Update: 2020-03-29 01:20 AM -0500


Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

MC-indx.htm | Top

Contents of this page

{a-ma} - cont



{a-ra.} / {aar}
{aar~} : repha


UKT notes :


Contents of this page

{a-ma} - cont


p041c1-b00/ p039

• आमावास्य [ âmâvâsyá ]
- a. referring to the new-moon festival; n. new-moon sacrifice.
 आमावास्य   âmâvâsyá referring to the new-moon festival; n. new-moon sacrifice.

Contents of this page


p041c1-b01/ p039

• आमिक्षा [ â-míkshâ ]
- f. curds.
 आमिक्षा   â-míkshâ curds. 


p041c1-b02/ p039

• आमिश्र â-misra, आमिश््ल [ â-misla ]
- a. mixed.
आमिश्र   â-misla mixed.


p041c1-b03/ p039

• आमिष [ âm-ish-a ]
- n. flesh; prey: -tâ, f., -tva, n. being a coveted object; -‿âsin, a. flesh eating.
 आमिष   âm-ish-a flesh; prey: -tâ, f., -tva, n. being a coveted object; -̮âsin, a. flesheating.


p041c1-b04/ p039

• आमिस् [ &asharp;m-is ]
- m. raw flesh, carrion.
 आमिस्   aNm-is raw flesh, carrion.


p041c1-b05/ p039

• आमीलन [ â-mîlana ]
- n. closing of the eyes.
 आमीलन   â-mîlana closing of the eyes. 

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p041c1-b06/ p039

• आमुकुलित [ â-mukulita ]
- pp. half-opened (blossom).
आमुकुलित   â-mukulita half-opened (blossom).


p041c1-b07/ p039

• आमुख [ â-mukha ]
- n. prelude, introduction.
 आमुख   â-mukha prelude, introduction. 


p041c1-b08/ p039

• आमुष्मिक [ âmushmi-ka ]
- a. (î) belonging to the next world.
आमुष्मिक   âmushmi-ka (î) belonging to the next world.


p041c1-b09/ p039

• आमुष्यायण [ âmushya‿ayaná ]
- m. son or descendant of so and so.
 आमुष्यायण   âmushya̮ayaná son or descendant of so and so. 


p041c1-b10/ p039

• आमूर्धान्तम् [ â-mûrdha‿antam ]
- ad. up to the crown.
 आमूर्धान्तम्   â-mûrdha̮antam up to the crown.


p041c1-b11/ not online

• आमूल [ â-mûla],
- °- or -m , ad. from the beginning, thoroughly

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p041c1-b12/ p039

• आमेखलम् [ â-mekhalam ]
- ad. up to the mountain-slope.
 आमेखलम्   â-mekhalam up to the mountain-slope.


p041c1-b13/ p039

• आमेष्टक [ âma‿ishtaka ]
- a. consisting of unburned bricks.
 आमेष्टक   âma̮ishtaka consisting of unburned bricks.

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p041c1-b14/ p039

• आमोक्षण [ â-mokshana ]
- n. binding on.
 आमोक्षण   â-mokshana binding on.



• [â-mokana]
- n. id.


p041c1-b16/ p039

• आमोटन [ â-motana ]
- n. cracking, breaking.
 आमोटन   â-motana cracking, breaking.


p041c1-b17/ p039

• आमोद [ â-mód-a ]
- a. gladdening; m. gladness; fragrance; -in, a. redolent of (--°).
 आमोद   â-mód-a gladdening; m. gladness; fragrance; -in, a. redolent of (--°).


Contents of this page



p041c1-b18/ p039

• आम्नातत्व [ â-mnâta-tva ]
= आ म ् न ा त त ् व
- n. mention.
 आम्नातत्व   â-mnâta-tva mention.


p041c1-b19/ p039

• आम्नातिन् [ âmnât-in ]
- a. hvg. made mention of (lc.).
 आम्नातिन्   âmnât-in hvg. made mention of (lc.).


p041c1-b20/ p039

• आम्नाय [ â-mnâya ]
- m. tradition, sacred text; legend: -sârin, a. (n-î) mellifluous as the Veda.
 आम्नाय   â-mnâya tradition, sacred text; legend: -sârin, a. (n-î) mellifluous as the Veda.


