Update: 2020-04-29 07:54 AM -0400


Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

MC-indx.htm | Top

Contents of this page

{a.na-pa.} : contd

{a.na-ra.}/ {a.naar~} : repha


{a.ni.ka.} : Velar tenuis-voiceless
{a.ni.kSa.} : Pseudo Kha
{a.ni.ga.} : Velar voiced
{a.ni.sa.} : Palatal tenuis-voiceless
{a.ni.Ta.} : Retroflex tenuis-voiced
{a.ni.ta.} : Dental tenuis-voiceless
{a.ni.da.} : Dental voiced
{a.ni.na.} : Dental nasal - the first nasal /n/ in Eng-Lat
{a.ni.pa.} : Labial tenuis-voiceless
{a.ni.ba.} : Labial voiced
{a.ni.Ba.} : Labial deep-H
{a.ni.ma.} : Labial nasal - the second nasal /m/ in Eng-Lat
{a.ni.ya.} : Approximant-semiconsonant 

28) अनाश (p. 18) 1. a-nâsa preservation.
92) अनियन्त्रण (p. 18) a-niyantrana unconstrained: -m, ad. without limit, freely; -̮anuyoga, a. to be asked without constraint.


UKT notes :
• UKT 160616: Keeping in mind that Skt-Dev is rhotic and sibilant (with ऋ ॠ, and {Sa.}/ {S}), whilst Bur-Myan is non-rhotic and thibilant, with Pali-Myan being halfway between the two, I am still uncertain how to treat the changed nuclear vowel before the killed {sha.}/ {sh} to show rhoticity in words like:

¤ प्रश्न  «praśna»
= प ् र श ् न  --> {prish~na.}
-- m. question -- SpkSkt

At present I am extending the hood of {ra.ric} fully realizing that it has nothing to do with Skt-Dev rhotic vowel-pair ऋ ॠ . Secondly, in order to show its relationship to Palatal {sa.}/ {c}, I am presenting the changed nuclear vowel as /ic/.

Contents of this page

{a.na-pa.} : contd


p014c1-b00/ not online

• अनाप्तृ [an-âptri ]
= अ (न ा प ्) (त ृ) --> {a.naap~tRi.}
- a. not obtaining


p014c1-b01/ p018-018

• अनाप्नुवत् [ an-âp-nuv-at ]
- pr. pt. not attaining to.
18) अनाप्नुवत् (p. 18) an-âp-nuv-at not attaining to.


p014c1-b02/ p018-017

• अनाप्य [ an-âpya ]
- fp. unattainable.
17) अनाप्य (p. 18) an-âpya unattainable.


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p014c1-b03/ p018-016

• अनामय [ an-âmayá ]
- a. not fatal; healthy, well; salutary; spared by (ab.); n. health, welfare; -prasna, m. enquiry after health.
16) अनामय (p. 18) an-âmayá not fatal; healthy, well; salutary; spared by (ab.); n. health, welfare; -prasna, m. enquiry after health.

¤ प्रश्न  «praśna»
= प ् र श ् न  --> {prish~na.}
-- m. question -- SpkSkt


p014c1-b04/ p018-015

• अनामिका [ á-nâmi-kâ ]
- f. (the nameless), ring-finger.
15) अनामिका (p. 18) á-nâmi-kâ (the nameless), ring-finger.


p014c1-b05/ p018-014

 • अनामुक्त [ an-â-mukta ]
- pp. not yet worn.
14) अनामुक्त (p. 18) an-â-mukta not yet worn.


p014c1-b06/ p018-013

• अनामृष्ट [ an-â-mrishta ]
- pp. untouched.
13) अनामृष्ट (p. 18) an-â-mrishta untouched.


p014c1-b07/ p018-012

• अनाम्नाय [ an-âmnâya ]
= अ न ा म ् न ा य
- m. lack of tradition.
12) अनाम्नाय (p. 18) an-âmnâya lack of tradition.


p014c1-b08/ p018-011

• अनाम्य [ a-nâmya ]
- fp. inflexible.
11) अनाम्य (p. 18) a-nâmya inflexible.


