a. having taken the three steps; m. Vishnu; -vidya, a. containing the three Vedas; -vidha, a. of three kinds, triple, threefold; -vidhâ, ad. into three parts; -vishtapa, n. (Indra's) heaven; -vishtí, ad. three times; -vrít, a. threefold, triple, tripartite; m. (sc. stoma) peculiar triple mode of reciting RV. IX, xi; triple cord: -karana, n. tripling, -tâ, f. threefoldness; -veda (°--), î, f. the three Vedas; a. versed in or containing the three Vedas; -vedin, a. id.


p113c3-b12/ p079

• त्रिशङ्कु trisanku [ tri-saṅku ] त्रिशंकु
-- m. N. of an ancient sage and of a king of Ayodhyâ, raised to the stars as the Southern Cross: -tilaka, a. adorned with the Southern Cross: â dis, f.=the South; -satá, a. 103; 300; 300th; consisting of 300; n. 300; -sâkha, a. having three branches;  moved to the next file
त्रिशङ्कु   tri-saṅku -tilaka, a. adorned with the Southern Cross: â dis, f.=the South; -satá, a. 103; 300; 300th; consisting of 300; n. 300; -sâkha, a. having three branches; -sikha, a. three-crested, three-pronged, shaped like a trident; n. trident; -sikhara, a. three-peaked; -siras, a. three-headed; three-peaked; m. N. of a Rishi with the patronymic Tvâshtra, reputed author of RV. X, viii; N. of a Râkshasa slain by Râma; -sîrsha, -sîrshán, a. three-headed; -sûla, n. trident; a. wielding the trident (Siva). 


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Trigarta Kingdom

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigarta_Kingdom -- 120326

Trigarta was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. Mahabharata mentions two different Trigarta kingdoms, one in the west close to the Sivi Kingdom and the other north to the Kuru Kingdom. Modern Kangra district is one of the ancient town in North Trigarta, India, extending westward to the Punjab area. These Trigarta kings were allies of Duryodhana and enemies of Pandavas and Viratas. Their capital was named Prasthala. They attacked the Virata Kingdom aided by the Kurus to steal cattle from there. The Pandavas living there in anonymity helped the Viratas to resist the combined forces of Trigartas and Kurus. Trigarta kings fought the Kurukshetra War and were killed by Arjuna, after a ruthless and bloody conflict. Arjuna also annihilated an Akshouhini (a large military unit) of Trigarta warriors called the Samsaptakas. These warriors had vowed to either die or kill Arjuna as part of a larger plan by Duryodhana to capture Yudhishthira alive.[1] The Katoch Dynasty has been attributed to have ruled this area and the above story from the Mahabharata is recorded in their history. Raja Susarma Chandra had fought against Arjuna. His son built the Kangra Fort.

UKT: End of Wikipedia article.

From: Ancient Voice: http://ancientvoice.wikidot.com/travel:arjuna-in-trigarta -- 120326

King Yudhisthira wanted to perform the greatest of all sacrifices viz. the Rajasuya sacrifice. This involved military activity along with the usual sacrificial rites. The king's armies would march under his appointed military generals in four cardinal directions and defeat all the kingdoms encountered in their paths. Any kingdom can chose to accept the sway of the king peacefully or choose to battle against the king's military general. King Yudhisthira obtained a huge army by defeating the rising Magadha empire of king Jarasandha as Bhima slew Jarasandha in a dual of mace-fight. Taking a portion each of that army, the four brothers of king Yudhisthira, viz. Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva marched from Indraprastha to the four cardinal directions. Arjuna was responsible for the military expedition towards the northern direction.

Arjuna subdued Bhagadatta in Pragjyotisha (see Arjuna in Pragjyotisha) through peaceful means and extracted tribute from him and the kings under his sway. These territories lied mostly in Himachal_Pradesh. From there Arjuna moved to Uluka territory in Punjab.

UKT: More in the original article. Go on line to see the map which may be enlarged so that you can see the legends better.

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From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripura 120327

Tripura (Bengali: ত্রিপুরা Tripura) is a state in North-East India, with an area of 4,051 sq mi (10,490 km2).[1] It is the third smallest state of India, based on total area. Tripura is surrounded by Bangladesh on the north, south, and west. The Indian states of Assam and Mizoram lie to the east. The capital is Agartala and the main languages spoken are Bengali and Kokborok. It was formerly an independent Tripuri kingdom[2] and was merged with independent India on 15 October 1949 by the Tripura Merger Agreement. It was also known as "Hill Tippera" (anglicized version of Tipra) during the British Raj period[3][4] and has a history of over 2500 years and 186 kings.[5]


From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripura-mythology 120327

Tripura (Tamil: Tiripuram, Thai: Triburam) meaning three cities, was constructed by the great Sura architect Mayasura. They were great cities of prosperity, power and dominance over the world, but due to their impious nature, Maya's cities were destroyed by god Tripurantaka, an aspect of Shiva. The three cities were made of iron, silver and gold and were located on earth, in the sky and in heaven, respectively.

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