Contents of this page


p041c1-b21/ p039

• आम्भस [ âmbhasa ]
= आ म ् भ स
- a. watery.
 आम्भस   âmbhasa watery.


Contents of this page


p041c1-b22/ p039

• आम्र [ âmrá ]
Skt: आम्र [ âmrá ] - m. mango-tree; n. mango (fruit) -- Mac041c1
 आम्र   âmrá mango-tree; n. mango (fruit).
BPal: {ûm~ba.} - UHS-PMD0120
  UKT from UHS: m. mango tree Mangifera indica . n. mango fruit


p041c1-b23/ p039

• आम्रकूट [ âmra-kûta ]
- m. Mango-peak, N. of a mountain.
आम्रकूट   âmra-kûta Mango-peak, N. of a mountain.


p041c1-b24/ p039

• आम्रेड [ â-mred-a ]
- m. repetition; -ita, (pp.) n. repetition, repeated word (gr.).
 आम्रेड   â-mred-a repetition; -ita, (pp.) n. repetition, repeated word (gr.).

( end of old p041-1.htm)

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p041c1-b25/ p039

• आय [ ¹. ây-á ]
- m. access; revenue, income.
आय   1. ây-á access; revenue, income.


p041c1-b26/ p039

• आय [ ². âya ]
- m. radical suffix âya (gr.).
आय   2. âya âya (gr.).


p041c1-b27/ p039

• आयजि [ â-yag-í ]
- a. bringing by sacrifice; -ishtha, spv. (&asharp;-) of âyagí.
 आयजि   â-yag-í bringing by sacrifice; -ishtha, spv. (aN-) of âyagí.


p041c1-b28/ p039

• आयत [ â-yata ]
- pp. (√yam) extended, long.
 आयत   â-yata (√yam) extended, long.


p041c1-b29/ p039

• आयतन [ â-yát-ana ]
- n. place, abode, seat (-tva, n. abst. ɴ.); fire-place; sacred precinct, temple; barn.
 आयतन   â-yát-ana place, abode, seat (-tva, n. abst. n.); fire-place; sacred precinct, temple; barn. 


p041c1-b30/ p039

• आयतपक्ष्मल [ âyata-pakshmala ]
- a. trimmed with long feathers; -lokana, a. long-eyed; -‿aksha, a. (î) long-eyed.
आयतपक्ष्मल   âyata-pakshmala trimmed with long feathers; -lokana, a. long-eyed; -̮aksha, a. (î) long-eyed.


p041c1-b31/ p039

• आयति [ &asharp;-yati ]
- f. extension, length; future; hope, expectation; offspring.
 आयति   aN-yati extension, length; future; hope, expectation; offspring.


p041c1-b32/ p039

• आयती [ â-yat-&isharp; ]
- f. pr. pt. (√i) future.
 आयती   â-yat-î (√i) future.


p041c1-b33/ p039

• आयतेक्षण [ âyata‿îkshana ]
- a. long-eyed.
 आयतेक्षण   âyata̮îkshana long-eyed.


p041c1-b34/ p039

• आयत्त [ â-yat-ta ]
- pp. (√yat) being in, resting on, dependent on (g., lc., --°): -tâ, f., -tva, n. dependence on (lc., --°); î-kri, make dependent; keep in subjection.
आयत्त   â-yat-ta (√yat) being in, resting on, dependent on (g., lc., --°): -tâ, f., -tva, n. dependence on (lc., --°); î-kri, make dependent; keep in subjection.


p041c1-b35/ p039

• आयथातथ्य [ âyathâ-tath-ya ]
- n. wrong employment; -pûrvya, n. being different from before.
आयथातथ्य   âyathâ-tath-ya wrong employment; -pûrvya, n. being different from before.


p041c1-b36/ p039

• आयदर्शिन् [ âya-darsin ]
- a. seeing i.e. drawing revenue.
 आयदर्शिन्   âya-darsin seeing i.e. drawing revenue.


