Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Version: 0.1 beta
Last updated: Thu 03/27/2003 11:40 PM
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
Based on R.B. Mahoney's HTML Version 0.1a
Copyright © by University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln)
This Unicode HTML version by Prem Pahlajrai:
kh {hka.}
UKT: This downloaded file is very extensive and is very difficult to search. To make searching easy I have inserted the following TOC. - 111201

Contents of this page
p000-c1  p000-c1  p000-c1  p000-c1  p000-c1  p335-c1  p336-c1  p337-c1  p338-c1  p339-c1
p340-c1  p341-c1
UKT notes 

UKT: There is a stand-in for this grapheme «kh» in Skt-Dev. It is «kṣ». This stand-in is written in Eng-Lat as <ks> giving rise to the name of a Myanmar city as <Sri Ksestra> (sp?} which in Bur-Myan is {þa.ré hkít~ta.ra} (sp?). This Sanskritized name, introduced by British colonialists, had confused me for a long time. - UKT111205


kha 1
kha the second consonant cf the alphabet (being the aspirate of the preceding consonant
• often in MSS. and Inscr. confounded with ṣa)
⋙ khakāra
○kāra m. the letter or sound kha
kha 2
kha m. the sun L. [Page 334, Column 2]
kha 3
khá n. (√khan) a cavity, hollow, cave, cavern, aperture RV.
• an aperture of the human body (of which there are nine, viz. the mouth, the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the organs of excretion and generation) AV. xiv, 2, 1 and 6 Prāt. KaṭhUp. Gaut. Mn. &c
• (hence) an organ of sense BhP. viii, 3, 23
• (in anat.) the glottis W.
• 'the hole made by an arrow', wound Mn. ix, 43
• the hole in the nave of a wheel through which the axis runs RV. ŚBr. xiv
• vacuity, empty space, air, ether, sky ŚBr. xiv PraśnUp. Mn. xii, 120 &c
• heaven L.
• Brahma (the Supreme Spirit) W.
• (in arithm.) a cypher Sūryas. Sāh.
• the Anusvāra represented by a circle (bindu) L.
• N. of the tenth astrological mansion VarBṛ.
• talc L.
• a city L.
• a field L.
• happiness (a meaning derived fr. su-kha, duḥ-kha) L.
• action L.
• understanding L.
• (ā́) f. a fountain, well RV. ii, 28, 5 (khā́m ṛtásya), Zend. aṣahe khāo) & vi, 36, 4
• [Gk. ? ; Lat. [334, 2] halo.]
⋙ khakāminī
○kāminī f. 'liking the sky', the female of the Falco Cheela (cilla) L.
• N. of Durgā (carcikā) L.
⋙ khakuntala
○kuntala m. N. of Śiva L.
⋙ khakholka
○khôlka m. 'sky-meteor', the sun SkandaP. GāruḍaP.
○lkâditya m. a form of the sun SkandaP.
⋙ khaga
○ga mfn. moving in air MBh. iii, 12257
• m. a bird Mn. xii, 63 MBh. &c
• N. of Garuḍa (cf. -ga-pati) Gal.
• any air-moving insect (as a bee) R. ii, 56, 11
• a grasshopper L.
• the sun Hcat.
• a planet Gol.
• air, wind MBh. iii, 14616
• a deity L.
• an arrow L.
-pati m. 'chief of birds', Garuḍa (Vishṇu's vehicle)
-pati-gamanā f. N. of a goddess Kālac.
-pattra mfn. furnished with bird's feathers (as an arrow) MBh. iii, 285, 14
-rāj m. = -pati Gal.
-vaktra m. Artocarpus Lakucha L.
-vatī f. the earth L.
-śatru m. 'enemy of birds', Hemionitis cordifolia L.
-sthāna n. 'a bird's nest', the hollow of a tree L.
○gâdhipa m. = ○ga-pati R. i, 42, 16
○gântaka m. 'destroyer of birds', a hawk, falcon L.
○gâbhirāma m. N. of Śiva
○gâsana m. 'seat of the sun', N. of the mountain Udaya (the eastern mountain on which the sun rises) L.
• 'sitting on a bird (i.e. on the Garuḍa)', Vishṇu L.
○gêndra m. the chief of the birds Pañcat.
• a vulture L.
• Garuḍa L.
• N. of a prince Rājat. i, 89
○gêndra-dhvaja m. N. of Vishṇu BhP. i, 18, 16
○gêśvara m. 'the chief of the birds', a vulture L.
• Garuḍa L.
⋙ khagaṅgā
○gaṅgā f. the Gaṅgā (Ganges) of the sky L.
⋙ khagañja
○gañja m. N. of the father of Gokarṇêśvara
⋙ khagaṇa
○gaṇa m. N. of a prince (son of Vajranābha) VP. BhP. ix, 12, 3
⋙ khagata
○gata mfn. moving in the air R. v, 56, 144
• extending far up to the sky Hariv. 5336
⋙ khagati
○gati f. 'flight in the air', a metre of 4 x 16 syllables
⋙ khagama
○gama mfn. moving in the air, flying (said of Gandharvas and of missile weapons) MBh. iii, 820 and 14983 ; xiv, 2188
• m. a bird Nal. i, 23
• N. of a Brāhman MBh. i, 995
⋙ khagarbha
○garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.
⋙ khagalya
○galya n. N. of a part of a wheel ĀpŚr. xvi, 18
⋙ khaguṇa
○guṇa mfn. (in arithm. or alg.) having a cypher as multiplier
⋙ khagola
○gola m. the vault or circle of heaven, celestial sphere Gol.
-vidyā f. knowledge of the celestial sphere, astronomy W.
⋙ khagolaka
○golaka m. = -gola Gol.
⋙ khaṃkara
○ṃ-kara m. 'making or filling space (?)', a lock of hair L.
⋙ khacamasa
○camasa m. 'the drinking-vessel in the sky', N. of the moon L.
⋙ khacara
○cara mfn. moving in the air, flying MBh. R. BhP.
• m. a bird R.
• a planet Sūryas. Gol.
• the sun L.
• a cloud L.
• the wind L.
• an aerial spirit, Vidyādhara Kathās. cx, 139
• a Rakshas or demon L.
• (in music) a kind of Rūpaka or measure L.
• (ās), m. pl., N. of a fabulous people VarBṛS.
-tva n. the state of a Rakshas or demon HYog.
⋙ khacārin
○cārin mfn. moving in the air, flying (said of Skanda) MBh. iii, 14635
• (ī), m. a planet Sūryas.
⋙ khacitra
○citra n. 'a picture in the sky', anything impossible or not existing Kathās. il, 142
⋙ khajala
○jala n. 'air-water', i.e. dew, rain, fog L.
⋙ khajit
○jit m. 'conquering heaven', N. of a Buddha L.
⋙ khajyotis
○jyotis m. a shining flying insect, fire-fly &c. L.
⋙ khatamāla
○tamāla m. a cloud L.
• smoke L.
⋙ khatilaka
○tilaka m. 'sky-ornament', the sun L.
⋙ khadūra
○dūra See khaḍūra
-vāsinī f. (with Buddhists) N. of a female deity or Śakti L.
⋙ khadūraka
○"ṣdūraka m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi
⋙ khadyota
○dyota m. = -jyotis ChUp. MBh. R. &c
• (applied fig. to transient happiness) Sarvad. xi
• the sun L.
• (ā), f. (scil. dvār) 'shining-insect-like door', the left eye BhP. iv
• N. of a deity Buddh.
⋙ khadyotaka
○dyotaka m. N. of a poisonous plant Suśr.
⋙ khadyotana
○dyotana m. 'sky-illuminator', the sun L.
⋙ khadhūpa
○dhūpa m. air-pervading perfume Bhaṭṭ. [Page 334, Column 3]
• a rocket, fire-work W.
⋙ khaparāga
○parāga m. darkness L.
⋙ khapura
○pura n. a city built in the sky (as that of the Kālakeyas MBh. iii, 12208 and 12258
• or as that of Hari-ścandra L.)
• the Fata Morgana VarBṛS.
• a water-jar L.
• m. tympany, wind-dropsy L.
• the betel-nut tree L.
• Cyperus pertenuis L.
• a kind of perfume (vyāla-nakha) L.
⋙ khapuṣpa
○puṣpa n. 'sky-flower', = -citra Hcar. v, 238
-ṭīka f. N. of a Comm.
⋙ khabāṣpa
○bāṣpa m. 'tears of the sky', dew, frost L.
⋙ khabha
○bha m. 'shining in the air', a planet L.
⋙ khabhrānti
○bhrānti m. 'gliding through the air', a kind of falcon (cilla, cf. -kāminī) L.
⋙ khamaṇi
○maṇi m. = -tilaka Pañcar. iii, 1, 19
⋙ khamīlana
○mīlana n. sleepiness, lassitude L.
⋙ khamūrti
○mūrti f. a celestial body or person
-mat mfn. having a divine or celestial person or form Mn. ii, 82
⋙ khamūli
⋙ khamūlikā
⋙ khamūlī
○mūlī f. an aquatic plant (Pistia Stratiotes) L.
⋙ khayoga
○yoga m. (= nābhasa-y○) N. of a particular constellation VarBṛ. xxviii, 2
⋙ khavallī
○vallī f. (= ākāśa-v○) Cassyta filiformis L.
⋙ khavāri
○vāri n. rain-water, dew, vapour &c. L.
⋙ khaśabdāṅkuraja
○śabdâṅkura-ja v. l. for kharâbdâṅkuraka, q.v
⋙ khaśaya
○śaya m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 18 Kāś.) 'resting or dwelling in the air', N. of a Jina Gal. (cf. -sama.)
⋙ khaśarīra
○śarīra n. a celestial body W.
⋙ khaśarīrin
○"ṣśarīrin mfn. gifted with an ethereal body (cf. -mūrti-mat) Mn. iv, 243
⋙ khaśvāsa
○śvāsa m. wind, air L.
⋙ khasama
○sama m. N. of a Buddha L. (cf. -śaya.)
⋙ khasamuttha
○samuttha mfn. produced in the sky, ethereal W.
⋙ khasambhava
○sambhava mfn. id. W.
• (ā), f. spikenard (= ākāśa-māṃsī) L.
⋙ khasarpaṇa
○sarpaṇa m. N. of a Buddha L.
• (am), n. gliding through the air W.
⋙ khasindhu
○sindhu m. (cf. -camasa) N. of the moon L.
⋙ khasūci
○sūci f. 'a needle pricking the air', ifc. one who continually makes mistakes (as a grammarian) Kāś. and Gaṇar. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 53
⋙ khastanī
○stanī f. 'having the atmosphere for its breast', N. of the earth L.
⋙ khasphaṭika
○sphaṭika m. 'aerial crystal', N. for the sun- and moon-gem (sūrya-kānta and candra-k○
• cf. ākāśa-sph○) L.
⋙ khahara
○hara mfn. (in arithm.) having a cypher for its denominator (as a fraction)
⋙ khātman
khâtman mfn. having the air as one's nature W.
⋙ khāpagā
khâpagā f. 'a stream in the air', N. of the Ganges L.
⋙ khāpara
khâpara ās m. pl., N. of a people Romakas.
⋙ kholka
khôlka m. sky-meteor W.
• a planet W. (cf. kha-kh○.)
⋙ kholmuka
khôlmuka m. the planet Mars L. (cf. gaganôlm○.)
≫ khe
khe loc. of 3. khá, in comp
⋙ khegamana
○gamana m. 'moving in the air', a kind of gallinule (= kālakaṇṭha) L.
⋙ khecara
○cara mf(ī)n. moving in the air, flying MBh. R. &c
• m. a bird MBh. Nal.
• any aerial being (as a messenger of the gods) MBh. i
• a Gandharva, iii
• a Vidyā-dhara BhP. x, 82, 8 Kathās. lī, lxv
• a Rakshas R. iii, 30, 37
• a planet
• (hence) the number, 'nine'
• quicksilver L.
• N. of Śiva L.
• (ā), f. (in music) a particular Mūrchanā
• (ī), f. with siddhi or gati, the magical power of flying Kathās. xx, 105 Sarvad. ix &c
• Durgā MBh. iv, 186
• a Vidyā-dharī Rudray.
• a particular Mudrā or position of the fingers
• an earring or a cylinder of wood passed through the lobe of the ear W.
• (am), n. green vitriol
-tā f. the magical power of flying Sarvad. ix
-tva n. id. Kathās. iii, 49
○râñjana, green vitriol Npr.
○rânna n. a particular dish made of rice. 1
⋙ kheṭa
○'ṭa m. 'moving in the air', a planet
• the ascending node or Rāhu W.
-karman n. calculation of the motion &c. of planets
-pīṭha-mālā f. -bodha m. -bhūṣaṇa n. N. of astronomical works
⋙ kheparibhrama
○paribhrama mf(ā)n. flying about in the air R. i, 2, 14
⋙ kheśaya
○śaya mfn. (cf. kha-ś○) lying in the air Pāṇ. 6-3, 18 Kāś.
⋙ khesara
○sara for vesara, q.v. L.
khakkh vḷ. for √kakh (to laugh), q.v. Dhātup. v, 6
khakkhaṭa = kakkh○ (q.v.), hard, solid L. Sch.
• harsh (as sound) Divyâv. xxxvi
khakkhara m. (?), a beggar's staff Buddh. (cf. hikkala.)
kha-ga &c. See 3. khá
khagoḍa m. a kind of reed (Saccharum spontaneum) W.
≫ khaggaḍa
khaggaḍa m. id. L.
khaṃ-kara See 3. khá
≫ khaṅkhaṇa
khaṅkhaṇa m. = khaṃ-kara Gal.
khaṅkha m. N. of a minister of king Bālâditya Rājat. iii, 483 ; 497 ; 522 ff. [Page 335, Column 1] Contents of this page
khaṅkhaṇa See khaṃ-kara
• (ā), f. the tinkling sound (of a bell &c.) W.
≫ khaṅkhara
khaṅkhara = khaṃ-kara (q.v.) L.
khaṅgá for khaḍgá, q.v
khaṅgāha = khoṅg○, q.v. Gal.
khac cl. 1. P. ○cati (only p.p. ○cat), to come forth, project (as teeth) Kathās. xxiii
• xxvi: cl. 9. P. khacñāti, to be born again Dhātup. xxxi, 59
• to cause prosperity ib.
• to purify ib.: cl. 10. P. khacayati, to fasten, bind ib. xxxv, 84
≫ khacita
khacita mfn. prominent (?) Dhūrtas.
• (ifc. or with instr.) inlaid, set, studded (e.g. maṇi-kh○, inlaid with jewels) MBh. vii
• xiii Hariv. Megh. &c. (= karambita, 'combined with' L.)
khaj cl. 1. P. ○jati, to churn or agitate Dhātup. vii, 57
≫ khaja
khája m. stirring, agitating, churning Car.
• contest, war (cf. -kṛ́t, &c.) Naigh. ii, 17
• a churning stick MBh. xii, 7784 Suśr.
• a ladle, spoon L. Sch.
• (ā), f. a churning stick ('a poker' Sch.) MBh. iv, 231
• a ladle L.
• the hand with the fingers extended L.
• churning, stirring W.
• killing L.
⋙ khajakṛt
○kṛ́t mfn. causing the tumult or din of battle (Indra) RV. vi, 18, 2 ; vii, 20, 3 ; viii, 1, 7
⋙ khajaṃkara
○ṃkará mfn. id. RV. i, 102, 6 TBr. ii, 7, 15, 6
≫ khajaka
khajaka m. a churning sick L.