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p014c1-b09/ p018-010

• अनाय [ a-nâya ]
- a. impolitic.
10) अनाय (p. 18) a-nâya impolitic. 


p014c1-b10/ p018-009

• अनायक [ a-nâyaka ]
- a. without a guide.
9) अनायक (p. 18) a-nâyaka without a guide.


p014c1-b11/ p018-008

• अनायत [ an-â-yata ]
- pp. not long, short.
8) अनायत (p. 18) an-â-yata not long, short.


p014c1-b12/ p018-007

• अनायतिक्षम [ an-âyati-kshama ]
- a. not advantageous for the future.
7) अनायतिक्षम (p. 18) an-âyati-kshama not advantageous for the future.


p014c1-b13/ p018-006

• अनायत्त [ an-â-yatta ]
- pp. independent; -vritti-tâ, f. independence.
6) अनायत्त (p. 18) an-â-yatta independent; -vritti-tâ, f. independence.


p014c1-b14/ p018-005

• अनायसित [ an-â-yasita ]
- pp. not drawn (bow); -kârmuka, a. not plying his bow strenuously.
5) अनायसित (p. 18) an-â-yasita not drawn (bow); -kârmuka, a. not plying his bow strenuously.


p014c1-b15/ p018-004

• अनायात [ an-â-yâta ]
- pp. not gone out of (ab.).
4) अनायात (p. 18) an-â-yâta not gone out of (ab.). 


p014c1-b16/ p018-003

• अनायास [ an-âyâsa ]
- m. no trouble; indefatigableness; a. causing no trouble.
3) अनायास (p. 18) an-âyâsa no trouble; indefatigableness; a. causing no trouble.


p014c1-b17/ p018-002

• अनायुध [ an-âyudha ]
- a. weaponless, defenceless.
2) अनायुध (p. 18) an-âyudha weaponless, defenceless.

¤ आयध «āyadha» --> {a-ya.Da.}
- n. weapon -- SpkSkt 


p014c1-b18/ p018-001

• अनायुष्य [ an-âyushya ]
- a. shortening life.
1) अनायुष्य (p. 18) an-âyushya shortening life.


p014c1-b19/ p018-051

• अनारभ्य [ an-â-rabhya ]
- fp. not to be begun; impossible; -ârambh-a, m. non-commencement (of, g.); a. unenterprising: -in, a. id.
51) अनारभ्य (p. 18) an-â-rabhya not to be begun; impossible; -ârambh-a, m. non-commencement (of, g.); a. unenterprising: -in, a. id.


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p014c1-b20/ p018-050

• अनारुद्ध [ an-â-ruddha ]
= अ न ा र ु द ् ध
- pp. unlimited.
50) अनारुद्ध (p. 18) an-â-ruddha unlimited. 


p014c1-b21/ p018-049

• अनारुह्य [ an-âruhya ]
= अ न ा र ु ह ् य
- gd. without ascending, -surmounting, -incurring.
49) अनारुह्य (p. 18) an-âruhya without ascending, -- surmounting, -- incurring.


p014c1-b22/ p018-048

• अनारूढ [ an-â-rûdha ]
- pp. not having be taken oneself to (ac.).
48) अनारूढ (p. 18) an-â-rûdha not having be taken oneself to (ac.).


p014c1-b23/ p018-047

• अनारोग्य [ an-ârogya ]
- a. unwholesome.
47) अनारोग्य (p. 18) an-ârogya unwholesome.


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p014c1-b24/ p018-046

• अनार्जव [ an-ârgava ]
- n. dishonest conduct.
46) अनार्जव (p. 18) an-ârgava dishonest conduct.


p014c1-b25/ p018-045

• अनार्य [ an-ârya ]
- a. ignoble, dishonourable; un-Âryan; -karmin, a. performing the works of a non-Âryan; -tâ, f. dishonourableness; -vritta, pp. behaving dishonourably.
45) अनार्य (p. 18) an-ârya ignoble, dishonourable; un-Âryan; -karmin, a. performing the works of a non-Âryan; -tâ, f. dishonourableness; -vritta, pp. behaving dishonourably. 