Contents of this page


p041c2-b00/ p039

• आयस [ âyasá ]
- a. (&asharp;yasî or &isharp;) iron, brazen; n. iron; -maya, a. iron, brazen.
आयस   âyasá (aNyasî or î) iron, brazen; n. iron; -maya, a. iron, brazen.


Contents of this page


p041c2-b01/ p039

• आयाग [ â-yâga ]
- m. sacrificial gift or fee.
आयाग   â-yâga sacrificial gift or fee.


p041c2-b02/ p039

• आयात [ â-yâta ]
- (pp.) n. excess.
 आयात   â-yâta excess.


p041c2-b03/ not online

• आयाति [â-yâti]
Skt: आयाति [â-yâti] - f., आयान [â-yãna] , n. approach -- Mac041c2
Skt: आयाति «āyāti» - f. arrival -- SpkSkt
Skt: आयान «āyāna» - n. arrival -- SpkSkt


p041c2-b04/ p039

• आयाम [ â-yâma ]
- m. tension; extent; length; interception: -vat, a. long (of time & distance).
आयाम   â-yâma tension; extent; length; interception: -vat, a. long (of time & distance).


p041c2-b05/ p039

• आयामिन् [ âyâm-in ]
- a. hindering (--°); long.
 आयामिन्   âyâm-in hindering (--°); long.


p041c2-b06/ p039

• आयास [ â-yâs-á ]
- m. exertion, trouble; exhaustion; -aka, a. fatiguing; -ayi-tri, -trika, a. (-trikâ) troubling; -ita, n. exertion, endeavour; -in, a. exerting oneself, taking trouble.
आयास   â-yâs-á exertion, trouble; exhaustion; -aka, a. fatiguing; -ayi-tri, -trika, a. (-trikâ) troubling; -ita, n. exertion, endeavour; -in, a. exerting oneself, taking trouble.


Contents of this page


p041c2-b07/ p039

• आयु [ ¹. ây-ú ]
- a. active, lively; m. living being; man.
आयु   1. ây-ú active, lively; m. living being; man. 

p041c2-b08/ p039

• आयु ayu [ ². &asharp;y-u ]
- n. life.
 आयु   2. aNy-u life.


p041c2-b09/ p039

• आयुक्त [ â-yukta ]
- (pp.) m., °क -ka, m. official.
 आयुक्त   â-yukta official. 


p041c2-b10/ p039

• आयुत [ â-yuta ]
- (pp.) n. semi-fluid butter.
 आयुत   â-yuta semi-fluid butter.


p041c2-b11/ p039

• आयुध [ &asharp;-yudha ]
- n. [fighting against], weapon, -bhrit, a. bearing arms; m. warrior; - sâlâ, f. arsenal, armoury; -sahâya, a. armed; - ‿agâra, n. armoury.
 आयुध   aN-yudha [fighting against], weapon, -bhrit, a. bearing arms; m. warrior; -sâlâ, f. arsenal, armoury; -sahâya, a. armed; -̮agâra, n. armoury.



• [âyudh-ika ] -in , -îya ,
- a. armed; m. warrior


p041c2-b13/ p039

• आयुर्वेद [ âyur-veda ]
- m. medical science.
 आयुर्वेद   âyur-veda medical science. 


p041c2-b14/ p039

• आयुःशेष [ âyuh-sesha ]
- m. remnant of life; a. having a remnant of life, still alive: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.
 आयुःशेष   âyuh-sesha remnant of life; a. having a remnant of life, still alive: -tâ, f. abst. n.



• [âyusha]
- n. -° = âyus , life


p041c2-b16/ p039

• आयुष्क [ âyush-ka ]
- n. love of life; -kara, a. productive of longevity; -kâma, a. desirous of long life; -mat, a. long-lived (often as a respectful mode of address); life-long; -y&asharp; a. giving long life; n. long life; rite producing long life.
  आयुष्क   âyush-ka love of life; -kara, a. productive of longevity; -kâma, a. desirous of long life; -mat, a. long-lived (often as a respectful mode of address); life-long; -yaN a. giving long life; n. long life; rite producing long life.