• (ikā), f. a ladle or spoon L.
≫ khajapa
khajapa n. ghee or clarified butter Uṇ.
≫ khajāka
khajāka m. a bird Uṇ.
• (ā), f. a ladle L.
khañj 1
khañj cl. 1. P. khañjati, to limp, walk lame Suśr. ii, 1, 76 Naish. xi, 107
• [cf.Gk. ? ; [335, 1] Germ. hinke.]
≫ khañj 2
khañj mfn. (nom. khan) limping Vop. iii, 134
≫ khañja
khañja mfn. (g. kaḍārâdi) id. Mn. Suśr. Bhartṛ.
• (with pādena, 'limping with one leg') Pāṇ. 2-3, 20, Kāś
• (ā), f. N. of several metres (one consisting of 2 X 28 short syllables + 1 long and 30 short syllables + 1 long
• another containing 30 short syllables + 1 long and 28 short syllables + 1 long
• another containing 2 X 36 short syllables + 1 Amphimacer)
⋙ khañjakheṭa
○kheṭa m. the wagtail L.
⋙ khañjakhela
○khela m. id. L.
⋙ khañjacaraṇa
○caraṇa mfn. limping, lame VarBṛS.
⋙ khañjatā
○tā f. limping, lameness Suśr. Kād.
⋙ khañjatva
○tva n. id. Sāh.
⋙ khañjabāhu
○bāhu for kaṃja-b○
⋙ khañjalekha
○lekha for -khela L.
≫ khañjaka
khañjaka mfn. limping L.
≫ khañjana
khañjana m. the wagtail (Montacilla alba) VarBṛS. Suśr. &c
• N. of a man, g. śivâdi
• (ā), f. a kind of wagtail L.
• (am), n. going lamely L.
⋙ khañjanarata
○rata n. the secret pleaures of the Yatis, cohabitation of saints L.
⋙ khañjanākṛti
khañjanâkṛti f. a kind of wagtail L.
≫ khañjanaka
khañjanaka m. the wagtail VarBṛS. vl, 1
• (ikā), f. a kind of wagtail L.
≫ khañjara
khañjara mfn. g. kaḍārâdi (cf. Kāś.)
≫ khañjarīṭa
khañjarīṭa m. the wagtail Yājñ. i, 174 Amar. Caurap.
• = khaḍgār○ L.
• (ī), f. (in music) a kind of measure
≫ khañjarīṭaka
khañjarīṭaka m. the wagtail Mn. v, 14 Divyâv. xxxiii Suśr. i, 46, 62
khañjāra m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi
≫ khañjāla
khañjāla m. N. of a man ib.
khaṭ 1
khaṭ cl. 1. P. ○ṭati, to desire Dhātup.
khaṭ 2
khaṭ ind. a particle of exclamation TĀr. iv, 27
khaṭa m. phlegm, phlegmatic or watery humor (cf. kapha) L.
• a blind well VarBṛS. Sch.
• an axe, hatchet, chisel (ṭaṅka) L.
• a plough L.
• a kind of blow ('the closed or doubled fist, as for striking' W.) L.
• grass (used to thatch houses
• cf. kaṭa, khaḍa) L.
• a fragrant kind of grass L.
• (ī), f. chalk L.
⋙ khaṭakaṭāhaka
○kaṭāhaka a spitting-box Buddh. L.
⋙ khaṭakhādaka
○khādaka m. an eater W.
• a glass vessel W.
• a jackal W.
• an animal W.
• a crow W.
≫ khaṭaka
khaṭaka m. a go-between, negotiator of marriages (cf. ghaṭaka) L.
• the half-closed hand (vḷ. ○ṭika) L.
• the doubled fist of wrestlers W.
• (ā), f. a slap Divyâv. xxvi
• (ikā), f. chalk Prab. Gol. AgP.
• the external opening of the ear L.
• Andropogon muricatus L.
⋙ khaṭakāmukha
khaṭakā-mukha m. a particular position of the hand Amar. PSarv.
⋙ khaṭakāvardhamāna
khaṭakā-vardhamāna m. id
⋙ khaṭakāsya
khaṭakâsya m. id
≫ khaṭika
khaṭika v. l. for ○ṭaka, q.v
• (ikā), f. See ib.
≫ khaṭinī
khaṭinī f. chalk Bhpr. iii
≫ khaṭya
khaṭya mfn. fr. ○ṭa g. gav-ādi (cf. Kāś.) [Page 335, Column 2]
khaṭakkikā f. a side door L.
khaṭakhaṭāya (onomat.), Ā. ○ṭāyate, to crackle Mṛicch. i, ām
khaṭinī See khaṭa
khaṭu = ○ṭa, the fist Divyâv. xiii
khaṭukī f. (perhaps = khaṭṭikī) one of the eight Kulas (with Śāktas)
khaṭū ūs m. or f. (?), an ornament worn on the wrist or ancle W.
khaṭṭ cl. 10. P. ○ṭṭayati, to cover, screen Dhātup. xxxii, 88
khaṭṭa mfn. sour Gal.
• (ā), f. for khaṭvā, q.v
⋙ khaṭṭāṅga
khaṭṭâṅga See ib.
⋙ khaṭṭāśa
khaṭṭâśa m. 'eating sour food' (?), the civet or zebet cat (Viverra Zibetha) L.
• (ī), f. id. L.
• another animal L.
≫ khaṭvara
khaṭvara mfn. sour Gal.
• m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi (cf. Kāś.)
khaṭṭana m. a dwarf L.
≫ khaṭṭeraka
khaṭṭeraka mfn. dwarfish, short of stature L.
khaṭṭāsa a for ○ṭṭâśa, See khaṭṭa
khaṭṭi m. a bier (the bed on which the corpse is carried to the pile) L.
khaṭṭika m. a butcher, hunter, fowler, one who lives by killing and selling game L.
• the cream on buffalo-milk L.
• (ā), f. for khaṭvikā, q.v
• (ī), f. a woman who sells meat Kālac.
khaṭṭeraka See khaṭṭana
khaṭya See khaṭa
khaṭvakā f. a small bedstead Pāṇ. 7-3, 48 Kāś.
≫ khaṭvaya
khaṭvaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make into a bed or couch Śiś. ii, 77
≫ khaṭvā
khaṭvā f. a bedstead, couch, cot Kauś. Mn. viii, 357 &c. (khatvāṃ samārūḍha, lying on the sick-bed MBh. v, 1474 = xii, 10599)
• a swing, hammock L.
• a kind of bandage Suśr.
• N. of a plant (kola-śimbī) L.
⋙ khaṭvāṅga
○"ṣṅga (○vâṅ), m. n. 'a club shaped like the foot of a bedstead', i.e. a club or staff with a skull at the top (considered as the weapon of Śiva and carried by ascetics and Yogins) Gaut. VarBṛS. Mālatīm. v, 4 Kathās.
• m. the back-bone Gal.
• N. of a plant ib.
• wood from a funeral pile W.
• N. of a king of the solar line MBh. i, 2109 VP. (v. l. khaṭvâṅgada) BhP. ii
• xi
• (= Dilīpa) Hariv. 808 and BhP. ix
• N. of an attendant in the retinue of Devii
• (ī), f. N. of a plant Gal.
• of a river Hariv. 5329
-dhara m. 'staff-bearer', N. of Śiva BhP. iv, 19, 20
-dhāra m. id. Hariv. 10680
-nāmikā f. 'named after the khaṭvâṅga', N. of a plant (resembling Plectranthus) L.
-bhṛt mfn. one who bears the khaṭvâṅga staff Mn. xi, 105 Sch.
• (t), m. N. of Śiva L.
-vana n. N. of a forest Hariv. 4171
-śūlin mfn. bearing the weapons called kh○ and śūla Hcat.
⋙ khaṭvāṅgaka
○"ṣṅgaka (○vâṅ○), m. = ○ṅga Hcat.
⋙ khaṭvāṅgin
○"ṣṅgin (○vâṅ○), mfn. one who bears the khaṭvâṅga staff Mn. xi, 105
• (ī), m. Śiva Bālar. ii, 34
⋙ khaṭvātale
○tale loc. ind. under the bedstead Hit.
⋙ khaṭvāpluta
○"ṣpluta (○vâp○), mfn. 'mounted on a bed', low, vile, iniquitous ('silly, stupid' W.) Pāṇ. 2-1, 26 Kāś.
⋙ khaṭvābhāra
○bhāra m. a load consisting of bedsteads, g. vaṃśâdi
⋙ khaṭvārūḍha
○"ṣrūḍha (○vâr○), mfn. = ○ṭvâpluta Pāṇ. 2-1, 26 Kāś.
• g. pravṛddhâdi
≫ khaṭvākā
khaṭvākā f. ifc. for ○ṭvā, a bedstead Pāṇ. 7-3, 49 Kāś.
≫ khaṭvikā
khaṭvikā f. a small bedstead ib. 48 Kāś.
≫ khaṭvīya
khaṭvīya Nom. P. to treat as a bedstead Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 2 Vārtt. 12
khaḍ cl. 10. P. khāḍayati, to divide, break Dhātup. xxxii, 44 (cf. √khaṇḍ.)
≫ khaḍa
khaḍa m. (g. madhv-ādi) dividing, breaking L.
• buttermilk boiled with acid vegetables and spices Car. vi, 9 Suśr. i, vi
• N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
• (as, am), m. n. (= khaṭa) a kind of small grass, straw L.
• (ī), f. (= khaṭī) chalk L.
⋙ khaḍavat
○vat mfn. fr. khaḍa g. madhv-ādi
⋙ khaḍonmattā
khaḍônmattā f. N. of a woman, g. śubhrâdi
≫ khaḍaka
khaḍaka n. a bolt or pin KātyŚr. xiv, 3, 12 Sch. (= sthāṇu)
• (ikā), f. (= khaṭikā) chalk L.
≫ khaḍika
khaḍika g. sutaṃgamâdi. [Page 335, Column 3]
khaḍakkikā = khaṭakk○ L.
khaḍaṇḍa for ṣaḍ-aṇḍa, q.v
khaḍatū ūs m. = khaṭū L.
≫ khaḍukā
khaḍukā f. id. (v. l. for khaḍḍukā)
≫ khaḍū
khaḍū ūs f. (?) id. Uṇ. Sch.
• = khaṭṭi ib.
khaḍū́ra ? AV. xi, 9, 16
• m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi (kha-dūra Gaṇar. 220)
khaḍgá m. (fr. √khaḍ for khaṇḍ?) a sword, scymitar MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. ā Kathās.)
• a large sacrificial knife W.
• a rhinoceros MaitrS. iii, 14, 21 = VS. xxiv, 40 (khaṅgá) ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
• a rhinoceros-horn L.
• a Pratyeka-buddha (so called because he is a solitary being like a rhinoceros
• cf. eka-cara and -cārin) L.
• N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2569
• of the son of a merchant Kathās. lvi, 151
• (am), n. iron L.
⋙ khaḍgakośa
○kośa m. the sheath of a sword, scabbard L.
• Scirpus maximus L.
⋙ khaḍgagrāhin
○grāhin m. 'a sword-bearer', a particular dignitary Hcar.
⋙ khaḍgacarmadhara
○carma-dhara m. a soldier armed with a sword and shield W.
⋙ khaḍgajvalanā
○jvalanā f. N. of a female Kiṃnara Kāraṇḍ. i
⋙ khaḍgadṛh
○dṛh -dhṛk mfn. grasping a scymitar W.
⋙ khaḍgadhara
○dhara m. a swordsman W.
• N. of a soldier Kathās.
⋙ khaḍgadhārā
○dhārā f. a sword-blade R. ii, 23, 35
-vrata n. (= asi-dhārā-v○) any extremely difficult task
⋙ khaḍgadhenu
○dhenu f. a female rhinoceros L.
• (= asi-dh○) a small knife Rājat. viii, 3315
⋙ khaḍgapattra
○pattra m. (cf. asi-p○) 'sword-leaved', Scirpus maximus (= -kośa) L.
• (am), n. the blade of a sword W.
-vana n. 'a forest having swords for leaves', N. of a hell R. (ed. Bomb.) iii, 53, 20
⋙ khaḍgapāṇi
○pāṇi mfn. sword in hand W.
⋙ khaḍgapāta
○pāta m. = -prahāra Kathās.
⋙ khaḍgapātra
○pātra n. a vessel (formed of buffalo's horns) being a large salver or charger on which the sacrificial knife is laid W.
⋙ khaḍgapidhāna
○pidhāna n. the sheath of a sword
• scabbard L.
⋙ khaḍgapidhānaka
○pidhānaka n. id. L.
⋙ khaḍgaputrikā
○putrikā f. (= asi-p○) a small sword, knife L.
⋙ khaḍgaprahāra
○prahāra m. a sword-cut Kathās.
⋙ khaḍgaphala
○phala n. = -dhārā L.
⋙ khaḍgabandha
○bandha m. a kind of artificially-formed verse Sāh.
⋙ khaḍgamaṇi
○maṇi m. an excellent sword (one of the royal insignia) Divyâv. xii
⋙ khaḍgamaya
○maya mfn. consisting of swords Kathās. cix, 110
⋙ khaḍgamāṃsa
○māṃsa n. = khaḍgâmiṣa, q.v. W.
⋙ khaḍgamālātantra
○mālā-tantra n. N. of wk
⋙ khaḍgaroman
○roman m. 'sword-haired', N. of the charioteer of Jālaṃdhara PadmaP.
⋙ khaḍgalekhā
○lekhā f. a row of swords W.
⋙ khaḍgavat
○vat mfn. armed with a sword MBh. iii, 10963
⋙ khaḍgavidyā
○vidyā f. swordmanship Kathās.
⋙ khaḍgaśimbī
○śimbī f. 'sword bean', French bean L.
⋙ khaḍgasakha
○sakha mfn. 'having a sword for one's friend', armed with a sword Mudr.
⋙ khaḍgasadman
○sadman n. = -pidhāna Gal.
⋙ khaḍgasena
○sena m. N. of a man Vāsant.
⋙ khaḍgahasta
○hasta mfn. = -pāṇi Vet.
• (ā), f. N. of a female attendant in the retinue of Devii
⋙ khaḍgāghāta
khaḍgâghāta m. a sword-cut W.
⋙ khaḍgādhāra
khaḍgâdhāra m. 'sword-holder', scabbard W.
⋙ khaḍgābhihata
khaḍgâbhihata m. 'sword-holder', scabbard W.
⋙ khaḍgābhihata
khaḍgâbhihata mfn. cut or struck with a sword W.
⋙ khaḍgāmiṣa
khaḍgâmiṣa n. rhinoceros-flesh Mn. iii, 272 Yājñ. i, 259
⋙ khaḍgāhva
khaḍgâhva m. 'named after a sword', a rhinoceros Suśr. i, 6, 10
≫ khaḍgaṭa
khaḍgaṭa m. a large kind of reed (Saccharum spontaneum, bṛhat-kāśa) L.
≫ khaḍgāriṭa
khaḍgāriṭa m. a sword-blade L.
• one who moves the feet back wards and forwards on the edge of a red-hot sword (as a penance) L. (v. l. khañjar○)
≫ khaḍgi
khaḍgi (for ○ḍgin)
⋙ khaḍgidhenukā
○dhenukā f. a female rhinoceros Kād.