UKT 160616: The word "Aryan" has become unwholesome in the West at present because of its association with Hitler's policies of the Third Reich . Moreover in the East, because of its association of a particular form of religion - that of the Brahmin-Poannar {braah~ma.Na. poaN~Na:}, its use is objectionable to me who maintains that a language must be free of religious affiliations.
See Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany 160617


p014c1-b26/ p018-044

• अनार्ष [ an-ârsha ]
- a. not belonging to the Rishis.
44) अनार्ष (p. 18) an-ârsha not belonging to the Rishis.



• [an-ârsheya]
- a. id.


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p014c1-b28/ p018-043

• अनाल [ a-nâla ]
- a. stalkless.
43) अनाल (p. 18) a-nâla stalkless.


p014c1-b29/ p018-042

• अनालक्ष्य [ an-â-lakshya ]
- fp. invisible.
42) अनालक्ष्य (p. 18) an-â-lakshya invisible.


p014c1-b30/ p018-041

• अनालपन [ an-âlapana ]
- n. no conversation w. (g.).
41) अनालपन (p. 18) an-âlapana no conversation w. (g.).


p014c1-b31/ p018-040

• अनालस्य [ an-âlasya ]
- n. assiduity [diligence] .
40) अनालस्य (p. 18) an-âlasya assiduity. 

- n. pl. as·si·du·i·ties ¹. Persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort. ². Often assiduities Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude. -- AHTD


p014c1-b32/ p018-039

• अनालीढ [ an-â-lîdha ]
- pp. unlicked.
39) अनालीढ (p. 18) an-â-lîdha unlicked.


p014c1-b33/ p018-038

• अनालोचित [ an-â-lokita ]
- pp. not considered.
38) अनालोचित (p. 18) an-â-lokita not considered.


p014c1-b34/ p018-037

• अनालोच्य [ an-â-lokya ]
- gd. not having looked at, not having considered.
37) अनालोच्य (p. 18) an-â-lokya not having looked at, not having considered.



p014c1-b35/ p018-036

• अनावर्तिन् [ an-âvartin ]
- a. not returning.
36) अनावर्तिन् (p. 18) an-âvartin not returning. 


p014c1-b36/ p018-035

• अनावादि [ a-nâv-âdi ]
Skt: अनावादि [ a-nâv-âdi ] - a. not belonging to the Gana nau. - Mac014c1
35) अनावादि (p. 18) a-nâv-âdi not belonging to the Gana nau. 

¤ अनवधि «anavadhi»
Skt: - adj. infinite, unlimited -- SpkSkt


p014c1-b37/ p018-034

• अनाविद्ध [ an-â-viddha ]
- pp. unpierced, unwounded.
34) अनाविद्ध (p. 18) an-â-viddha unpierced, unwounded. 


p014c1-b38/ p018-033

• अनाविल [ an-âvila ]
- a. not dim, clear; healthy.
33) अनाविल (p. 18) an-âvila not dim, clear; healthy.


p014c1-b39/ p018-032

• अनाविष्कृत [ an-âvish-krita ]
- pp. not become apparent.
32) अनाविष्कृत (p. 18) an-âvish-krita not become apparent. 


p014c1-b40/ p018-031

• अनावृत् [ án-âvrit ]
- a. not returning.
31) अनावृत् (p. 18) án-âvrit not returning.


p014c1-b41/ p018-030

• अनावृत [ án-â-vrita ]
- pp. unclosed; not fenced in; unintrenched; unprotected.
30) अनावृत (p. 18) án-â-vrita unclosed; not fenced in; unintrenched; unprotected.


p014c1-b42/ p018-029

• अनावृष्टि [ an-âvrishti ]
- f. want of rain, drought.
29) अनावृष्टि (p. 18) an-âvrishti want of rain, drought. 