© आयुष्य «āyuṣya»
Skt: - , a. giving long life; n. long life; rite producing long life -- Mac041c2
Skt: आयुष्य «āyuṣya» - adj. vital, giving long life, salubrious, etc. n. longevity, medicament, ... -- SpkSkt

sa·lu·bri·ous - adj. ¹. Conducive or favorable to health or well-being. -- AHTD


p041c2-b17/ p039

• आयुस् [ &asharp;y-us ]
- n. life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; world.
आयुस्   aNy-us life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; world.


Contents of this page


p041c2-b18/ p039

• आयोग [ â-yoga ]
- m. team.
आयोग   â-yoga team.



• [ãyogava]
- m. N. of a mixed caste (offspring of Sudra and Vaisya)


p041c2-b20/ p039

• आयोजन [ â-yogana ]
- n. procuring.
 आयोजन   â-yogana procuring. 


p041c2-b21/ p039

• आयोद [ âyoda ]
- m. pat. of Dhaumya.
 आयोद   âyoda Dhaumya. 

UKT 131129, 150506:
1.  "Dhaumya Rishi predicts that Parikshit would be ever-devoted to virtue, religious principles and the truth and would be a wise monarch, exactly as Ikshvaku and Rama of Ayodhya. He would be as exemplary a warrior as Arjuna, his own grandfather, and would expand the fame of his family." -- Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parikshit 131129
2. "In those days, a priest was a very important part of any family. Primarily because the priest prayed to the Gods for the well-being of the family and the society as the whole. Such positions went to well-read and trustworthy persons. The priest of the Pandavas was Dhaumya. ..."
-- http://hindumythologyforgennext.blogspot.com/2014/09/how-dhaumya-became-priest-of-pandavas.html 150506
3.  A famous disciple of sage Ayodha Dhaumya धौम्‍य : , was Aruni or Uddalaka or Uddalaka Aruni (fl. c. 7th century BCE. Aruni was one of the first philosophers in recorded history who taught that everything in the universe is made of three elements: heat (or light), water, and food (plants).
-- my note based on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aruni 150506

p041c2-b22/ p039

• आयोधन [ â-yodh-ana ]
- n. fight, battle; battle-field.
 आयोधन   â-yodh-ana fight, battle; battle-field.

( end of old p041-2.htm)

Contents of this page

{a-ra.} / {aar}

p041c2-b23/ not online

• आर् [âr]
--> {aar}
- iv. p. ãr-ya , praise; pp. âritâ


p041c2-b24/ p039

• आर [ ¹. âra ]
- m.n. ore.
आर   1. âra ore.


p041c2-b25/ p039

• आर [ ². âra ]
- n. host of enemies.
आर   2. âra host of enemies.


p041c2-b26/ p039

• आरक्त [ â-rakta ]
- pp. reddish, pink: -‿aksha, a. pink-eyed.
आरक्त   â-rakta reddish, pink: -̮aksha, a. pink-eyed.


p041c2-b27/ p039

• आरक्ष [ â-raksha ]
- m., â, f. protection, guard.
 आरक्ष   â-raksha protection, guard.


p041c2-b28/ p039

• आरक्षक [ â-raksh-aka ]
- m. watchman; -ana, m., -anî, f. guardian; -ika, m. watchman: -nâyaka, m. head of police.
आरक्षक   â-raksh-aka watchman; -ana, m., -anî, f. guardian; -ika, m. watchman: -nâyaka, m. head of police.



• [â-rat-i ]
- roar; -ita , pp. n. noise


p041c2-b30/ p039

• आरण [ &asharp;rana ]
- n. abyss.
 आरण   aNrana abyss.


p041c2-b31/ p039

• आरण्य [ âranyá ]
- a. living or growing in the forest; wild: (a)-ka, a. id.; m. forester; anchorite; n. forest-treatise (part of a Brâhmana to be studied in solitudes).
 आरण्य   âranyá living or growing in the forest; wild: (a)-ka, a. id.; m. forester; anchorite; n. forest-treatise (part of a Brâhmana to be studied in solitudes).

an·cho·rite also an·cho·ret - n. ¹. A person who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons. -- AHTD

• आरण्यक «āraṇyaka»
- philosophy behind ritual sacrifice of Vedas: one of many layers - the earlier sections
  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aranyaka 170528


p041c2-b32/ p039

• आरब्ध [ â-rabdha ]
- pp. (√rabh) begun.
 आरब्ध   â-rabdha (√rabh) begun.


p041c2-b33/ p039

• आरब्धि [ â-rabdhi ]
- f. enterprise.
 आरब्धि   â-rabdhi enterprise.


p041c2-b34/ p039

• आरभटी [ â-rabhatî ]
- f. dramatic representation of the supernatural and horrible.
 आरभटी   â-rabhatî dramatic representation of the supernatural and horrible.