⋙ khaḍgimāra
○māra m. Scirpus maximus L.
≫ khaḍgika
khaḍgika m. a swordsman L.
• (= khaṭṭika) a butcher, vender of flesh-meat L.
• (= khaṭṭika) the cream of buffalo's milk L.
≫ khaḍgin
khaḍgin mfn. armed with a sword MBh. R. BhP.
• (ī), m. Śiva MBh. xiii, 1157
• a rhinoceros R. i, 26, 14 Suśr. i, 46, 88 and 97 Kād.
• N. of Mañjuśrī (cf. khadga, 'a Pratyeka-buddha') L.
≫ khaḍgīka
khaḍgīka m. a sickle, small scythe L.
khaḍḍukā = khaḍukā L.
khaṇa m. the backbone Gal.
khaṇakhaṇāya (onomat.) (onomat.), Ā. ○yate, to utter or give out any peculiar sound, tick, tinkle, crack, &c. BhP. v, 2, 5 VārP. Introd
≫ khaṇakhaṇāyita
khaṇakhaṇāyita mfn. tinkling &c. Kād. Hcar.
≫ khaṇatkhaṇīkṛta
khaṇatkhaṇī-kṛta mfn. caused to crack or tinkle Mcar. v, 1
khaṇḍ cl. 1. Ā. ○ṇḍate, to break, divide, destroy Dhātup. viii, 31: cl. 10. P. khaṇḍayati, to break, tear, break into pieccs, crush, cut, divide Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ. (aor. acakhaṇḍat) [Page 336, Column 1] Contents of this page
• to destroy, remove, annihilate Rājat. v, 281 Naish. v, 4
• to defeat, conquer Bhaṭṭ. xii, 17
• to refute
• to interrupt, disturb R. iii, 14, 14 Kathās.
• to disregard (an order) Rājat. vi, 229 Kathās. cxxiv, 79
• 'to disappoint, deceive, cheat', See khaṇḍita
≫ khaṇḍa
khaṇḍa mf(ā)n. broken, having chasms or gaps or breaks Suśr. VarBṛS. Pāṇ. 2-1, 30 Kāś.
• deficient, defective, crippled (cf. ṣaṇḍa) Āp. ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 18, 18 Sch.
• (in comp. or ifc. Pāṇ. 2-2, 38 Pat.)
• not full (as the moon) KātyŚr. Sch. Subh.
• (as, am), m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) 'a break or gap', cf. kedāra-kh○
• a piece, part, fragment, portion R. Suśr. Megh. &c. (indoḥ kh○ or tārâdhipa-kh○ [cf. also khaṇḍêndu] 'the crescent' cf. Prasannar.)
• treacle or molasses partially dried, candied sugar cf. Bhpr. cf. Naish. cf. Sāh
• a section of a work, part, chapter (e.g. of cf. AitĀr. cf. KenUp. &c.)
• a continent cf. Gaṇit
• (in alg.) a term in an equation cf. Gaṇit
• a party, number, multitude, assemblage cf. MBh. (sometimes not to be distinguished from ṣaṇḍa) cf. R. i, 30, 15 &c. (ifc. m. or n. cf. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 38 and 51)
• m. a flaw in a jewel cf. L
• a calf with horns half grown cf. Gal
• (in music) a kind of measure
• (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. ṣaṇḍa) cf. VarBṛS
• (am), n. a variety of sugar-cane cf. W
• black salt (viḍ-lavaṇa) cf. L. (cf. uttara-, karka-, kāla-, kāśī-, śrī-, sitā-.)
⋙ khaṇḍakathā
○kathā f. a particular kind of tale ('a tale or story divided into sections' W.) L.
⋙ khaṇḍakanda
○kanda n. N. of a bulbous plant L.
⋙ khaṇḍakāpālika
○kāpālika m. an inferior Kāpālika ascetic Kathās. cxxi, 6 and 13
• N. of a teacher (?)
⋙ khaṇḍakāra
○kāra m. one who makes candied sugar R. ii
⋙ khaṇḍakāvya
○kāvya n. a defective or minor poem (i.e. one not on any heroic or sacred subject, and having only one topic, like Megh. Caurap. &c.) Sāh.
⋙ khaṇḍakuṣmāṇḍaka
○kuṣmāṇḍaka n. a particular electuary Bhpr.
⋙ khaṇḍakhaṇḍā
○khaṇḍā f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2638
⋙ khaṇḍakhāṭṭaka
⋙ khaṇḍakhāḍaka
○khāḍaka vv. ll. for -khādyaka = -khādya, q.v. Comm. on VarBṛ.
⋙ khaṇḍakhādya
○khādya m. dainty, nice thing Hariv. 8445 Bhpr.
• (am), n. N. of an astronomical Karaṇa (vv. ll. -khāṭṭaka, -khāḍaka) VarBṛ. Sch.
-karaṇa n. id. ib.
⋙ khaṇḍagiri
○giri m. N. of a mountain Buddh.
⋙ khaṇḍaja
○ja m. treacle, candied sugar (= guḍa, yavāsa-śarkarā) L.
⋙ khaṇḍatā
○tā f. the being divided, division
⋙ khaṇḍatāla
○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
⋙ khaṇḍadeva
○deva m. N. of an author of a Comm. on Jaim. (called Bhaṭṭa-dīpikā) and of another work (called Mīmāṃsā-kaustubha)
⋙ khaṇḍadravya
○dravya m. N. of a man Buddh.
⋙ khaṇḍadhārā
○dhārā f. shears, scissors L.
• a kind of dance or air in music (?) Vikr.
⋙ khaṇḍapattra
○pattra n. a bundle of various leaves W.
⋙ khaṇḍaparaśu
○paraśu m. 'cutting (his foes) to pieces with an axe', Śiva
• Vishṇu Vishṇ.
⋙ khaṇḍaparśu
○parśu m. (= -paraśu) Śiva L.
• Paraśu-rāma L.
• Rāhu L.
• an elephant with a broken tusk L.
• a spreader of unguents or fragrant powders &c. L.
• a drug (commonly khaṇḍâmalaka) L.
⋙ khaṇḍapāka
○pāka m. syrup prepared with spices Bhpr.
⋙ khaṇḍapāṇi
○pāṇi m. N. of a prince (v. l. daṇḍ○)
⋙ khaṇḍapāla
○pāla m. a seller of sweetmeats, confectioner L.
⋙ khaṇḍapralaya
○pralaya m. partial destruction of the universe (all the spheres beneath Svarga or heaven being dissolved) W.
• the dissolution of the bonds of friendship, quarrel (for -praṇaya?) W.
⋙ khaṇḍapraśasti
○praśasti f. N. of a poem attributed to Hanūmat (an older N. for the play called after him)
⋙ khaṇḍaprastāra
○prastāra m. (in music) a kind of measure
⋙ khaṇḍaphaṇa
○phaṇa m. a kind of serpent Suśr.
⋙ khaṇḍamaṇḍala
○maṇḍala n. 'incomplete sphere', a segment of a circle W.
• (mfn.) not full or round, gibbous W.
⋙ khaṇḍamaya
○maya mfn. consisting of pieces W.
⋙ khaṇḍamātrā
○mātrā f. a kind of song Sāh.
⋙ khaṇḍamodaka
○modaka m. = -ja L.
⋙ khaṇḍarakṣa
○rakṣa m. superintendent of wards Jain. Inscr.
⋙ khaṇḍarasa
○rasa m. (in rhet.) a partial Rasa (= saṃcāri-r○) Sāh.
⋙ khaṇḍalavaṇa
○lavaṇa n. black salt L.
⋙ khaṇḍalekhaka
○lekhaka m. (= khañjalekha) a wagtail Gal.
⋙ khaṇḍavaṭaka
○vaṭaka m. n. N. of a village or town Kathās. cxxiv
⋙ khaṇḍavikṛti
○vikṛti f. candied sugar W.
⋙ khaṇḍaśarkarā
○śarkarā f. candied sugar, sugar in pieces Suśr.
⋙ khaṇḍaśas
○śas ind. in pieces, by pieces, bit by bit, piece by piece MBh. R. Suśr.
○śaḥ-√kṛ, to divide or cut into pieces Pañcat.
○śo-√gam or bhū or , to be divided or cut into pieces, fall into pieces Pañcat. VarBṛS. Kathās.
⋙ khaṇḍaśākhā
○śākhā f. N. of a creeper (cf. kāṇḍa-ś○) L.
⋙ khaṇḍaśīlā
○śīlā f. 'unsteady in conduct', an unchaste wife L.
⋙ khaṇḍasāra
○sāra m. = -ja L.
⋙ khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa
○sphuṭa-pratisaṃskaraṇa n. repairing of dilapidations Divyâv. i
• (Pāli ○ṇḍa-phulla-.)
⋙ khaṇḍābhra
khaṇḍâbhra n. scattered clouds L.
• a bite or impression of the teeth in amorous sport L.
⋙ khaṇḍāmalaka
khaṇḍâmalaka n. myrobalan cut up into small pieces (used as a medicine) L.
⋙ khaṇḍāmra
khaṇḍâmra n. id. L.
⋙ khaṇḍālī
khaṇḍâlī f. a measure for oil W. [Page 336, Column 2]
• a pond W.
• a woman whose husband has been guilty of infidelity W.
⋙ khaṇḍendu
khaṇḍêndu m. 'defective moon', the crescent Hcat.
-maṇḍana m. 'having the crescent for his ornament', Śiva Rājat. i, 280
⋙ khaṇḍodbhava
⋙ khaṇḍodbhūta
khaṇḍôdbhūta m. = khaṇḍa-ja Gal.
⋙ khaṇḍoṣṭha
khaṇḍoṣṭha m. a particular disease of the lips, ŚārṅgS. i, 7, 74
≫ khaṇḍaka
khaṇḍaka mfn. ifc. breaking to pieces, destroying, removing, rendering ineffectual W.
• m. (g. ṛśyâdi) a fragment, part, piece Sūryas. Kathās. xxiv, 121
• treacle or molasses, candied sugar Hariv. 8445 (v. l.)
• one who has no nails ('pared or clipped finger nails' W.) L.
• a kind of dance or tune (?) Vikr.
• for skandhaka (N. of a metre), q.v
• (ikā), f. ? ('a piece of wood' NBD.) Pāṇ. 3-4, 51 Kāś.
• a piece Divyâv. ii
• a section of a work
• a kind of air or tune W.
• (am), n. (= khaṇḍa) a term in an equation Gaṇit.
⋙ khaṇḍakālu
⋙ khaṇḍakāluka
khaṇḍakâluka n. an esculent √, sweet potato L.
≫ khaṇḍana
khaṇḍana mfn. ifc. breaking, dividing, reducing to pieces, destroying, annihilating, removing Gīt.
• (am), n. the act of breaking or cutting or dividing or grinding Hit.
• hurting, injuring (esp. with the teeth) Pañcat. Kathās. ciii Gīt. Caurap.
• interrupting, disappointing, frustrating Mālav. Ragh. Pañcat. &c
• refuting (in argument) W.
• cheating, deceiving Ragh. xix, 21 Hit.
• rebellion, opposition W.
• = khaṇḍana-khaṇḍa-khādya Naish. vi, 113
• (ā), f. discarding, dismissal Sāh.
⋙ khaṇḍanakāra
○kāra m. 'author of the work called khaṇḍana (-khaṇḍa-khādya)', N. of Harsha
⋙ khaṇḍanakṛt
○kṛt m. id
⋙ khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya
○khaṇḍa-khādya n. N. of wk. on logic by Harsha
⋙ khaṇḍanarata
○rata n. skilful in cutting or destroying, destructive W.
≫ khaṇḍanīya
khaṇḍanīya mfn. to be broken or divided Pañcat.
• destructible W.
• refutable W.
≫ khaṇḍara
khaṇḍara (g. aśmâdi) a sweetmeat Bhpr. ii
• (khaṇḍava) Car. vi, 16
≫ khaṇḍala
khaṇḍala m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a piece L.
≫ khaṇḍava
khaṇḍava as, am m. n. (cf. khāṇḍ○)? L.
• m. for ○ṇḍara, q.v
≫ khaṇḍika
kháṇḍika m. 'one who learns section by section of a work', pupil (? 'a sugar-boiler, sugar-baker' NBD.) Pāṇ. 4-2, 45
• g. purohitâdi
• pease Car. i, 27 (khaṇḍīka)
• the armpit L.
• N. of a man ŚBr. xi Pāṇ. 4-3, 102
• (ṣáṇḍika) MaitrS.
• m. pl., N. of a people Pāṇ. 3-2, 115 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
• (ā), f. See ○ṇḍaka
⋙ khaṇḍikopādhyāya
khaṇḍikôpādhyāya m. a teacher of khaṇḍika pupils Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 13 Pat.
≫ khaṇḍita
khaṇḍita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) cut, torn, broken in pieces, scattered, dispersed, destroyed, removed Vikr. Pañcat. Kathās. Prab. Hit.
• injured (esp. by the teeth) Pañcat.
• broken as allegiance, disobeyed against, rebelled
• refuted, controverted
• disappointed, betrayed, abandoned (as a lover) Ragh. v, 67 Megh. Sāntiś.
• (ā), f. a woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of infidelity Sāh.
⋙ khaṇḍitavigraha
○vigraha mfn. 'one whose body is injured', maimed, mutilated Kir. v, 43
⋙ khaṇḍitavṛtta
○vṛtta mfn. one whose manner of life is dissolute Mṛicch. ii
⋙ khaṇḍitāśaṃsa
khaṇḍitâśaṃsa mfn. having the hopes disappointed, frustrated W.
≫ khaṇḍin
khaṇḍin mfn. 'annihilating, removing'
• See yaśaḥ- consisting of pieces W.
• divided, comminuted W.
• (ī) m. the wild kidney-bean (vanamudga) L.
• a N. of Harsha (cf. khaṇḍana-kāra) SŚaṃkar.
• (inī), f. 'having continents', the earth L.
≫ khaṇḍiman
khaṇḍiman ā m. defectiveness, g. pṛthv-ādi
≫ khaṇḍīka
khaṇḍīka m. See ○ṇḍika
≫ khaṇḍīkṛ
khaṇḍī-√kṛ to divide or break into small pieces, cut up, tear to pieces Ragh. xvi, 51 Pañcat.
≫ khaṇḍīya
khaṇḍīya mfn. fr. ṇḍa g. utkarâdi
≫ khaṇḍīra
khaṇḍīra m. a kind of kidney-bean L.
≫ khaṇḍu
khaṇḍu ? ('a kind of sugar' W.), g. arīhaṇâdi (cf. khāṇḍava.)
≫ khaṇḍerāya
khaṇḍerāya m. N. of an author
≫ khaṇḍya
khaṇḍya mfn. to be broken or divided, fragile, destructible W.
• to be destroyed or removed Bhaṭṭ. xii, 17 (a- neg.)
khaṇvakhā f. (an onomat. word) 'one who croaks', a female frog AV. iv, 15, 15 (cf. khaimakhā.)
kha-tamāla &c. See 3. khá
khatta m. N. of an astronomer
⋙ khattakhutta
○khutta m. id
khad cl. 6. P. khadati (pr. p. khadát), to be steady or firm or solid ŚBr. i, 4, 7, 10
• to strike, hurt, kill Dhātup. iii, 13
• (for √khād) to eat ib.