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p014c2-b00/ p018-019

• अनाश [ 1. a-nâsa ]
- m. preservation.
19) अनाशु (p. 18) an-âsú not quick, slow.


p014c2-b01/ p018-027

• अनाश [ 2. an-âsa ]
- a. void of expectation.
27) अनाश (p. 18) 2. an-âsa void of expectation.


p014c2-b02/ p018-026

• अनाशक [ an-âsaka ]
- n. fasting; starvation.
26) अनाशक (p. 18) an-âsaka fasting; starvation.


p014c2-b03/ p018-025

• अनाशास्य [ an-â-sâsya ]
- fp. unwished for.
25) अनाशास्य (p. 18) an-â-sâsya unwished for.


p014c2-b04/ p018-024

• अनाशित [ an-âsita ]
- pp. hungry.
24) अनाशित (p. 18) an-âsita hungry.


p014c2-b05/ p018-022

• अनाशिन् [ 1. an-âsin ]
- a. not eating; (si)-tva, n. abst. ɴ.
22) अनाशिन् (p. 18) 2. a-nâsin unperishing.


p014c2-b06/ p018-023 

• अनाशिन् [ 2. a-nâsin ]
- a. unperishing.
23) अनाशिन् (p. 18) 1. an-âsin not eating; (si)-tva, n. abst. n.


p014c2-b07/ p018-021

• अनाशिष्ठ [ an-âs-ishtha ]
- spv. slowest.
21) अनाशिष्ठ (p. 18) an-âs-ishtha slowest.


p014c2-b08/ p018-020

• अनाशिस् [ an-âsis ]
- a. undesirable.
20) अनाशिस् (p. 18) an-âsis undesirable.


p014c2-b09/ not online

• अनाशु [ an-âsú ]
= अ न ा श ु -->  {a.na-shu.}
- a. not quick, slow.


p014c2-b10/ p018-081

• अनाश्रम [ an-âsrama ]
= अ न ा श ् र म --> {a.na-shra.ma.} 
- m. none of the 4 (or 3) âsramas.
81) अनाश्रम (p. 18) an-âsrama none of the 4 (or 3) âsramas.


p014c2-b11/ p018-079

• अनाश्रय [ 1. an-âsraya ]
- m. independence of (g.).
79) अनाश्रय (p. 18) 2. an-âsraya defenceless; affording no support; -tâ, f. abst. n.


p014c2-b12/ p018-080

• अनाश्रय [ 2. an-âsraya ]
- a. defenceless; affording no support; -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.
80) अनाश्रय (p. 18) 1. an-âsraya independence of (g.).


p014c2-b13/ p018-078

• अनाश्रव [ an-âsrava ]
- a. disobedient (to, g.).
78) अनाश्रव (p. 18) an-âsrava disobedient (to, g.).


p014c2-b14/ p018-077

• अनाश्रित [ an-â-srita ]
- pp. independent; regardless of (ac.).
77) अनाश्रित (p. 18) an-â-srita independent; regardless of (ac.).


p014c2-b15/ not online

• अनाश््वस् [ án-âs-vas ]
- pf. pt. not having eaten.
76) अनाश्््वस् (p. 18) án-âs-vas not having eaten. 


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p014c2-b16/ p018-075

• अनाष्ट्र [ a-nâshtrá ]
- a. exposed to no danger, safe.
75) अनाष्ट्र (p. 18) a-nâshtrá exposed to no danger, safe.


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p014c2-b17/ p018-074

• अनासन्न [ an-â-sanna ]
- pp. not near (g.).
74) अनासन्न (p. 18) an-â-sanna not near (g.).


p014c2-b18/ p018-073

• अनासवाख्य [ an-âsava‿âkhya ]
- a. not called distilled spirit.
73) अनासवाख्य (p. 18) an-âsava̮âkhya not called distilled spirit.


p014c2-b19/ p018-072

• अनासादयत् [ an-â-sâd-ayat ]
- pr. pt. not obtaining; -ita, pp. not reached, not attained; -ya, fp. unattainable.
72) अनासादयत् (p. 18) an-â-sâd-ayat not obtaining; -ita, pp. not reached, not attained; -ya, fp. unattainable.


p014c2-b20/ p018-071

• अनास्तिक [ an-âstika ]
= अ न ा स ् त ि क
- a. unbelieving, godless; -kya, n. unbelief, godlessness.
71) अनास्तिक (p. 18) an-âstika unbelieving, godless; -kya, n. unbelief, godlessness. 

