Update: 2019-08-07 07:08 PM -0400


Sanskrit Glossary for Buddhists and Hindus : Consonants


Based on
1. Sanskrit Documents ||संस्कृत शब्दार्थ || = स ं स ् क ृ त ,
  - Downloaded in TIL non-PDF & non-SD libraries, Archive section.
  - Downloaded and reformatted in TIL version under MC-indx.htm
  Write to sanskrit@cheerful.com . 12/22/2018 23:25:17 
2. ¤ Student's Pali-English Dictionary, by Maung Tin (name later changed to U Pe Maung Tin), (ref: UPMT-PEDictxxx). Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190114) 

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com


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Caution: My main difficulty in learning Skt-Dev, is to become familiar with horizontal conjuncts. I've no choice but to rely on my knowledge of Bur-Myan and Pali-Myan, to come up with a compromise in giving the akshara-equivalents, knowing fully well that it would not make my pronunciation of Skt-Dev any better. It might even a detriment. But since, translation is my ultimate aim, using the motto of Shin Kic'si -- the Buddhist grammarian praised by Gautama Buddha himself -- I have to be content with what is available to me.

To aid me in my task, I'm preparing a Sanskrit Glossary for Buddhists and Hindus , based on the Sonority Scale, in which begins with Consonants and Vowels last: an arrangement used in Bur-Myan dictionaries and glossaries:
The original Glossary files given by Sanskrit Documents has become so unmanageable in size that I've to divide it into sub-files. Since, I'm including Pali terms from UPMT, I've to subdivide down to columns :

This file is on Row #2 Columns 1 & 2

Entries on Skt from SktDoc are in Devanagari characters, and
on Pali from U Pe Maung Tin (UPT) are in International Pali characters.
Be careful to check diacritics when using UPT.

{sa.}/ {c}  {sa} चा
{si.} चि ----- {si} ची
{su.} चु 

{} चे ---- {sè:} चै



UKT notes


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{sa.} च

UKT 190721: For the Bur-Myan (Tib-Bur group), row#2 is Palatal stops, whereas for Eng-Lat and Skt-Dev (IE group), this row is Palatal affricates. Since my primary target audience are Tib-Bur (Myanmar languages) and Sino-Tib (CJK languages), I shall treat this row as Palatal plosive-stops. I have to leave out the Mon-Myan speakers, Southern Indian Tamil-Telugus, and Ceylon-Lankans (Aus-Asi group)for the present. This necessitates differentiation of Pali-Lanka and International-Pali as Aus-Asi (row#2 as Palatal Affricates), and Pali-Myan as Tib-Bur (row#2 Palatal Stops).