≫ khadana
khadana n. juice Gal. [Page 336, Column 3]
≫ khadā
khadā f. a hut, stable (a natural cavern?) Kauś.
≫ khadikā
khadikā ās f. pl. fried or parched grain L. (cf. khājika.)
≫ khadira
khadirá m. Acacia Catechu (having very hard wood, the resin of which is used in medicine, called Catechu, Khayar, Terra japonica) RV. iii, 53, 19 AV. TS. &c
• N. of Indra L.
• the moon L.
• N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
• (ā), f. a sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica
• 'a kind of vegetable' NBD.) L.
• (ī), f. id. L.
⋙ khadirakuṇa
○kuṇa m. the fruit time of the Khadira tree, g. pīlv-ādi
⋙ khadiracañcu
○cañcu m. 'having a beak hard like Khadira wood', N. of a bird (= vañjulaka) VarBṛS.
⋙ khadiraja
○ja mfn. made from Khadira wood
⋙ khadirapattrikā
⋙ khadirapattrī
○pattrī f. a sensitive plant (kind of Mimosa) L.
⋙ khadirabhū
○bhū mfn. = -ja
⋙ khadiramaya
○maya mfn. id
⋙ khadirarasa
○rasa m. the resin of the Acacia Catechu Gal.
⋙ khadiravaṇa
○vaṇa n. a Khadira forest Pāṇ. 8-4, 5
⋙ khadiravaṇika
○"ṣvaṇika m. N. of a Buddhist Bhikshu (vvḷl. ○vanika, vanīka Lalit.)
⋙ khadiravatī
○vatī f. 'overgrown with Khadira', N. of a locality, g. ajirâdi Pāṇ. 6-1, 220 Kāś.
⋙ khadiravanika
○"ṣvanika &c., See -"ṣvaṇika
⋙ khadiravarṇapakṣa
⋙ khadiravarṇaparṇa
○varṇa-parṇa m. 'having wings or feathers of the colour of Khadira wood', N. of a bird Gal.
⋙ khadiravarman
○varman m. N. of a king VS. ix, 40 Sch.
⋙ khadiravāri
○vāri n. = -rasa Suśr.
⋙ khadirasāra
○sāra m. id. ib. Pāṇ. 3-3, 17 Kāś.
⋙ khadirasvāmin
○svāmin m. N. of a scholiast
⋙ khadirājira
khadirâjira ? AV. viii, 8, 3
⋙ khadirāṣṭaka
khadirâṣṭaka n. a decoction made of Catechu and seven other substances L.
⋙ khadirodaka
khadirôdaka n. = ○ra-rasa Suśr. iv
⋙ khadiropama
khadirôpama n. a kind of Mimosa (= kadara) L.
≫ khadiraka
khadiraka m. (g. ṛśyâdi) N. of a mountain Divyâv. xvii, xxx
• (ā), f. lac (lākṣā) L.
kha-dūra ○raka, &c. See 3. khá
≫ khadyota
⋙ khadyotaka
kha-dyotaka &c. See ib.
khan cl. 1. P. khánati (impf. ákhanat
• perf. cakhāna, 3. pl. cakhnur R. i
• Ā. cakhne Pāṇ. 6-4, 98
• pr. p. Ā. khánamāna RV. i, 179, 6 MBh. iii, 1897
• Impv. khanatāt AitBr. [Pāṇ. 7-1, 44 Kāś.]
• Pot. khanyāt or khāyāt Vop.
• Pass. khāyáte [TS. vi ŚBr. iii] or khanyate MBh. xii R. Pañcat.
• inf. khanitum Pañcat.), to dig, dig up, delve, turn up the soil, excavate, √up RV. VS. AV. &c
• to pierce (said of an arrow) Bhartṛ. (v. l.): Caus. khānayati (once khan○ R. ii, 80, 12), to cause to dig or dig up ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c.: Desid. cikhaniṣati Pāṇ. 6-4, 42 Kāś.: Intens. caṅkhanyate or cākhāyate Pāṇ. 6-4, 43
caṅkhanti or cākhāti Vop. [cf. ?, ?, ? ; Old Germ. gine1m, gino1m ; Mod. Germ. gā0hne ; Angl. Sax. cina, cinan ; Lat. cuniculus, canalis.]
≫ khana
khaná mfn. digging, rooting up AV. xvi, 1, 3 (cf. mṛt-kh○)
• (ī), f. a mine L.
⋙ khanapāna
○pāna m. N. of a prince (son of Aṅga and father of Divi-ratha) BhP. ix, 23, 6 (v. l. an-āp○)
≫ khanaka
khanaka m. one who digs, digger, excavator MBh. iii, 640 R.
• a miner L.
• a house-breaker, thief L.
• a rat L.
• N. of a friend of Vidura MBh. i, 5798 f
• (ī), f. a female digger or excavator Pāṇ. 3-1, 145 Pat. ; iv, 1, 41 Kāś.
≫ khanati
khanati m. N. of a man Daś. iii
≫ khanana
khanana n. the act of digging or excavating Daś. Bhartṛ. PSarv. &c
• digging into the earth, burying PSarv. Ragh. viii, 25 Sch.
≫ khananīya
khananīya mfn. to be dug Bhaṭṭ. vi, 56 Sch.
≫ khanayitrī
khanayitrī f. a spade Pañcar.
≫ khanātaka
khanātaka mfn. dug up or unearthed with a spade ĀpŚr. xvii, 26
≫ khani
khaní mfn. (cf. Uṇ.) digging or rooting up AV. xvi, 1, 7
• (is), f. a mine (esp. of precious stones) Ragh. xvii, 66 ; xviii, 21 VarBṛS. lxxx, 10 Vop.
• a quarry, cave W.
⋙ khaninetra
○netra m. N. of the prince Karaṃdhama BhP. ix, 2, 25 (cf. khanī-n○.)
≫ khanika
khanika m. (= ○naka) a house-breaker, thief Gal.
≫ khanitṛ
khanitṛ́ m. a digger, delver RV. x, 97, 20 AV. iv, 6, 8 VS. xii, 100 Hit.
≫ khanitra
khanítra n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 184) an instrument for digging, spade, shovel RV. i, 179, 6 TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy. Mn. &c
• (ā), f. id. R. (ed. Bomb.) i, 40, 27
• m. N. of a prince VP. BhP. ix, 2, 24 MārkP. cxviii, 9 and 20
≫ khanitraka
khanítraka n. a small shovel or scoop Pañcat. Kathās. lxi, 109
• (ikā), f. id. L.
≫ khanitrima
khanítrima mf(ā)n. produced by digging RV. vii, 49, 2
○tríma AV. i, 6, 4 ; v, 13, 9 ; xix, 2, 2
≫ khanitvā
khanitvā ind. p. having dug Hit. [Page 337, Column 1] Contents of this page
≫ khanī
khanī (f. of ○na, q.v.)
⋙ khanīnetra
○netra m. (= ○ni-n○) N. of the prince Karaṃdhama MBh. xiv, 70 f
≫ khanya
khánya mf(ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 123) coming from excavations or ditches TS. vii, 4, 13, 1
≫ khā
khā mfn. digging (ifc., e.g. kūpa-
bisa-khā́) Pāṇ. 3-2, 67
≫ khāta
khātá mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 42) dug, dug up, excavated RV. iv, 50, 3 AV. ŚBr. iii &c
• digged into the earth, buried MBh. xiii, 3089
• torn, rent W.
• m. a ditch Hcat. i, 3, 921
• n. (cf. Naigh. iii, 23) a ditch, fosse, moat, well, pond ŚBr. ix, 4, 3, 9 ŚāṅkhŚr. Pañcat. BhP. &c
• an excavation, cavern
• digging a hole W.
• (ā), f. an artificial pond L. (cf. deva-kh○, viṣama-kh○, sama-kh○, sūcī-kh○.)
⋙ khātabhū
○bhū f. a moat, ditch L.
⋙ khātamūla
○mūla mfn. anything the √of which is dug up AV. Paipp. xiii, 1, 5
⋙ khātarūpakāra
○rūpa-kāra m. a potter L.
≫ khātaka
khātaka m. a digger, delver W.
• a debtor (cf. khādaka) L.
• n. a ditch, moat BhP. vi, 12, 22 Kathās. Hcat. i, 5, 869
• (ikā), f. a ditch L.
≫ khātana
khātana mfn. See bhitti-kh○
≫ khāti
khāti f. digging Pāṇ. 6-4, 42 Kāś.
≫ khātṛ
khātṛ m. a digger Cāṇ.
≫ khātra
khātra n. a spade, shovel Uṇ. iv, 161
• a moat, square or oblong pond ib. (= khānika)
• a wood L.
• a thread L.
• horror L.
⋙ khātrakhanana
○khanana n. digging holes in a wall or breaches HPariś. ii, 170
≫ khānaka
khānaka mfn. ifc. one who digs or digs out Mn. viii, 260 (cf. kūpa-)
• m. a house-breaker, thief VarBṛS. lxxxix, 9
• (ikā), f. a ditch Gal.
≫ khānam
khānam ind. p. so as to dig HPariś. ii, 376
≫ khāni
khāni f. a mine Śatr. x, 112 (ifc.)
≫ khānika
khānika n. an opening in a wall, breach L.
≫ khānina
khānina mfn. v. l. for ○nila L.
≫ khānila
khānila mfn. a house-breaker L.
≫ khānya
khānya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 123) anything that is being digged out Lāṭy. viii, 2, 4f
≫ kheya
kheya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 111 Bhaṭṭ.) to be digged out, that can be digged Nār. (cf. Yājñ. ii, 156 Sch.) ĀpŚr. xv, 1 Sch.
• n. a ditch L.
kha-parāga See 3. khá, p. 334
≫ khapura
⋙ khapurapuṣpa
○puṣpa &c. See ib.
kham ind., g. câdi (vḷ.)
kha-maṇi &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
khamb cl. 1. P. ○bati, to go or move Dhātup. xi, 35 (vḷ.)
kha-yoga See 3. khá, p. 334, col. 3
khára mf(ā)n. hard, harsh, rough, sharp, pungent, acid (opposed to mṛdú and ślakṣṇá) MBh. R. &c
• solid (opposed to drava, fluid) Pāṇ. 7-3, 69 Pat. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 35 and iv, 2, 16
• dense (clouds) R. vi, 87, 3
• sharp, hot (wind) Suśr. i, 20, 22
• hurtful, injurious, cutting (as speech or word) MBh. R. &c
• sharp-edged L.
• cruel W.
• m. a donkey (so called from his cry) KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
• a mule L.
• an osprey L.
• a heron L.
• a crow L.
• a thorny plant (sort of prickly nightshade or perhaps Alhagi Maurorum) L.
• N. of a fragrant substance Gal.
• a quadrangular mound of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels (cf. ?) ŚBr. v, 1, 2, 15
• xiv ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr.
• a place arranged for building a house upon, N. of the 25th year of the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle VarBṛS.
• a Daitya or demon L.
• N. of the Asura Dhenuka Hariv. 3114 BhP. ii, 7, 34
• N. of a Rakshas slain by Rāma (younger brother of Rāvaṇa) MBh. iii, 15896 R. BhP. Ragh.
• N. of an attendant [of the Sun (= Dharma) L.
• of Śiva L.]
• of a Rudra (?) Hariv. (vḷ.)
• (am), ind. in a sharp way R. iii, 29, 9
• (ā), f. Andropogon serratus L.
• (ī), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 30 Siddh.) a she-ass Kathās. lxiii
• 'a she-mule', See kharī-vātsalya
• N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2624
⋙ kharakaṇṭha
○kaṇṭha (khará-), m. N. of a mythical being Suparṇ. xxiii, 4
⋙ kharakaṇḍūyana
○kaṇḍūyana n. 'scraping or rubbing with a sharp object', making worse any evil MBh. iii, 33, 66
⋙ kharakaṇḍūyita
○kaṇḍūyita n. id. ib. (C)
⋙ kharakarṇī
○karṇī f. 'ass-eared', N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2644
⋙ kharakāṣṭhikā
○kāṣṭhikā f. 'having hard wood', Sida cordifolia L.
⋙ kharakuṭī
○kuṭī f. a barber's shop L.
• used also as an epithet of a man Pāṇ. 4-1, 3 Kār. (Pat.) ; v, 3, 98 Vārtt. 1 Pat. ; vi, 1, 103 Kār. Pat. ; 204, Kāś.
⋙ kharaketu
○ketu m. N. of a Rakshas R. vi, 74, 4
⋙ kharakoṇa
○koṇa m. the francoline partridge L.
⋙ kharakomala
○komala m. 'bracing yet mild', the month Jyaishṭha L.
⋙ kharakvāṇa
○kvāṇa m. = -koṇa W. [Page 337, Column 2]
⋙ kharakṣaya
○kṣaya m. = -sāda Gal.
⋙ kharagandhanibhā
⋙ kharagandhā
○gandhā f. Uraria Lagopodioides L.
⋙ kharagṛha
○gṛha n. = -geha L.
• a tent Gal.
⋙ kharageha
○geha n. a stable for asses L.
⋙ kharagoyuga
○go-yuga n. a pair of donkeys Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Vārtt. 3 Pat.
⋙ kharagraha
○graha m. id. L.
⋙ kharaghātana
○ghātana m. 'destroying asses', Mesua ferrea L.
⋙ kharacchada
○cchada m. 'sharp-leaved', N. of a tree (= bhūmī-saha) Bhpr. v, 5, 75
• a kind of grass (ulūka, or kundara) L.
• a kind of reed (itkaṭa, commonly Okera) L.
• N. of a small shrub (kṣudra-gholī) L.
⋙ kharajaṅghā
○jaṅghā f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2640
⋙ kharajru
○jru (○rá-), mfn. sharp or quick in motion RV. x, 106, 7
⋙ kharaṇas
○ṇas m. 'sharp-nosed', N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-4, 118 Pat.
⋙ kharaṇasa
○ṇasa m. id. ib. Kāś. and Siddh. Pāṇ. 8-4, 3 Kāś.
⋙ kharatara
○tara mfn. sharper, very sharp R. iii, 28, 1
• N. of Jinêśvara (who in 1024 AḌ. overcame the Caitya-vāsins and founded the gaccha of the Śvetâmbaras called after him)
⋙ kharatva
○tva n. the state of an ass Hcat.
⋙ kharatvac
○tvac f. 'having a rough bark', N. of a plant (= alambuṣā) Bhpr.
⋙ kharadaṇḍa
○daṇḍa n. 'rough-stemmed', the lotus BhP. iv, 6, 29
⋙ kharadalā
○dalā f. 'sharp-leaved', the opposite-leaved fig-tree L.
⋙ kharadūṣaṇa
○dūṣaṇa m. 'killing asses', the thorn-apple L.
• m. du. the two demons Khara and Dūshaṇa R. iii, 23, 39
-vadha m. slaughter of those demons, N. of PadmaP. iv, 17
⋙ kharadhāra
○dhāra mfn. having a harsh edge or one full of notches (like that of a saw) Suśr.
⋙ kharadhvaṃsin
○dhvaṃsin m. 'destroyer of the demon Khara', N. of Rāma L.
⋙ kharanakhara
○nakhara m. 'having sharp claws', N. of a lion Pañcat. iii
⋙ kharanāda
○nāda m. the braying of an ass W.
• N. of a medical author Bhpr.
⋙ kharanādin
○nādin mfn. braying like an ass Pāṇ. 6-2, 80 Kāś.