UKT 150126: Since Buddhism does not involve the belief in a Creator, or a Permanent Soul, it has been described as a अनास्तिक [ an-âstika ] religion. I hold that it does not require either "belief" or "disbelief". Buddhism, at least in the beginning was a non-Axiomatic philosophy and is not in contradiction with modern science.


p014c2-b21/ p018-070

• अनास्तीर्ण [ an-â-stîrna ]
- pp. uncovered, bare.
70) अनास्तीर्ण (p. 18) an-â-stîrna uncovered, bare.


p014c2-b22/ p018-069

• अनास्था [ an-âsthâ ]
- f. indifference towards (lc.).
69) अनास्था (p. 18) an-âsthâ indifference towards (lc.).


p014c2-b23/ p018-068

• अनास्वादित [ an-â-svâdita ]
- pp. not tasted; -pûrva, a. not tasted before.
68) अनास्वादित (p. 18) an-â-svâdita not tasted; -pûrva, a. not tasted before.


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p014c2-b24/ p018-067

• अनाहत [ an-â-hata ]
- pp. not struck; unwashed, new.
67) अनाहत (p. 18) an-â-hata not struck; unwashed, new.


p014c2-b25/ p018-066

• अनाहार [ an-âhâra ]
- m. abstinence, starvation; a. abstaining from food.
66) अनाहार (p. 18) an-âhâra abstinence, starvation; a. abstaining from food.


p014c2-b26/ p018-065

• अनाहिताग्नि [ án-âhita‿agni ]
- a. not keeping up the accepted religious practices sacred fire ; -tâ, f. abst. n.
65) अनाहिताग्नि (p. 18) án-âhita̮agni not keeping up the sacred fire; -tâ, f. abst. n.

UKT 160617: The word "sacred fire" has been introduced by "Fire Worshippers". Since, language must be free of religious colourings, I have changed the word to "accepted religious practices". In Theravada Myanmarpré, the "accepted religious practices" would be those acceptable to Theravada.


p014c2-b27/ p018-064

• अनाहूत [ an-â-hûta ]
- pp. uncalled, unsummoned.
64) अनाहूत (p. 18) an-â-hûta uncalled, unsummoned.


p014c2-b28/ p018-063

• अनाह्वान [ an-âhvâna ]
- n. not calling; not summoning (legally).
63) अनाह्वान (p. 18) an-âhvâna not calling; not summoning (legally).


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UKT 150202: {a.ni.} is also used as a negative prefix.



p014c2-b29/ p018-062

• अनिकेत [ a-niketa ]
- a. houseless.
62) अनिकेत (p. 18) a-niketa houseless.


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{a.ni.kSa.} : Pseudo Kha

p014c2-b30/ p018-061

• अनिक्षिप्त [ a-ni-kshipta ]
- pp. not laid aside.
61) अनिक्षिप्त (p. 18) a-ni-kshipta not laid aside.


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p014c2-b31/ p018-060

• अनिगड [ a-nigada ]
- a. only lacking chains.
60) अनिगड (p. 18) a-nigada lacking chains.


p014c2-b32/ p018-059

• अनिग्रह [ a-nigraha ]
- m. lack of restraint.
59) अनिग्रह (p. 18) a-nigraha lack of restraint.


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{a.ni.sa.} : Palatal

p014c2-b33/ p018-058

• अनिचय [ a-nikaya ]
- a. storeless; m. not storing up.
58) अनिचय (p. 18) a-nikaya storeless; m. not storing up.


p014c2-b34/ p018-057

• अनिच्छत् [ an-ikkhat ]
- pr. pt. not wishing.
57) अनिच्छत् (p. 18) an-ikkhat not wishing.


p014c2-b35/ p018-056

• अनिच्छा [ an-ikkhâ ]
- f. aversion: in. involuntarily.
56) अनिच्छा (p. 18) an-ikkhâ aversion: in. involuntarily.