Contents of this page


p041c3-b00/ p039

• आरभ्य [ â-rabh-ya ]
- gd. beginning with (ab. or -- °).
 आरभ्य   â-rabh-ya beginning with (ab. or --°).


p041c3-b01/ p039

• आरमण [ â-rámana ]
- n. sexual enjoyment.
 आरमण   â-rámana sexual enjoyment.


p041c3-b02/ p039

• आरम्भ [ â-rambhá ]
- m. setting about; undertaking; beginning; -na, n. taking hold; handle; support; make-shift; -nîya, fp. to be begun with: â, f. N. of certain verses; -tâ, f. beginning; -ruki, a. enterprising: -tâ, f. delight in undertakings.
 आरम्भ   â-rambhá setting about; undertaking; beginning; -na, n. taking hold; handle; support; make-shift; -nîya, fp. to be begun with: â, f. N. of certain verses; -tâ, f. beginning; -ruki, a. enterprising: -tâ, f. delight in undertakings.


p041c3-b03/ p039

• आरम्भिन् [ ârambh-in ]
- a. enterprising.
 आरम्भिन्   ârambh-in enterprising.


p041c3-b04/ p039

• आरव [ â-rava ]
- m. cry, yell; sound.
आरव   â-rava cry, yell; sound.


p041c3-b05/ p039

• आरवडिण्डिम [ ârava-dindima ]
- m. kind of drum.
 आरवडिण्डिम   ârava-dindima drum.


Contents of this page


p041c3-b06/ p039

• आरा [ &asharp;râ ]
- f. awl; puncheon.
आरा   aNrâ awl; puncheon.


p041c3-b07/ p039

• आरात् [ âr&asharp;t ]
- (ab.) ad. far, from afar; far from (ab.); near (ab.); at once, forthwith.
 आरात्   âraNt far, from afar; far from (ab.); near (ab.); at once, forthwith.


p041c3-b08/ p039

• आराति [ &asharp;râti ]
- m. enemy.
 आराति   aNrâti enemy.


p041c3-b09/ p039

• आराध [ â-râdh-a ]
- m. homage; -ana, a. conciliating, winning; n. prospering, success; accomplishment; propitiation, gratification; adoration; -anîya, fp. to be conciliated or adored; -ayitri, m. adorer, devotee; -ayishnu, a. adoring (ac.); -ya, fp. to be accomplished; to be conciliated; pleasing to (in.).
 आराध   â-râdh-a homage; -ana, a. conciliating, winning; n. prospering, success; accomplishment; propitiation, gratification; adoration; -anîya, fp. to be conciliated or adored; -ayitri, m. adorer, devotee; -ayish- nu, a. adoring (ac.); -ya, fp. to be accomplished; to be conciliated; pleasing to (in.).


p041c3-b10/ p039

• आराम [ â-râm-á ]
- m. enjoyment, pleasure; garden; orchard; -ika, m. gardener.
 आराम   â-râm-á enjoyment, pleasure; garden; orchard; -ika, m. gardener.


p041c3-b11/ p039

• आराव [ â-râv-a ]
- m. cry, yell; sound, din; -in, a. resounding with (--°).
आराव   â-râv-a cry, yell; sound, din; -in, a. resounding with (--°).


p041c3-b12/ p039

• आरास [ â-râsa ]
- m. cry.
 आरास   â-râsa cry.


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p041c3-b13/ p039

• आरिप्सु [ â-ripsu ]
- des. a. intending to undertake.
 आरिप्सु   â-ripsu intending to undertake.


p041c3-b14/ p039

• आरिराधयिषु [ ârirâdhayishu ]
- des. a. wishing to conciliate.
 आरिराधयिषु   ârirâdhayishu wishing to conciliate.