• m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi
• of a Ṛishi Buddh. L.
• (inī), f. a kind of perfume or drug L.
⋙ kharanāla
○nāla n. = -daṇḍa BhP. iii, 8, 19
⋙ kharapa
○pa m. N. of a man, g. 1. naḍâdi
• (ās), m. pl. the descendants of that man, g. yaskâdi
⋙ kharapattra
○pattra m. 'sharp-leaved', a kind of Ocimum (tulasī)
• = maruvaka (another kind of Ocimum) L.
• a kind of cane L.
• a variety of Kuśa grass L.
• Trophis aspera Gal.
• Tectona grandis (vḷ. śara-p○) L.
• (ā), f. a variety of the fig-tree L.
• (ī), f. = -parṇinī L.
• the opposite-leaved fig-tree L.
⋙ kharapattraka
○pattraka m. a variety of Ocimum L.
⋙ kharaparṇinī
○parṇinī f. 'sharp-leaved', Phlomis esculenta Bhpr. v, 3, 297
⋙ kharapātra
○pātra n. an iron pot L.
⋙ kharapādāḍhya
○pādâḍhya m. the elephant or wood apple L.
⋙ kharapāla
○pāla m. a wooden vessel W.
⋙ kharapuṣpa
○puṣpa m. a variety of Ocimum Suśr. i, 46, 4, 11
• (ā), f. id. L.
⋙ kharaprāṇa
○prâṇa a particular vessel Hcar.
⋙ kharapriya
○priya m. 'the donkey's friend', a pigeon L.
⋙ kharamajra
○majrá mfn. one who cleans very sharply (cf. Sāy.) RV. x, 106, 7
⋙ kharamañjari
⋙ kharamañjarī
○mañjarī f. Achyranthes aspera (apâmārgá) Suśr. iv, vi Pañcar.
⋙ kharamayūkha
○mayūkha m. 'hot-rayed', the sun Dhūrtan.
⋙ kharamukhikā
○mukhikā f. a kind of musical instrument Jain. Sch.
⋙ kharayaṣṭikā
○yaṣṭikā f. 'rough-stemmed', N. of a plant L.
⋙ kharayāna
○yāna n. vehicle drawn by a donkey, donkey-cart Mn. xi, 202
⋙ khararaśmi
○raśmi m. = -mayūkha L.
⋙ khararoman
○roman m. 'having rough hair', N. of one of the Nāga chiefs inhabiting hell L.
⋙ kharaloman
○loman vḷ. for -roman W.
⋙ kharavallikā
○vallikā f. = -gandha-nibhā L.
⋙ kharavṛṣabha
○vṛṣabha m. a jackass Car. iv, 8
⋙ kharaśabda
○śabda m. 'harsh-voiced', an osprey L.
• the braying of an ass W.
⋙ kharaśāka
○śāka m. Clerodendrum siphonanthus Bhpr.
⋙ kharaśāla
○śāla m. produced in a donkey-stall Pāṇ. 4-3, 35
• (ā), f. a donkey-stable L.
⋙ kharasāda
○sāda m. swooning, fainting-fit Gal.
⋙ kharasoni
○soni m. an iron vessel L.
⋙ kharasonda
○sonda m. id. L.
⋙ kharasolla
○solla m. id. W.
⋙ kharaskandha
○skandha m. 'having a rough stem', Buchanania latifolia Bhpr.
• N. of a demon SaddhP.
• (ā), f. Phoenix sylvestris L.
⋙ kharasparśa
○sparśa mf(ā)n. sharp, hot (as wind) MBh. iii, 11396 BhP. i, 14, 16
⋙ kharasvarā
○svarā f. wild jasmine (vana-mallikā) L.
⋙ kharāṃśu
kharâṃśu m. = ○ra-mayūkha
-tanaya m. 'son of the sun', the planet Saturn
⋙ kharāgarī
kharâgarī f. Andropogon serratus L.
⋙ kharāṇḍaka
kharâṇḍaka m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants L.
⋙ kharābdāṅkuraka
kharâbdâṅkuraka n. lapis lazuli L. (vḷ. kha-śabdâṅkura-ja.)
⋙ kharālaka
kharâlaka vḷ. for ○lika, q.v
⋙ kharālika
kharâlika m. an iron arrow (vḷ. ○laka W.) L.
• a pillow L.
• a barber (grāmaṇī) L.
• a razor-case L.
⋙ kharāśvā
kharâśvā f. = ○râhvā Bhpr. v, 1, 78
• Celosia cristata L.: = aja-gandhā or karavii (commonly vanayamānī) L.
⋙ kharāsyā
kharâsyā f. 'donkey-faced', N. of a sorceress, Vīrac. xxii
⋙ kharāhvā
kharâhvā f. the plant aja-modā L.
⋙ kharoṣṭra
kharôṣṭra n. sg. ass and camel Yājñ. ii, 160
≫ kharāyita
kharāyita n. behaviour of an ass Kathās. lxiii
≫ kharikā
kharikā f. powdered musk L.
≫ kharita
kharita m. the brother's son Gal.
≫ khariṃ
khariṃ^ (in comp. for ○rīm acc. of ○rī, q.v.) [Page 337, Column 3]
⋙ khariṃdhama
○dhama mfn. ? Pāṇ. 3-2, 30 Siddh. (cf. khāriṃ-dh○.)
⋙ khariṃdhaya
○dhaya mfn. ? drinking ass's milk ib. (cf. khāriṃ-dh○.)
≫ kharī
kharī f. of ○ra, q.v
⋙ kharīkhan
○khan m. N. of a man, and (āṇas), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi (cf. Gaṇar. 31)
⋙ kharījaṅgha
○jaṅgha m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi
⋙ kharīvātsalya
○vātsalya n. 'maternal love of a she-mule', motherliness not wanted MBh. v, 4587
⋙ kharīviṣāṇa
○viṣāṇa n. 'an ass's horn', anything not existing SŚaṃkar. i, 8
⋙ kharīvṛṣa
○vṛṣa m. a jackass (cf. ○ra-vṛṣabha) Pāṇ. 6-2, 144 Kāś.
≫ kharībhū
kharī-√bhū to become acute (as a disease) Car. vi, 18
≫ kharya
kharya mfn. fr. ○ra g. gav-ādi
kharaṭa-kharaṭā ind. (onomat.) only in comp. with -√1
⋙ kṛ
kṛ to make the sound kharaṭa Pāṇ. 5-4, 57 Kāś.
khara-ṇas &c. See khára
kharana-rāya m. N. of a son of Śatânanda, Śaṃkaracetov. ii
khara-nāda &c. See 1. khára
kharu mfn. white L.
• foolish, idiotic Uṇ.
• harsh, cruel ib.
• desirous of improper or prohibited things L.
• (us), m. a tooth L.
• a horse L. Uṇ.
• pride L.
• love or Kāma (the god of love) Uṇ.
• N. of Śiva L.
• (us), f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 44 Vārtt.) a girl who chooses her own husband Pāṇ. Siddh.
kharoṣṭī f. a kind of written character or alphabet Lalit. x, 29
○roṭṭhi Jain.
kharkhoda a kind of magic Rājat. v, 238
• (khārkhoṭa) Car. vi, 23
khargála m. N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 4, 3 Sch.
• (ā), f. an owl or any similar night-bird RV. vii, 104, 17 Kauś. (cf. khṛ́g○.)
kharj cl. 1. P. ○jati, to creak (like a carriage-wheel) KātyŚr.
• to worship, treat with respect or courtesy Dhātup. vii, 54
• to pain, make uneasy ib.
• to cleanse ib.
≫ kharja
kharja mfn. Pāṇ. 7-3, 59 Kāś.
≫ kharjikā
kharjikā f. a relish that provokes drinking L.
≫ kharju
kharju f. scratching, itching, itch, scab L.
• a kind of insect, worm L.
• the wild date tree L.
⋙ kharjughna
○ghna m. 'itch-remover', the thorn-apple Gal.
• Cassia Alata or Tora (cakra-marda) Gal.
≫ kharjura
kharjura m. a kind of date L.
• (am), n. silver L.
⋙ kharjurakarṇa
○karṇa v. l. for ○rjUra-k○, q.v
≫ kharjū
kharjū ūs f. (= ○ju) itching Uṇ.
• a kind of insect, worm Uṇ.
⋙ kharjūghna
○ghna m. (= ○rju-gh○) the thorn-apple L.
• Cassia Alata or Tora L.
• Calotropis gigantea L.
≫ kharjūra
kharjū́ra m. Phoenix sylvestris TS. ii, 4, 9, 2 Kāṭh. MBh. &c
• a scorpion L.
• N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
• (ī), f. Phoenix sylvestris VarBṛS. Kathās. lxi
• the wild date tree L.
• (am), n. the fruit of Phoenix sylvestris Kathās. lxi
• (= kharjura) silver L.
• yellow orpiment L.
• = khala L.
• the interior part of a cocoa-nut L.
⋙ kharjūrakarṇa
○karṇa m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi (cf. Kāś. Gaṇar. 216)
⋙ kharjūrapura
○pura n. the town Khajurāho in Bundelkhand Inscr.
⋙ kharjūrarasa
○rasa m. the juice or extract of the wild date or Tāḍi (used to leaven bread and as an intoxicating liquor) W.
≫ kharjūraka
kharjūraka m. a scorpion Vasantar. xv, 8
• (ikā), f. a sweetmeat (cf. piṇḍa-, muni-.)
≫ kharjūrī
kharjūrī f. of ○ra, q.v
⋙ kharjūrīrasaja
○rasa-ja m. 'made from the juice of the wild date', a kind of sugar Gal.
≫ kharjūla
kharjūla m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi (cf. Kāś.)
≫ kharjya
kharjya mfn. Pāṇ. 7-3, 59 Kāś.
khard cl. 1. P. ○dati, to bite, sting, sting venomously Dhātup. iii, 23
kharpara m. a thief L.
• a rogue, cheat L.
• the skull L.
• the half of a skull W.
• a beggar's bowl or dish L.
• an umbrella or parasol L.
• N. of a man Vīrac. xviii
• n. and (ī), f. a kind of mineral substance (used as a collyrium) Bhpr. v, 7, 145 ; 26, 118 and 232 (cf. karpara.)
≫ kharparikā
kharparikā f. an umbrella Gal.
• = ○rī L.
≫ kharparī
kharparī f. of ○ra, q.v
⋙ kharparītuttha
○tuttha n. a kind of collyrium L.
⋙ kharparīrasaka
○rasaka n. id. L.
kharparāla m. (= kandar○) N. of a plant W.
kharb cl. 1. P. ○bati, to go or move. Dhātup. xi, 27 [Page 338, Column 1] Contents of this page; [Old. Germ. hwarb, hwarp, hwirbu, &c. ; Goth. bi-hvairba, 'to go round.']
kharbūja n. (fr. the Pers. ?, kkarbūśa), the water-melon Bhpr. v, 6, 43 f
kharma n. harshness, Vāsav. 288
• = pauruṣa (virility, for pāruṣya?) L.
• wove silk, Vāsav. 288
kharya See khára
kharv (= √garv), cl. 1. P. ○vati, to be proud or haughty Dhātup. xv, 73
kharvá mfn. (cf. á-, tri-) mutilated, crippled, injured, imperfect TS. ii, 5, 1, 7
• low, dwarfish L.
• (as, am), m. n. a large number (either 10, 000, 000, 000 [L.], or 37 cyphers preceded by 1 R. vi, 4, 59)
• m. N. of one of the nine Nidhis or treasures of Kubera L.
• Rosa moschata L.
⋙ kharvapattrā
○pattrā f. 'having imperfect leaves', a kind of low shrub L.
⋙ kharvavāsin
○vāsín mfn. being or abiding in a mutilated object AV. xi, 9, 16
⋙ kharvaśākha
○śākha mfn. 'having small branches', dwarfish, small L.
≫ kharvaka
kharvaka mf(khárvikā)n. mutilated, imperfect AV. xi, 9, 16
• (ikā), f. (scil. paurṇamāsī) not quite full (as the moon) Sch. on KātyŚr. &c
≫ kharvita
kharvita mfn. (anything) that has become dwarfish Kathās. li, 1
≫ kharvīkṛta
kharvī-kṛta mfn. made low, pressed down Amar. 36 Sch.
kharvaṭa m. (n. L.) a mountain village (= karv○) BhP. i, 6, 11 ; iv, 18, 31 ; vii, 2, 14
kharvurā f. N. of a thorny plant L.
≫ kharvūrā
kharvūrā f. id. Gal.
khal cl. 1. P. ○lati (cf. Nir. iii, 10), to move or shake Dhātup. xv, 38
• to gather ib. (cf. √khall.)
khála m. (n. g. ardharcâdi) a threshing-floor, granary RV. x, 48, 7 AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c
• earth, mould, soil L.
• place, site L.
• m. contest, battle Naigh. Nir.
• sediment or dregs of oil Pañcat. ii, 53
• (= khaḍa) butter-milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices Suśr. i, vi
• a mischievous man
Mṛicch. Cāṇ. BhP. Pañcat. &c
• the sun L.
• Xanthochymus pictorius (tamāla) L.
• the thorn-apple L.
• (ā), f. a mischievous woman Amar.
• N. of a daughter of Raudrâśva Hariv. VāyuP. ii, 37, 122
• (ī), f. sediment or deposit of oil Car. Bhartṛ. ii, 98
⋙ khalakula
○kula (khalá-), n. a low or base family VarBṛ.
• m. (= kulattha) Dolichos uniflorus ŚBr. xiv, 9, 3, 22 Kauś.
⋙ khalaja
○já mfn. produced on a threshing-floor AV. viii, 6, 15
⋙ khalatā
○tā f. wickedness, villainy
• filthiness W.
⋙ khalatulaparṇī
○tula-parṇī f. (perhaps) N. of a plant Kauś.
⋙ khalatva
○tva n. = -tā W.
⋙ khaladhāna
⋙ khaladhānya
○dhānya n. a threshing-floor L. (vḷ. khalâdhāna)
⋙ khalapū
○pū mfn. (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 175 and viii, 2, 4) 'one who cleans a threshing-floor', a sweeper, cleaner, Mehter or Ferash L.
⋙ khalaprīti
○prīti f. the friendship or favour of low or wicked persons W.
⋙ khalamālin
○mālin mfn. garlanded with threshing-floors PārGṛ.
⋙ khalamūrti
○mūrti m. quicksilver L.
⋙ khalayajña
○yajña m. a sacrifice performed on a threshing-floor Gobh. iv
⋙ khalasaṃsarga
○saṃsarga m. associating with bad company W.
⋙ khalājina
khalâjina ?, g. utkarâdi
⋙ khalājinīya
khalâjinīya mfn. ib.
⋙ khalādhāna
khalâdhāna vḷ. for khala-dh○, q.v
⋙ khalādhārā
khalâdhārā f. a kind of cockroach L.
⋙ khaledhānī
khaledhānī &c., See s. v. khale
⋙ khalokti
khalôkti f. low or wicked language, abuse W.
≫ khalāya
khalāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to act like a wicked person Bhartṛ.
≫ khali
khali m. sediment of oil or oil-cake L.
• = -druma Npr.
⋙ khalidruma
○druma m. (= khalla) Pinus longifolia Npr.
≫ khalin
khalin mfn. one who possesses threshing-floors (said of Śiva) MBh. xiii, 1172
• (inas), m. pl., N. of a class of Dānavas, 7282 ff
• (inī), f. a multitude of threshing-floors Pāṇ. 4-2, 51
• Anethum graveolens L.