च (cha) = and
च||न्द्रमा (cha||ndramaa) = (Fem.nom.S) the moon
चंद्रमाः (cha.ndramaaH) = the Moon god
चकार (chakaara) = did (past perfect tense of kRi+kar to do)
चकास्तु (chakaastu) = let it be shining
चक्र (chakra) = Circle, wheel, psychic centre in humans
चक्रं (chakraM) = cycle
चक्रबन्ध (chakrabandha) = wheel pattern, a form of bandha poetry
चक्रम् (chakram.h) = (n) wheel, cycle, circle
चक्रवातः (chakravaataH) = (m) cyclone
चक्रहस्तं (chakrahastaM) = disc in hand
चक्राअकार (chakraaakaara) = (bauvriihi) wheel-shaped
चक्रासन (chakraasana) = the wheel posture
चक्रिणं (chakriNaM) = with discs
चञ्चलं (chaJNchalaM) = flickering
चञ्चलत्वात् (chaJNchalatvaat.h) = due to being restless
चटकः (chaTakaH) = (m) sparrow
चण्डता (chaNDataa) = (f) intensity
चतुः (chatuH) = four
चतुरः (chaturaH) = capable / skiled/ clever
चतुरस्त्रः (chaturastraH) = (m) square
चतुरस्त्रकम् (chaturastrakam.h) = (n) frame (of a photograph or a picture)
चतुर्थ (chaturtha) = fourth
चतुर्थ्यां (chaturthyaaM) = during the (auspicious)4th day (from New Moon, full moon)
चतुर्भुजेन (chaturbhujena) = four-handed
चतुर्विधं (chaturvidhaM) = the four kinds
चतुर्विधाः (chaturvidhaaH) = four kinds of
चतुर्हस्तं (chaturhastaM) = who has four hands
चतुष्पादराशि (chatushhpaadaraashi) = Quadrupedal signs
चतुस् (chatus.h) = four
चतुस्सागरपर्यंतं (chatussaagaraparya.ntaM) = till or upto the four oceans
चत्वारः (chatvaaraH) = four
चत्वारि (chatvaari) = four
चन (cana) = cha(?)+na, and +not
चन्दन (chandana) = sandal
चन्द्र (chandra) = Name for the Moon
चन्द्रकुण्डली (chandrakuNDalii) = Chart where the Ascendant or lagna is the sign of the natal moon
चन्द्रराशि (chandraraashi) = Natal Moon sign. Used in India much like we use the Sun sign system in the West
चन्द्रलग्न (chandralagna) = Ascendant using the Natal lunar position
चन्द्रबिम्ब (chandrabimba) = moon disc
चन्द्रमसि (chandramasi) = in the moon
चन्द्रिक (chandrika) = moonlight
चन्द्रोदय (chandrodaya) = moon-rise
चपल (chapala) = fickle, unstable
चपलं (chapalaM) = fickle-minded
चपलता (chapalataa) = agility
चमसः (chamasaH) = (m) spoon
चमूं (chamuuM) = military force
चय (chaya) = (m) a heap
चयनम् (chayanam.h) = (n) selection, choice
चर् (char.h) = to wander
चर (chara) = moving
चरराशि (chararaashi) = Moveable signs
चरं (charaM) = moving
चरण (charaNa) = foot
चरणः (charaNaH) = (m) foot
चरतां (charataaM) = while roaming
चरति (charati) = (1 pp) to move, to roam
चरन् (charan.h) = acting upon
चरन्ति (charanti) = move or travel or wander
चराचरं (charaacharaM) = moving and nonmoving
चरित (charita) = nature
चरितं (charitaM) = story, character
चरित्र (charitra) = life
चरित्राणि (charitraaNi) = tales of valour
चरैवेति (charaiveti) = chara:moving (things) +eva:alone; only + iti:thus
चर्चा (charchaa) = discussion
चर्पट (charpaTa) = torn/tattered cloth
चर्मन् (charman.h) = (neu) skin, leather
चर्या (charyaa) = practise / observance
चल् (chal.h) = to walk
चल (chala) = moving
चलं (chalaM) = flickering
चलच्चित्र (chalachchitra) = movie
चलति (chalati) = (1pp) to walk
चलित (chalita) = deviated
चषकः (chashhakaH) = (m) glass
चषकाधानी (chashhakaadhaanii) = (f) saucer
चक्षु (chakShu) = eye
चक्षुः (chakShuH) = eyes
चक्षुH0;् (chakShus.h) = eye

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{sa} चा

चाकलेहः (chaakalehaH) = (m) chocolate candy, toffee
चातक (chaataka) = the ever thirsty chaataka bird that lives only on raindrops
चातुर्वर्ण्यं (chaaturvarNyaM) = the four divisions of human society
चान्द्रमसं (chaandramasaM) = the moon planet
चान्यत्रैक (chaanyatraika) = cha+anyatra+ekaH, and+in any other place+only one
चापं (chaapaM) = the bow
चापबाणधरो (chaapabaaNadharo) = bearing bow\arrow
चापल्य (chaapalya) = (from chapala) rashness
चापि (chaapi) = also
चारिणौ (chaariNau) = blowing
चालकः (chaalakaH) = (m) driver
चालकः (chaalakaH) = A restive elephant
चास्मि (chaasmi) = as I am