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p041c3-b15/ p039

• आरुज् â-rug (--˚), ˚ज [ -gá ]
= आ र ु ज ्
- a. breaking (ac., -- °).
आरुज्   -gá breaking (ac., --°).


p041c3-b16/ p039

• आरुण ârun-a (î), ˚णि [ -n-i ]
- a. descended from Aruna; -eyá, m. pat. of Âruni.
 आरुण   -n-i descended from Aruna; -eyá, m. pat. of Âruni.

UKT 161109: "Aruṇá or Aru is a personification of the reddish glow of the rising Sun, [1] which is believed to have spiritual powers. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aru%E1%B9%87a 161109

p041c3-b17/ p039

• आरुरुक्षु [ â-rurukshu ]
- des. a. desirous of ascending or climbing to (ac.).
 आरुरुक्षु   â-rurukshu desirous of ascending or climbing to (ac.).


p041c3-b18/ p039

• आरुह [ â-ruha ]
- a. mounting (--°).
 आरुह   â-ruha mounting (--°).


p041c3-b19/ not online

• आरूxढ [ â-rûdha ]
- pp. √ruh.


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p041c3-b20/ p039 

• आरे [ âré ]
- (lc.) ad. far; far from (ab.); without (g. or ab.).
 आरे   âré far; far from (ab.); without (g. or ab.).



• [â-raik]
- 3 sg. aor. of √rik


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p041c3-b22/ p039

• आरोग्य [ ârog-ya ]
- n. diseaselessness, health.
 आरोग्य   ârog-ya diseaselessness, health.


p041c3-b23/ p039

• आरोढव्य [ â-rodhavya ]
- fp. to be ascended.
आरोढव्य   â-rodhavya to be ascended.


p041c3-b24/ not online

• आरोढृ [ â-rodhRi]
Skt: आरोढृ [ â-rodhRi] - m. one who mounts (-°) - Mac041c3
Skt: आरोढृ «āroḍhṛ» - one who ascends or rises - SpkSkt


p041c3-b25/ p039

• आरोध [ â-rodha ]
- m. siege, blockade.
 आरोध   â-rodha siege, blockade.


p041c3-b26/ p039

• आरोप [ â-rop-a ]
- m. placing upon; attribution; substitution for, identification with (lc.); -aka, a. planting (--°); -ana, n. causing to ascend; setting up; putting on; stringing (a bow); identification; -anîya, fp. that should be caused to ascend (lc.); -ita, pp. cs. from √ruh; -ya, fp. to be placed upon.
 आरोप   â-rop-a placing upon; attribution; substitution for, identification with (lc.); -aka, a. planting (--°); -ana, n. causing to ascend; setting up; putting on; stringing (a bow); identification; -anîya, fp. that should be caused to ascend (lc.); -ita, pp. cs. from √ruh; -ya, fp. to be placed upon. 


p041c3-b27/ p039

• आरोह [ â-roh-á ]
- m. rider; mounting; heap, mountain; woman's hips; ascending scale; rise; -aka, m. rider; (róh)-ana, a. (î) ascending; n. ascent; production; raised platform for dancing; ladder, stair; -in, a. ascending; leading up to (-- °).
 आरोह   â-roh-á rider; mounting; heap, mountain; woman's hips; ascending scale; rise; -aka, m. rider; (róh)-ana, a. (î) ascending; n. ascent; production; raised platform for dancing; ladder, stair; -in, a. ascending; leading up to (--°).

( end of old p041-3.htm)

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{aar~} : repha

p041c3-b28/ p039

• आर्जव [ ârgav-a ]
- a. honest; n. honesty, rectitude: -in, a. straightforward, honest.
 आर्जव   ârgav-a honest; n. honesty, rectitude: -in, a. straightforward, honest.


p041c3-b29/ p039

• आर्जीक [ ârgîká ]
- m. kind of vessel for Soma.
 आर्जीक   ârgîká vessel for Soma.

UKT: p041c3-b30 moved to next file.

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UKT notes

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