• Curculigo orchioides L.
≫ khalina 1
khalina m. N. of a place (named after the Khalins) MBh. xiii, 7288
≫ khalī
khalī ind. fr. ○la, q.v
⋙ khalīkāra
○kāra m. ill-treatment, abusing, reviling Kād. Śāntiś. Kathās.
⋙ khalīkṛ
○√kṛ 'to reduce to sediment, crush', to hurt, injure, treat ill
Mṛicch. Kād. Hcar. Kathās.
• (sometimes confounded with khilī-√kṛ.)
⋙ khalīkṛti
○kṛti f. = -kāra Kathās. xiii, 157
≫ khale
khale loc. of ○la, q.v
⋙ khaledhānī
○dhānī f. = -vālī L. [Page 338, Column 2]
⋙ khalebusam
○busam ind. at the time when the chaff is on the threshing-floor, at the threshing-time, g. tiṣṭhadgvādi
⋙ khaleyavam
○yavam ind. at the time when barley is on the threshing-floor, at the barley threshing-time ib.
⋙ khalevālī
○vālī f. the post of a threshing-floor TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, 13, 8 ĀśvŚr. ix, 7, 15 KātyŚr. Nyāyam. x
≫ khalya
khálya mfn. being on a threshing-floor VS. xvi, 33 MaitrS. ii
• fit for a threshing-floor ('fit for oilcake' &c.?) Pāṇ. 5-1, 7
• (ā), f. a multitude of threshing-floors Pāṇ. 4-2, 50
• N. of a woman, g. tikâdi (vḷ.)
⋙ khalyāṅga
khalyâṅga m. N. of a fish Gal.
≫ khalyakā
khalyakā f. N. of a woman, g. tikâdi
khalakhalāya (onomat.), Ā. ○yate, ? Cāṇ.
khalatí mfn. (g. bhīmâdi
• ifc. or in comp., g. kaḍārâdi
• √khal Uṇ.) bald-headed, bald VS. TS. ŚBr. xiii KātyŚr. &c
• (is), m. baldness Sāy. on RV. viii, 102 (cf. kulva, khalliṭa, &c.)
≫ khalatika
khalatika m. the sun Gal.
• N. of a mountain Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 52 Vārtt. 4 Inscr.
• (am), n. N. of a forest situated near that mountain Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 52 Vārtt. 4
khalina 2
khalina mn. (cf. ?) the bit of a bridle VarBṛS. xliv, 22
• xciii, 9
≫ khalīna
khalīna n. (g. ardharcâdi), id. MBh. i, 7343 ; vi, 2293 Pañcat. iv, 6, 0/1 ; v, 11, 0/1
khaliśa m. a kind of fish (Trichopodus Colisa W.
• or = kaṅka-troṭa, Esox Kankila) L.
• (vḷ. khalliśa
• cf. khaśeṭa.)
≫ khaleśa
⋙ khaleśaya
khaleśaya m. id. L.
khalīna See 2. khalina
khálu ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed, verily, certainly, truly R. Śak. &c
• (as a continuative particle) now, now then, now further RV. x, 34, 14 TS. &c. ; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now, = Lat. atqui TBr. ŚBr. &c
• [khalu is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase
• it is frequently combined with other particles, thus átha kh○, u kh○, vaí kh○, kh"ṣ vaí, = now then, now further TS. TBr. ŚBr. &c
• in later Sanskṛit khalu frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, and is sometimes merely expletive
• it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind. p. [khalu kṛtvā, 'desist from doing that'] Nir. i, 5 [also ○tam] Pāṇ. 3-4, 18 Śiś. ii, 70)
• or of endearment, conciliation, and inquiry L.
na khalu, by no means, not at all, indeed not R. &c.]
⋙ khalutas
○tas ind. (= khalu) certainly SaṃhUp. v, 8
khaluj m. (kha-luk?) darkness L.
khalureṣa m. a kind of wild quadruped L.
≫ khalureṣaka
khalureṣaka m. id. W.
khalūrikā f. a parade, place for military exercise L. (cf. khuralī.)
≫ khalūrī
khalūrī f. id. Gal.
khaleśa ○śaya, See khaliśa
khálya &c. See khála
khall (= √khal), cl. 1. Ā. khallate, to shake, be loose Suśr. ii, 15, 5
≫ khalla
khalla m. a little case or cap formed by rolling up paper &c. (used for holding any small articles of grocery) Suśr. i, vi
• (= khalva) a mill, stone or vessel for grinding drugs Bhpr.
• a kind of cloth or clothes L.
• leather, leather garments L.
• a leather water-bag L.
• a canal, cut, creek, trench L.
• the Cātaka (kind of cuckoo) L.
• n. a slender waist L.
• (ī), f. shooting pain in the extremities Car. i, 14, 21 and 28, 16
• vi Bhpr. vii, 36, 160 f
• (= khali) Pinus longifolia Npr.
≫ khalli
khalli f. (= kallī) shooting pain in the extremities Car. vi, 26
≫ khallita
khallita mfn. slack (as a female breast) Bhpr.
khallāṭaka m. (for ○lvāṭ, 'bald') N. of the first minister of king Bindu-sāra Divyâv. xxvi, 456
khallāsara the 10th Yoga (in astr.)
khallikā f. a frying-pan L.
khalliṭa mfn. (= khalatí) bald L.
khalliśa See khaliśa. [Page 338, Column 3]
khallīṭa = ○lliṭa L.
khálva m. a kind of grain or leguminous plant AV. VS. ŚBr. xiv Kauś. Gṛihyās.
• (= khalla) a mill or stone for grinding drugs Bhpr.
≫ khalvakā
khalvakā f. = ○lyakā Gaṇar. 230
khalvaṭa m. a severe cough W.
khalvala ās m. pl., N. of a school of the SV. Caraṇ.
khalvāṭa mfn. (= khalliṭa) bald-headed, bald Bhartṛ. Kathās. lxi, 53 and 184
⋙ khalvāṭabilvīya
○"ṣbilvīya g. kākatālâdi (cf. Gaṇar. 195)
khav (cl. 9. P. khaunāti, or khunāti), v. l. for √khac Dhātup. xxxi, 59
kha-vallī &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
khaśa for khasa, q.v
kha-śaya &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
khaśīra ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 375 (vḷ. khāś○)
khaśeṭa m. = khaliśa L.
≫ khaśera
khaśera m. id. Gal.
kha-śvāsa See 3. khá, p. 334
khaṣ cl. 1. P. ○ṣati, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xvii, 35 (cf. √kaṣ.)
khaṣpa m. (√khan Uṇ.) violence, oppression Uṇ.
• anger, passion ib.
khasa m. itch, scab, any irritating disease of the skin L.
• (ās), m. pl., N. of a people and of its country (in the north of India) Mn. x, 44 MBh. Hariv. AV. Pariś. &c
• m. a native of that country (considered as a degraded Kshatriya) Mn. x, 22
• (ā), f. a kind of perfume (murā) L.
• N. of a daughter of Daksha (one of the wives of Kaśyapa and mother of the Yakshas and Rākshasas) Hariv.
⋙ khasakanda
○kanda m. N. of a bulbous plant Npr. (vḷ. ○nna)
⋙ khasagandha
○gandha m. id. L. (vḷ.)
⋙ khasatila
○tila m. poppy (khaskhasa) Bhpr.
⋙ khasaphalakṣīra
○phala-kṣīra n. poppy-juice, opium ib.
⋙ khasabīja
○bīja n. = -tila ib.
⋙ khasātmaja
khasâtmaja m. 'born by Khasā', a Rakshas L.
kha-sama &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
khasāka vḷ. for khaśīra
khasâtmaja See khasa
kha-sindhu See 3. khá, p. 334
khasīka v. l. for khaśīra
kha-sūci See 3. khá, p. 334
khasṛma m. N. of a Daitya (son of Vipracitti and Siṃhikā) Hariv. 2288
• N. of a son of Kauśika (or Viśvā-mitra), 1190
khaskhasa m. (= khasa-tila) poppy L.
⋙ khaskhasarasa
○rasa m. poppy-juice, opium L.
⋙ khaskhasasāra
○sāra m. id. Npr.
≫ khākhasa
khākhasa m. poppy Bhpr.
⋙ khākhasatila
○tila m. id. ib.
kha-stanī &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
khā See √khan, p. 337, col. 1
khākhasa See khaskhasa
khāgi f. N. of an Agra-hāra Rājat. i, 90
≫ khāgikā
khāgikā f. id. ib. 342
khājika m. = khadikā L.
khāñjāra m. patr. fr. khañj g. śivâdi
≫ khāñjārāyana
khāñjārāyana m. id., g. aśvâdi
≫ khāñjāla
khāñjāla m. patr. fr. khañj○ g. śivâdi
khāñjya n. (fr. khañja), limping Sāṃkhyak. 49 Sch.
khāṭ ind. (onomat.) 'the sound made in clearing the throat', in comp. with
⋙ khāṭkṛ
○√kṛ to clear the throat Pāṇ. 1-4, 62 Kāś. and Siddh.
khāṭa m. (= khaṭṭi) a bier, cot or bedstead on which dead bodies are conveyed to the pyre L.
• (ā), f. id. L.
• (ī), f. id. Gal.
≫ khāṭi
khāṭi f. id. L.
• a scar L. Uṇ. Sch.
• caprice L.
≫ khāṭikā
khāṭikā f. (= khaṭṭ○) a bier L. [Page 339, Column 1] Contents of this page
khāṭvareya m. patr. fr. khaṭvara g. śubhrâdi (cf. Kāś.)
khāṭvābhārika mfn. (fr. khaṭvā-bhāra), laden with bedsteads, g. vaṃśâdi
≫ khāṭvika
khāṭvika mfn. (fr. khaṭvā), id. ib.
khāḍaṇḍaka for ṣāḍ○
khāḍava for khāṇḍ○, q.v
khāḍāyana m. patr. fr. Khaḍa, g. 1. aśvâdi Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Vārtt. 2
⋙ khāḍāyanabhakta
○bhakta n. a district inhabited by Khāḍāyanas, g. aiṣukāry-ādi
≫ khāḍāyanaka
khāḍāyanaka mfn. fr. ○na g. arīhaṇâdi
≫ khāḍāyanin
khāḍāyanin m. pl. (g. śaunakâdi) the school of Khāḍāyana Anup. iii, 5 ; vii, 9
≫ khāḍāyanīya
khāḍāyanīya mfn. fr. ○na g. gahâdi
≫ khāḍika
khāḍika ās m. pl., N. of a school of the Yajur-veda AV. Pariś. il (for khāṇḍ○?)
≫ khāḍiki
khāḍiki mfn. fr. khaḍika g. sutaṃgamâdi
≫ khāḍī
khāḍī f. N. of a locality Kshitîś. vii, 3
≫ khāḍonmatteya
khāḍônmatteya m. metron. fr. khaḍônmattā g. śubhrâdi
khāḍūreya vḷ. for khāṭvar○
khāḍga mfn. (fr. khaḍgá), coming from a rhinoceros (as armour made of rhinoceros hide) ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 33, 20
khāṇḍa n. (fr. khaṇḍa), the state of having fractures or fissures or gaps, g. pṛthv-ādi
≫ khāṇḍaka
khāṇḍaka mfn. fr. khaṇḍa g. dhūmâdi (vḷ.) and arīhaṇâdi (cf. Kāś.)
≫ khāṇḍaparaśava
khāṇḍaparaśava mfn. (fr. khaṇḍa-paraśu), belonging to Śiva Bālar. iii, 62/63
≫ khāṇḍava
khāṇḍavá as, am m. n. sugar-candy, sugarplums, sweetmeats MBh. xiii R. i, vii
• N. of a forest in Kuru-kshetra (sacred to Indra and burnt by the god of fire aided by Arjuna and Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. BhP. i, 15, 8 Kathās.) TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 3 TĀr.
• (ī), f. N. of a town built by Sudarśana L.
⋙ khāṇḍavaprastha
○prastha m. (= indra-pr○) N. of a town situated in the Khāṇḍava forest (founded by the Pāṇḍavas) MBh. BhP. x
⋙ khāṇḍavarāga
○rāga m. (= rāgakhāṇḍava) sugar-candy, sweetmeats MBh. xiv, 2684
≫ khāṇḍavaka
khāṇḍavaka mfn. fr. khaṇḍu g. arīhaṇâdi
≫ khāṇḍavāyana
khāṇḍavāyana ās m. pl., N. of a family of Brāhmans MBh. iii, 10208
≫ khāṇḍavika
khāṇḍavika See rāga-kh○
≫ khāṇḍavīraṇa
khāṇḍa-vīraṇa g. arīhaṇâdi (in Kāś. two separate words khaṇḍa and viiraṇa
cf. Gaṇar. 286)
≫ khāṇḍavīraṇaka
khāṇḍavīraṇaka mfn. fr. ○ṇa ib.
≫ khāṇḍāyana
khāṇḍāyana pl., N. of a family Pravar. ii, 3, 1
≫ khāṇḍika
khāṇḍika m. (fr. khaṇḍa), a seller of sugarplums, confectioner L.
• (pl.) the whole number of pupils Gobh. iii, 3, 8
• N. of a school of the black Yajur-veda Caraṇ.
• (am), n. a multitude of pupils (? cf. khaṇḍ○.) Pāṇ. 4-2, 45
≫ khāṇḍikīya
khāṇḍikīya ās m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 102) 'the followers of Khaṇḍika', N. of a school of the black Yajur-veda Caraṇ.
≫ khāṇḍikeya
khāṇḍikeya m. pl., id., DeviiP. (= Caraṇ.)
≫ khāṇḍikya
khāṇḍikya m. N. of Janaka VP. vi, 6, 5 ff
• of Mita-dhvaja BhP. ix, 13, 20
• n. (fr. khaṇḍika), the state of a pupil (?), g. purohitâdi
⋙ khāṇḍikyajanaka
○janaka m. N. of Janaka VP. vi, 5, 81 ; 6, 8
≫ khāṇḍiti
khāṇḍiti mfn. fr. khaṇḍita g. sutaṃgamâdi
≫ khāṇḍitya
khāṇḍitya mfn. id., g. pragady-ādi
khāt vḷ. for khāṭ, q.v
khātá khātaka, &c. See √khan, p. 337
khâtman See 3. khá, p. 334
khād d. 1. P. khā́dati (ep. also Ā. ○te
• aor. akhādīt Bhaṭṭ.
• perf. cakhāda ib.), to chew, bite, eat, devour, feed, prey upon RV. i, 64, 7 AV. VS. &c
• to hurt Suśr.
• to ruin Subh.: Caus. P. khādayati, to cause to be eaten or devoured by (instr
cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 52 Vārtt. 5) Gaut. Mn. Hcat.
• to eat or devour MBh. iii, 2435: Desid. cikhādiṣati, to desire to eat MBh. vii, 205 (vḷ.) HYog. iii, 18
≫ khāda
khādá mfn. 'eating, devouring', ifc., amitra- and vṛtra-khādá
• m. eating, devouring AitBr. v, 12, 10
• food AV. ix, 6, 12 ŚBr. xiii, 4, 2, 17
≫ khādaka
khādaka m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 146) an eater, devourer Gobh. Mn. v, 51 MBh. xiii
• a debtor, borrower (cf. khātaka) Comm. on Yājñ.