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{si.} चि

चिकित्सक (chikitsaka) = remedy
चिकित्सालयम् (chikitsaalayam.h) = (n) hospital
चिकीर्षवः (chikiirshhavaH) = wishing
चिकीर्षुः (chikiirshhuH) = desiring to lead
चिक्रोडः (chikroDaH) = (m) squirrel
चित् (chit.h) = pure consciousness
चिता (chitaa) = funeral pyre
चित्त (chitta) = mind
चित्तं (chittaM) = mind
चित्तः (chittaH) = mind
चित्तलयः (chittalayaH) = absorbed mind
चित्तविक्षेप (chittavikShepa) = confusion, distraction
चित्तवृत्ति (chittavRitti) = a mode of behaviour
चित्ता (chittaa) = mind
चित्तात्मा (chittaatmaa) = mind and intelligence
चित्र (chitra) = strange
चित्रं (chitraM) = surprising
चित्रकः (chitrakaH) = (m) a leopard
चित्रकार (chitrakaara) = (m) painter , artist
चित्रपटः (chitrapaTaH) = (n) movie, film
चित्रपतङ्गः (chitrapata.ngaH) = (m) butterfly
चित्रमन्दिरम् (chitramandiram.h) = (n) movie theatre
चित्ररथः (chitrarathaH) = Citraratha
चित्ररासभः (chitraraasabhaH) = (m) zebra
चित्रवेष्टिः (chitraveshhTiH) = (m) lungi
चित्रा (chitraa) = Fourteenth nakShatra
चित्रिनी (chitrinii) = a fine cord within the spine
चित्रोष्ट्रः (chitroshhTraH) = (m) giraffe
चिनोति (chinoti) = to collect, to gather
चिन्त् (chint.h) = to think
चिन्तय (chintaya) = (causative of cit) to think
चिन्तयति (chintayati) = (10 up) to think
चिन्तयन्तः (chintayantaH) = concentrating
चिन्तयेत् (chintayet.h) = should think of
चिन्ता (chintaa) = worrying
चिन्तां (chintaaM) = fears and anxieties
चिन्ताजडं (chintaajaDaM) = mind dullened by worry
चिन्तामणि (chintaamaNi) = the gem that gives you anything you can think about
चिन्तित (chintita) = something one has thought about
चिन्मयः (chinmayaH) = full of the `mind' or consciousness
चिपण्यभिमुख (chipaNyabhimukha) = marketoriented
चिर (chira) = permanently
चिरकाल (chirakaala) = always, everpresent, permanent
चिरात् (chiraat.h) = after a long time
चिराय (chiraaya) = for long
चिरायुः (chiraayuH) = long-life- span (`chira' actually means permanent cf. chiranjIvI)
चिह्न (chihna) = sign

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{si} ची

ची (chii) = to increase
चीर (chiira) = dress made of bark?

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{su.} चु

चुंबक (chuMbaka) = magnet
चुंबन (chuMbana) = kiss
चुटति (chuTati) = to pinch
चुबुकसमर्पितजानु (chubukasamarpitajaanu) = face dedicated to(huddled up between) the knees
चुम्बति (chumbati) = to kiss
चुरिकाबन्ध (churikaabandha) = pattern of sword, a form of bandha poetry
चुल्लि (chulli) = (f) cooking fire
चूर्णयति (chuurNayati) = to grind (as wheat to flour)
चूर्णितैः (chuurNitaiH) = with smashed

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{} चे

चेकितानः (chekitaanaH) = Cekitana
चेत् (chet.h) = if
चेतना (chetanaa) = the living force
चेतयति (chetayati) = to warn
चेतस् (chetas.h) = mind
चेतसः (chetasaH) = their hearts
चेतसा (chetasaa) = by consciousness
चेतसां (chetasaaM) = of those whose minds
चेताः (chetaaH) = in heart
चेष्टः (cheshhTaH) = the endeavours
चेष्टते (cheshhTate) = (1 ap) to try, to attempt
चेष्टस्य (cheshhTasya) = of one who works for maintenance

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{sè:} चै

चैतन्य (chaitanya) = energy, enthusiasm
चैलाजिन (chailaajina) = of soft cloth and deerskin

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चोदना (chodanaa) = the impetus
चोधितकरण (chodhitakaraNa) = tested or awakened senses
चोरयति (chorayati) = (10 up) to steal, to rob
चौकारः (chaukaaraH) = (m) boundary, four (cricket)


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च्यवन्ति (chyavanti) = fall down

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छंद (chha.nda) = Hobby
छंदः (chha.ndaH) = metre (poetic)
छत्र (chhatra) = umbrella
छत्रम् (chhatram.h) = (n) umbrella
छत्राकम् (chhatraakam.h) = (n) mushroom
छदिः (chhadiH) = (m) roof
छद्मचारिणः (chhadmachaariNaH) = those who wander by adopting tricks such as becoming
छन्दसां (chhandasaaM) = of all poetry
छन्दांसि (chhandaa.nsi) = the Vedic hymns
छन्दोभिः (chhandobhiH) = by Vedic hymns
छलयतां (chhalayataaM) = of all cheats
छवी (chhavii) = picture , portrait

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छात्राः (chhaatraaH) = students
छादन (chhaadana) = covering
छाया (chhaayaa) = shade
छायाचित्रं (chhaayaachitraM) = (n) photograph

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छित्त्व (chhittva) = cutting
छित्त्वा (chhittvaa) = cutting off
छिद् (chhid.h) = to cut, break by cutting
छिद्र (chhidra) = (neut in this sense) hole, cut
छिनत्ति (chhinatti) = to tear, to break
छिन्दन्ति (chhindanti) = can cut to pieces
छिन्न (chhinna) = having torn off

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छुरिका (chhurikaa) = (f) knife

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छेत्ता (chhettaa) = remover
छेत्तुं (chhettuM) = to dispel
छेदन (chhedana) = cutting


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UKT notes


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