• (ikā), f. 'eating', ifc., e.g. abhyūṣa-, bisa-, qq. vv
≫ khādagdat
khādag-dát mfn. one who has biting teeth (cf. Sch.) TĀr. i, 12, 4. [Page 339, Column 2]
≫ khādata
khādata (Impv. 2. pl. fr. √khād, q.v.)
⋙ khādatamodatā
○modatā f. (Impv. 2. pl. fr. √mud) 'eat and rejoice', continual eating and rejoicing, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
⋙ khādatavamatā
○vamatā f. (Impv. 2. pl. fr. √vam) continual eating and vomiting ib. (vḷ.)
⋙ khādatācamatā
khādatâcamatā f. (Impv. 2. pl. fr. ā-√cam) continual eating and rinsing the mouth ib.
≫ khādana
khādana m. a tooth L.
• n. chewing, eating Vop.
• food, victuals R. ii, 50, 25 and 31
• (ā), f. N. of a wife of king Megha-vāhana Rājat. iii, 14
≫ khādanīya
khādanīya mfn. eatable, edible Lalit. Divyâv.
≫ khādikā
khādikā See ○daka
≫ khādas
khādas^ m. 'devouring', only in comp
⋙ khādoarṇa
khā́do-arṇa or mfn. 'having a devouring flood', i.e. having a flood that carries away the bank (said of a river) RV. v, 45, 2 (cf. Naigh. i, 13)
⋙ khādoarṇas
khā́do-arṇas mfn. 'having a devouring flood', i.e. having a flood that carries away the bank (said of a river) RV. v, 45, 2 (cf. Naigh. i, 13)
≫ khādita
khāditá mfn. eaten, devoured ŚBr. iii Suśr. Bhaṭṭ. Hit.
⋙ khāditavat
○vat mfn. having eaten, iii, 6, 0/1
≫ khāditavya
khāditavya mfn. to be eaten, iv, 5, 0/1
≫ khāditṛ
khāditṛ m. an eater, devourer MBh. xii, 846
≫ khādin 1
khādin mfn. ifc. eating Mn. iv, 71 (= MBh. xiii, 4968)
≫ khāduka
khāduka mfn. mischievous, injurious L.
≫ khādya
khādya n. 'eatable, edible', food, victuals MBh. ii, 98 Pañcat. i Bhartṛ.
• m. (= khadira) Acacia Catechu Gal. (cf. khaṇḍa-kh○.)
⋙ khādyākhādya
khādyâkhādya mfn. fit or unfit for food W.
≫ khādyaka
khādyaka m. N. of a particular food Gal.
khādākya fr. khadākā g. kurv-ādi (cf. Hemac
ṣāḍāk○ Gaṇar. Sch.)
khādí m. (f.?) a brooch, ring (worn on the hands or feet by the Maruts) RV. i, v, vii (cf. vṛ́ṣa-, hiraṇya-
⋙ khādihasta
○hasta (khā́di-), mfn. having the hands ornamented with bracelets or rings (said of the Maruts), v, 38, 2
≫ khādin 2
khādín mfn. decorated with bracelets or rings (as the Maruts) RV. ii, 34, 2 ; vi, 16, 40 (perhaps = khādí) ; x, 38, 1
khādirá mf(ī́)n. (g. palāśâdi) made of or coming from the Khadira tree (Acacia Catechu) TS. iii ŚBr. AitBr. Kauś. Mn. &c
• m. = -rasa L.
• (ī), f. (perhaps) N. of a locality, g. nady-ādi
⋙ khādiragṛhya
○gṛhya n. N. of wk
⋙ khādirasāra
○sāra m. Catechu (resinous extract of the Khadira tree) L.
≫ khādiraka
khādiraka mfn. fr. khadirá g. arīhaṇâdi and varāhâdi
≫ khādirāyaṇa
khādirāyaṇa m. patr. fr. khadirá g. aśvâdi
≫ khādireya
khādireya mfn. fr. ○rī g. nady-ādi
khāduka See √khād
khādūraka m. patr. fr. kha-d○ g. śivâdi (for khāṭvar○?)
khā́do-arṇa &c. See √khād
khādhūyā f. N. of an Agra-hāra Rājat. v, 23
khāna 1
khāna n. (fr. √khād?), eating GāruḍaP.
⋙ khānodaka
khānôdaka m. the cocoa-nut tree L.
khāna 2
khāna m. (= ?) a Khan (or Mogul emperor) Rājat.
⋙ khānakhāna
○khāna m. N. of a Khan (or Mogul emperor), Vaidyajīv. Sch. Concl
≫ khānārāya
khānā-rāya m. N. of a man (AḌ. 1500)
khānaka ○ni, ○nika, &c. See √khan
khāniṣka m. a kind of dish (consisting of small pieces of meat prepared with spices) Suśr. i, 46, 8, 24 Madanav.
≫ khāniṣṭa
khāniṣṭa n. id. Madanav.
khānula m. N. of a man (father of Bahula Vīrac. vi
• of Vopula, xix f. xxii)
khānya See √khan, p. 337, col. 1
khâpagā khâpara, See 3. khá, p. 334
khāra m. (ifc. Pāṇ. 5-4, 101) a measure of grain (commonly Khāri, = 18 Droṇas or about 3 bushels
• it is also reckoned at 1 1/2 Śūrpa or 3 Droṇas
• also at 46 Gauṇīs or 4096 Palas, or at 4 Droṇas) Pāṇ. 2-3, 46 Sch. (○rī Kāś.)
• (ī́), f. id. RV. iv, 32, 17 Pāṇ. Pañcat. Rājat.
⋙ khāraśatika
○"ṣśatika mfn. containing or sown with a hundred Khāri measures Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 58 Vārtt. 6
⋙ khārasahasrika
○sahasrika mfn. containing or sown with a thousand Khāra measures ib.
≫ khāri
khāri f. (ifc. Pāṇ. 5-4, 101 Kāś.) = khāra Siddhṣtry. 32
⋙ khārigrīvi
○grīvi vḷ. for ○ragr○. [Page 339, Column 3]
≫ khāriṃ
khāriṃ (in comp. for ○rim acc. of ○ri (q.v.), or shortened acc. of ○rī)
⋙ khāriṃdhama
○dhama mfn. ? Pāṇ. 3-2, 29 Pat. (cf. khariṃ-dh○.)
⋙ khāriṃdhaya
○dhaya mfn. ? ib. (cf. khariṃ-dh○.)
⋙ khāriṃpaca
○paca mfn. 'cooking a Khāri by measure', (a vessel) in which a Khāri may be cooked Pāṇ. 3-2, 33 Kāś.
≫ khārika
khārika mfn. = ○rīka L. Sch.
• (ā), f. = khāra Sarvad. v, 38
≫ khārī
khārī f. of ○ra, q.v
⋙ khārījaṅgha
○jaṅgha for khar○ Kāś.
⋙ khārīvāpa
○vāpa mfn. sown with a Khāri of grain L.
≫ khārīka
khārīka mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 33 Vārtt. 1) sown with a Khāri of grain, v, 1, 45 Kāś.
• (ifc.) v, 1, 33
khāragrīvi m. pl. (patr. fr. kharagrīvan) N. of a family Pravar. ii, 2, 1
≫ khāranādi
khāranādi m. pl. (patr. fr. khara-nādin g. bāhv-ādi), id. ib. (○raṇādi MSS.)
≫ khārapāyaṇa
khārapāyaṇa patr. fr. khara-pa g. 1. naḍâdi
≫ khārīkhaṇa
khārīkhaṇa m. pl. the descendants of Kharīkhan Gaṇar. 31 Sch.
khār-kāra m. (khār onomat., probably connected with khára) the braying of an ass BhP. iii, 17, 11
khārkhoṭa = kharkhoda, q.v
khārgali m. patr. fr. khargála Kāṭh. xxx, 2 TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 4, 3
khārjurakarṇa for ○rjUr○
≫ khārjūra
khārjūra mfn. (fr. kharj○), coming from or made of Phoenix sylvestris Suśr. Mn. xi, 96 Sch.
≫ khārjūrakarṇa
khārjūrakarṇa m. patr. fr. kharjūrak○ g. śivâdi
≫ khārjūrāyaṇa
khārjūrāyaṇa patr. fr. kharjūra g. aśvâdi
≫ khārjūlāyana
khārjūlāyana m. patr. fr. kharjūla ib. (cf. Kāś.)
khārdabhīmukha See gard○
khārdamāyana m. pl., N. of a family Pravar. i, 7
• cf. kārd○
khārvā f. (fr. kharva), the second ('third' NBD.) Yuga of the world
khā́latya n. (fr. khalatí), morbid baldness AV. xi, 8, 19
≫ khālitya
khālitya n. id. Car. vi, 9 Suśr. i ff
khālika mf(ī)n. = khala iva (like a threshing-floor), g. aṅguly-ādi (not in Kāś.)
khālīya m. N. of a teacher VāyuP. i, 60, 64
• (śālīya BhP. and VP.)
khālyakāyani m. metron. fr. khalyakā g. tikâdi (khālvak○ Gaṇar. 230)
khāśi m. N. of a country to the east of Bengal (the Cossia hills) W. (cf. khasa.)
≫ khāśika
khāśika m. id. W.
khāśīra vḷ. for khaś○, q.v
khāśmarī f. = kāśm○ W.
khāsatā f. N. of a place in Kaśmīr Rājat. i, 344
khāsya-lipi f. (fr. khasa?), a kind of written character or alphabet Lalit. x, 32
khikkhimin mfn. speaking indistinctly VarBṛS. lxxviii, 18
khikhi f. (= kikhi) a fox L.
≫ khiṅkhira
khiṅkhira m. id. L.
• (= khaṭvâṅga) the foot of a bedstead (one of Śiva's weapons) L.
• a kind of perfume (commonly Hāla) L.
• (ī), f. a fox L.
khiccā f. a kind cf dish (made of rice and pease &c.) Npr.
≫ khicci
khicci is,
⋙ khiccī
khiccī f. id. Gal.
khiṭ cl. 1. P. kheṭati, to be terrified or frightened Dhātup. ix, 15
• to terrify, alarm ib.
≫ kheṭita
kheṭita mfn. frightened W.
• ploughed L.
khiḍga for ṣiḍga, Vāsav. 307
khid cl. 6. khindati (Pāṇ. 7-1, 59
• Ved. khidati ib.
• perf. cikheda, or Ved. cakhāda Pāṇ. 6-1, 52
• fut. khetsyati Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh.), to strike, press, press down Pāṇ. 6-1, 52 Kāś. Dhātup.
• to be depressed or wearied BhP. x, 69, 40: cl. 7. Ā. khintte, to be pressed down, suffer pain Bhaṭṭ. vi, 37: cl. 4. Ā. khidyate (rarely P. MBh. ii, 2428 BhP. Bhaṭṭ.), to be pressed down or depressed, be distressed or wearied, feel tired or exhausted R. Śak. Pañcat. &c.: Caus. P. khedayati (rarely Ā. BhP. ii, 5, 7), to press down, molest, disturb, make tired or exhausted Mṛicch. ix, 10 Megh. 85 (vḷ.) BhP. &c. [Page 340, Column 1] Contents of this page
• [Gk. ??] [340, 1]
≫ khidira
khidira m. an ascetic, penitent Uṇ.vṛ
• a pauper ib.
• the moon Uṇ. i, 52
• N. of Indra L.
≫ khidra
khidrá m. a pauper, ii, 13
• disease, sickness ib.
• n. (cf. Nir. xi, 37) an instrument for splitting RV. v, 84, 1 (cf. á-khidra-yāman.)
≫ khidvas
khidvas mfn. (irr. pf. p. P.) pressing upon, oppressing RV. vi, 22, 4
≫ khinna
khinna mfn. depressed, distressed, suffering pain or uneasiness Mn. vii, 141 MBh. &c
• wearied, exhausted VarBṛS. xxxii, 1 &c
≫ kheda
kheda m. lassitude, depression R. &c
• exhaustion, pain, affliction, distress Pañcat. &c
• sexual passion Pat. Introd. on Vārtt. 1
• (khédā), f. an instrument for splitting (belonging to Indra) RV. viii, 72, 8 ; 77, 3 ; x, 116, 4
• N. of a locality Rājat. ii, 135
⋙ khedavigama
○vigama m. removal of sexual passion Pat. Introd. on Vārtt. 1
⋙ khedāṅgasāra
khedâṅga-sāra m. N. of a Tantra BrahmaP. i, 16, 19
⋙ khedānvita
khedânvita mfn. distressed, pained
≫ khedana
khedana mfn. piercing Nir. xi, 37
• n. lassitude, exhaustion, HaṃsUp
• pain, sorrow, affliction W.
≫ khedayitavya
khedayitavya mfn. to be depressed or made distressed Ratnâv. ii, 13/14 Prab. vi, 24/25
≫ khedita
khedita mfn. disturbed, annoyed MBh. xiv, 1825
• injured (as by arrows) VarBṛS. xxiv, 32
• afflicted, distressed R. &c
≫ kheditavya
kheditavya n. impers. to be depressed or cast down or troubled R. iii, 49, 57
≫ khedin
khedin mfn. tired Bālar. vi, 49 (cf. a-kheditva)
• (inī), f. the creeper Marsilea quadrifolia L.
• another plant (aśana-parṇī) L.
khindaka m. N. of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi
≫ khindhi
khindhi is,
⋙ khindhika
khindhika m. id
khimiḍī f. N. of a district in the Central Provinces Inscr.
khirahiṭṭī f. N. of a plant L.
khilá m. (n. L.) a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields, desert, bare soil AV. vii, 115, 4 ŚBr. viii ŚāṅkhBr. Kauś.
• (am), n. 'a space not filled up, gap', that which serves to fill up a gap, supplement (of a book &c.), additional hymn appended to the regular collection Mn. iii, 232 MBh. i VāyuP. ŚivaP. &c
• a compendium, compilation (esp. of hymns and prayers) L.
• n. pl. remainder BhP. vi, 4, 15
• sg. (in alg.) an insolvable problem Gol.
• obduracy Lalit. xix, xxi
• = vedhas (Brahmā or Vishṇu W.) L.
• mfn. defective, insufficient BhP. i, vi
⋙ khilakāṇḍa
○kāṇḍa n. 'supplementary section', N. of MaitrS. v and BṛĀrUp. v f
⋙ khilakṣetra
○kṣetra n. an uncultivated field Hcar.
⋙ khilagrantha
○grantha m. N. of wk
⋙ khilapāṭha
○pāṭha m. (opposed to sūtra-p○) a collective N. for Dhātup., Ganap., and Vārtt. Pāṇ. 1-3, 2 Kāś.
≫ khilī
khilī ind. fr. ○la, q.v
⋙ khilīkṛ
○kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtya), to make vain or powerless Śiś. ii, 34 Rājat.
⋙ khilīkṛta
○kṛta mfn. turned into a desert, devastated, made impassable Ragh. xi, 14 and 87
• made powerless Daś. vii MārkP.
⋙ khilībhūta
○bhūta mfn. (anything) that has become a desert, abandoned, unfrequented (by, gen.) Car. v, 12 Kum. ii, 45 Hcar. Naish. xvii, 37
• frustrated Śak. vi, 22
≫ khilya
khilyá m. a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields RV. x, 142, 3
• a piece of rock in the earth, mass, heap, lump RV. vi, 28, 2
• (ifc.) ŚBr. xiv, 5, 4, 12
khīra N. of a place Rājat. i, 337
khī́la m. (= kīla) a post AV. x, 8, 4 TBr. iii, 7, 6, 19
khu cl. 1. Ā. khavate, to sound Dhātup. xxii, 58
khuṅkhuṇī f. a kind of lute L.
khuṅgāha m. a black horse L.
khuj cl. 1. khojati, to steal, vii, 18
khujjāka m. Lipeocercis serrata L.
khuḍ (khoḍayati) vḷ. for √khuṇḍ
khuḍa m. (?), rheumatism Ashṭâṅg. iii, 16, 4 Npr.
⋙ khuḍavāta
○vāta m. id. ib.
• (mfn.) rheumatic Car. vi, 26. [Page 340, Column 2]
khuḍaka the ankle-joint Suśr. ii, 1, 78 (cf. khulaka.)
khuḍula m. N. of a lexicographer (mentioned by Śāśvata)
khuḍḍaka mfn. (Prākṛit form of kṣudraka) small, minor Car. i, 9 (vḷ.)
≫ khuḍḍāka
khuḍḍāka mf(īkā)n. id., i, 9 ; iv, 4 ; vi, 29, 102
khuṇḍ cl. 1. Ā. ○ḍate, to break in pieces Dhātup. viii, 31
• to limp Vop.: cl. 10. P. khuṇḍayati (vḷ. khoḍayati, cf. kṣodayati fr. kṣudrá), to break in pieces Dhātup. xxxii, 47
khud cl. 6. P. khudáti, to sport wantonly or amorously RV. x, 101, 12: Intens. (p. canīkhudat) id. ĀśvŚr. ii, 10, 14
• (kánīkhunat, fr. √khun) TBr. ii, 4, 6, 5
khun = √khud, q.v
khuna-mukha for khon○, q.v
khum ind. a particle of exclamation, g. câdi
khur (= √kṣur, chur), cl. 6. P. ○rati, to cut, cut up, break in pieces Dhātup. xxviii, 52
• to scratch ib.
≫ khura
khura m. a hoof, horse's hoof KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. ā [g. kroḍâdi] MBh. i Hcat.
• once ī, i, 7, 38)
• a particular part of the foot of a bedstead VarBṛS. lxxix
• a sort of perfume (dried shellfish shaped like a hoof) L.
• (for kṣurá) a razor L.
• (ī), f. g. bahv-ādi (not in Kāś. and g. śoṇâdi)
⋙ khurakṣepa
○kṣepa m. a kick with a hoof W.
⋙ khuraṇas
○ṇas mfn. 'having a nose like a horse's hoof', flat-nosed Pāṇ. 5-4, 118 Pat.
⋙ khuraṇasa
○ṇasa mfn. id. ib. Kāś. and Siddh.
⋙ khuratrāṇa
○trāṇa n. a horse-shoe Gal.
⋙ khurapadavī
○padavī f. a horse's footmarks W.
⋙ khurapra
○pra m. (for kṣur○) a sharp-edged arrow Bālar. iv, 54
• a sickle Gal.
⋙ khurāghāta
khurâghāta m. = ○ra-kṣepa W.
⋙ khurābhighāta
khurâbhighāta m. id. W.
⋙ khurālaka
khurâlaka m. an iron arrow L.
⋙ khurālika
khurâlika m. vḷ. for khar○, q.v
≫ khuraka
khuraka mfn. ? (said of a kind of tin) Bhpr. v, 7, 30 f. and 26, 71
• m. a kind of dance Vikr. iv, 22/23 f
• Sesamum indicum L.
≫ khurin
khurin ī m. an animal with hoofs VarBṛS.
khurakhura m. (or ○rā f.) rattling (in the throat) Lalit. xiv, 34
≫ khurukhurāya
khurukhurāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to rattle (as the throat), xv, 112 Car. vi, 8
khuralī f. military exercise, practising archery &c. Bālar. iv, 16/17
• place for military exercise Vcar. vi, 46 (cf. khalūrikā.)
khurāka m. an animal ('an animal with hoofs' ?, fr. ○ra) Uṇ. k
khurâlaka &c. See khura
khurāsāṇa Khurāsān
≫ khurāsāna
khurāsāna id
• mf(ī)n. coming from Khurāsān Bhpr. v, 1, 80 a/b
khurukhurāya See khurakhura
khurd (= √kurd, gurd), cl. 1. Ā. khūrdate, to play, sport Dhātup. ii, 21
khulaka = khuḍaka Suśr. iv, 18, 24
khulla mfn. (cf. kṣulla
• Prākṛit form for kṣudrá) small, little W.
• (am), n. (= khura) a kind of perfume W.
⋙ khullatāta
○tāta m. (= kṣull○) a father's younger brother L.
≫ khullaka
khullaka mfn. = kṣudraka L. Sch.
khullama m. a road L.
khūrd = √khurd, q.v
khṛ́gala m. a staff, crutch (?, 'a coat of mail' Sāy.) RV. ii, 39, 4 AV. iii, 9, 3
khekhīraka a hollow bamboo L.
khe-gamana &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
kheṭ cl. 10. kheṭayati, to eat, consume Dhātup. xxxv, 22 (vḷ. kheḍ)
kheṭa m. a village, residence of peasants and farmers, small town (half a Pura Hcat.) MBh. iii, 13220 Jain. BhP. VP.: the phlegmatic or watery humor of the body, phlegm Car. iv, 4 [Page 340, Column 3]
• snot, glanders L.
• a horse L.
• the club of Balarāma L.
• m. n. hunting, chase (cf. ā-kheṭa) L.
• a shield Hcat. i, 5, 529 [MārkP.] and 532 {cf. BṛNārP.} ; ii, 1
• (ifc.) expressing defectiveness or deterioration (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 126
• e.g. nagara-, 'a miserable town' ib. Kāś.
upānat-, 'a miserable shoe' ib. Kāś.
muni-, 'a miserable sage' Bālar. ī)
• n. grass L.
• (mfn.) low, vile Bhar. xxxiv, 109
• armed W.
⋙ kheṭapiṇḍa
○piṇḍa 'a ball of phlegm', i.e. anything useless Lalit. xvi, 67 (pakva-)
≫ kheṭaka
kheṭaka as, am m. n. a small village, residence of agricultural peasants VP. Hcat.
• a shield MBh. iv, 181 ; vi, 799 VarBṛS. Hcat. &c
• n. the club of Bala-rāma (?) L.
⋙ kheṭakapura
○pura n. N. of a town W.
≫ kheṭin
kheṭin ī m. a lecher, libertine L.
⋙ kheṭitāla
kheṭitāla m. (= vaitālika) a minstrel, family bard or piper (?) L. (vv. ll. kheṭṭi-t○ and kheḍi-t○)
khe'ṭa See 3. khá, p. 334, col. 3
kheṭika m. N. of a man Pravar. ii, 1, 2 (cf. Kāty
kharika, Viśv.)
kheṭita See √khiṭ
kheṭi-tāla ○ṭin, See above
kheḍ vḷ. for √kheṭ, q.v
kheḍa (g. aśvâdi Kāś.) for kheṭa, a village Jain. (cf. gandha-kh○.)
≫ kheḍitāla
kheḍi-tāla vḷ. for kheṭi-t○
kheda ○dana, &c. See √khid
khédi ayas pl. rays Naigh. i, 5
khedita ○tavya, &c. See √khid
khe-paribhrama See 3. khá
khema-karṇa m. (for kṣem○?), N. of an ancestor of Bala-bhadra Hāyan. Introd. 4
kheya See √khan
khel cl. 1. P. ○lati, to shake, move to and fro, swing, tremble R. Naish. Gīt. Sāh.: Caus. P. khelayati, to cause to move to and fro, swing, shake Pañcat. iv, 5, 0/1 Kathās. ix, 76
≫ khela
khelá mfn. (in comp. or ifc., g. kaḍārâdi Gaṇar. 90) moving, shaking, trembling Vikr. Ragh.
• m. N. of a man RV. i, 116, 15
• (am), ind. so as to shake or tremble R. ii
• (ā), f. sport, play, g. kaṇḍvādi
⋙ khelagati
○gati mfn. having a stately walk VarBṛ. xvi, 16
⋙ khelagamana
○gamana mf(ā)n. id. Vikr. iv, 74
⋙ khelagāmin
○gāmin mfn. id. MBh. i, 7080 ; xv, 662 Kum. vii, 49
≫ khelana
khelana n. moving to and fro, shaking W.
• quivering motion (of the eyes) Gīt. i, 40
• play, pastime, sport Bālar. iv, 16/17
• (ā), f. moving to and fro, Padyasaṃgr. 16
• (ī), f. a chessman L.
≫ khelanaka
khelanaka n. play, sport KāśīKh. xii, 72
≫ khelāya
khelāya Nom. P. ○yati (g. kaṇḍv-ādi), to play, sport Bhaṭṭ. v, 72
≫ kheli
kheli f. (= keli) play, sport Gīt. xi, 30
• (is), m. an animal L.
• a bird L.
• the sun L.
• an arrow L.
• a song L.
kheluda a particular high number Buddh. L.
khev (= √sev), to serve, wait upon Dhātup. xiv, 37
khe-śaya &c. See 3. khá, p. 334
khai cl. 1. P. khāyati, to make firm Dhātup. xxii, 15
• to be firm or steady ib.
• to strike, injure, kill ib.
• (derived fr. khāyáte Pass. of √khan) to dig ib.
• to mourn, sorrow ib.
khaimakhā f. (onomat.) 'croaker', N. of a female frog AV. iv, 15, 15
• cf. khaṇvakhā
khailāyana mfn. fr. khila g. pakṣâdi
• m. patr. fr. kheḍa g. aśvâdi (cf. Kāś.)
≫ khailika
khailika mfn. supplementary, additional, added afterwards RV. AnuvAnukr. 39
khoṅgāha m. (= khuṅg○) a white and brown horse L.
khoṭ cl. 1. P. ○ṭati = √khor Dhātup. xv, 44: cl. 10. P., v. l. for √kṣoṭ, q.v
≫ khoṭa
khoṭa mfn. vḷ. for khora, q.v
≫ khoṭana
khoṭana n. limping Dhātup. ix, 57 ; xv, 44. [Page 341, Column 1] Contents of this page
khoṭi f. a cunning or scheming woman (vḷ. khori) L.
khoṭī f. Boswellia thurifera L.
khoḍ cl. 1. P. ○ḍati = √khor, q.v. Dhātup. xv, 44: cl. 10. P. = √kṣoṭ, q.v
≫ khoḍa
khoḍa mfn. (in comp. or ifc., g. kaḍārâdi, not in Kāś.) limping, lame L. (cf. khora.)
≫ khoḍakaśīrṣaka
khoḍaka-śīrṣaka n. (= kapi-ś○) the arched roof of a house, coping of a wall L.
khona-mukha m. N. of a village (the modern Khunmoh) Vcar. xviii, 71 Rājat. i, 90 (-muṣa)
khor (= √khoṭ, khoḍ, khol), cl. 1. P. ○rati, to limp, be lame Dhātup. xv, 44
≫ khora
khora mfn. limping, lame KātyŚr. xxii, 3, 19 Lāṭy. viii, 5, 16 Gaut. xxviii, 6
• (ī), f. See dīpa-
≫ khoraka
khoraka m. a particular disease of the feet MBh. xii, 10261 Hariv. 10555 and 10559
khori vḷ. for khoṭi, q.v
khol = √khor Dhātup. xv, 44
≫ khola
khola mfn. (cf. ?) limping, lame L.
• m. n. a helmet or a kind of hat Kād. v, 1082 Hcar. vii
• cf. mūrdha-kh○
⋙ kholaśiras
○śiras mfn. furnished with a helmet Buddh. L.
≫ kholaka
kholaka m. a helmet L.
• an ant-hill L.
• a pot, saucepan L.
• the shell of a betel-nut L.
≫ kholi
kholi f. a quiver L.
khôlka &c. See 3. khá, p. 334, col. 3
khoṣaḍaha N. of a district Kshitîś. v, 55
khyā cl. 2. P. khyāti (in the non-conjugational tenses also Ā., perf. cakhyau, cakhye Vop.
• impf. akhyat, akhyata Pāṇ. 3-1, 52) Dhātup. xxiv, 52
• the simple verb occurs only in Pass. and Caus.: Pass. khyāyate, to be named, be known MBh. iii
• (aor. akhyāyi) to be named or announced to (gen.) Bhaṭṭ. xv, 86: Caus. khyāpayati, to make known, promulgate, proclaim Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
• to relate, tell, say, declare, betray, denounce Mn. viii, 171 MBh. iii Pañcat. Kathās.
• 'to make well known, praise', See khyāpita ; [Lat. in-quam, &c.]
≫ khyāta
khyāta mfn. named, called, denominated MBh. &c
• known, well known, celebrated, notorious ib.
• told W.
⋙ khyātagarhaṇa
○garhaṇa mfn. having a bad name or evil report, notoriously vile L.
⋙ khyātagarhita
○garhita mfn. id. L.
⋙ khyātaviruddhatā
○viruddha-tā for khyāti-v○, q.v
≫ khyātavya
khyātavya mfn. to be styled or called W.
• to be told W.
• to be celebrated W.
≫ khyāti
khyāti f. 'declaration', opinion, view, idea, assertion BhP. xi, 16, 24 Sarvad. xv, 201
• perception, knowledge Yogas. Tattvas. (= buddhi) Sarvad.
• renown, fame, celebrity Mn. xii, 36 MBh. iii, 8273 R. &c
• a name, denomination, title MBh. i
• xiv R. iii, 4, 17
• Celebrity (personified as daughter of Daksha VP. i, 7, 23 ; 8, 14 f. ; 9 f
• or of Kardama BhP. iii, 24, 23) Hariv. 7740
• N. of a river in Krauñca-dviipa VP. ii, 4, 55
• m. N. of a son of Ūru by Āgneyī (vḷ. svāti) Hariv. 73 VP. i
• of a son of the 4th Manu BhP. viii, 1, 27
⋙ khyātikara
○kara mfn. causing renown, glorious W.
⋙ khyātijanaka
○janaka mfn. id. W.
⋙ khyātighna
○ghna mfn. destroying reputation, disgraceful W.
⋙ khyātibodha
○bodha m. sense of honour W.
⋙ khyātimat
○mat mfn. renowned Kathās.
⋙ khyātiviruddhatā
○viruddha-tā f. (vḷ. khyāta-v○) the state of being contradictory to general opinion (a defect of expression in rhet.) Sāh. vii, 10 and 22
≫ khyāna
khyāna n. perception, knowledge KapS. v, 52
≫ khyāpaka
khyāpaka mfn. ifc. making known or declaring, indicative Suśr. Sāh. vi, 60
• one who confesses W.
≫ khyāpana
khyāpana n. declaring, divulging, making known Kathās. lxi, 258
• confessing, public confession Mn. xi, 228 MBh. MārkP.
• making renowned, celebrating Rājat. v, 160
≫ khyāpanīya
khyāpanīya mfn. to be declared Nyāyad. Sch.
≫ khyāpita
khyāpita mfn. declared, denounced MBh. xiii, 4055
• praised R. iii, 27, 19 BhP. iv, 17, 1
≫ khyāpin
khyāpin mfn. ifc. making known Kathās. lxxvii, 15
≫ khyāpya
khyāpya mfn. to be related MBh. iii, 12406


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