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p014c2-b37/ p018-055

• अनित्य [ a-nitya ]
= अ न ि त ् य
- a. transient; temporary; uncertain; inconstant; -tâ, f., -tva, n. transitoriness, uncertainty, instability.
55) अनित्य (p. 18) a-nitya transient; temporary; uncertain; inconstant; -tâ, f., -tva, n. transitoriness, uncertainty, instability.


p014c2-b38/ p018-054

• अनित्यम् [ a-nityam ]
- ad. not continually, now & then.
54) अनित्यम् (p. 18) a-nityam not continually, now & then.


p014c2-b39/ p018-053

• अनित्यात्मन् [ anitya‿âtman ]
- a. whose soul is unsubdued.
53) अनित्यात्मन् (p. 18) anitya̮âtman whose soul is unsubdued.


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p014c2-b40/ p018-052

• अनिदाघदीधिति [ a-nidâgha-dîdhiti ]
- m. moon.
52) अनिदाघदीधिति (p. 18) a-nidâgha-dîdhiti moon.


p014c2-b41/ p018-105

• अनिदान [ a-nidâna ]
- a. groundless.
105) अनिदान (p. 18) a-nidâna groundless.


p014c2-b42/ p018-104

• अनिदित् [ an-id-it ]
- a. having no ĭ as an it.
104) अनिदित् (p. 18) an-id-it having no ĭ as an it. 


p014c2-b43/ p018-102

• अनिद्र [ a-nidra ]
- a. sleepless, wakeful; -tâ, f. -ness.
102) अनिद्रा (p. 18) a-nidrâ sleeplessness.


p014c2-b44/ p018-103

• अनिद्रा [ a-nidrâ ]
- f. sleeplessness.
103) अनिद्र (p. 18) a-nidra sleepless, wakeful; -tâ, f. -ness.


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p014c3-b00/ p018-122

• अनिन्दत् [ a-nind-at ]
= अ न ि न ् द त ् --> {a.nain-dût}
- pr. pt. not blaming.
122) अनिन्दत् (p. 18) a-nind-at not blaming.


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p014c3-b01/ p018-120

• अनिन्दा [ á-nindâ ]
= अ न ि न ् द ा
- f. lack of blame.
120) अनिन्दा (p. 18) á-nindâ lack of blame.


p014c3-b02/ p018-117

• अनिन्दित [ a-nind-ita ]
- pp. blameless; -ya, fp. id.
117) अनिन्दित (p. 18) a-nind-ita blameless; -ya, fp. id.


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p014c3-b03/ p018-119

• अनिपुण [ a-nipuna ]
- a. unskilful; tactless.
119) अनिपुण (p. 18) a-nipuna unskilful; tactless.


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p014c3-b04/ p018-101

• अनिबद्ध [ á-ni-baddha ]
- pp. unfastened; not caring for (lc.); disconnected; not (morally) bound.
101) अनिबद्ध (p. 18) á-ni-baddha unfastened; not caring for (lc.); disconnected; not (morally) bound.


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p014c3-b05/ p018-100

• अनिभृत [ a-ni-bhrita ]
- pp. movable, restless; immodest; -tva, n. mobility.
100) अनिभृत (p. 18) a-ni-bhrita movable, restless; immodest; -tva, n. mobility.


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p014c3-b06/ p018-099

• अनिमित्त [ a-nimitta ]
- n. bad omen; a. not to be predicted, precarious; groundless: °--, -m, -tas, ad. causelessly.
99) अनिमित्त (p. 18) a-nimitta bad omen; a. not to be predicted, precarious; groundless: °--, -m, -tas, ad. causelessly.


p014c3-b07/ p018-098

• अनिमिष् [ á-nimish ]
- f. absence of winking: ac., in. watchfully.
98) अनिमिष् (p. 18) á-nimish absence of winking: ac., in. watchfully.


p014c3-b08/ p018-097

• अनिमिष [ a-nimishá ]
- a. not closing the eyes, unwinking, wakeful; -dris, m. fish.
97) अनिमिष (p. 18) a-nimishá not closing the eyes, unwinking, wakeful; -dris, m. fish.


p014c3-b09/ p018-096

• अनिमिषत् [ á-ni-mishat ]
- pr. pt. unwinking.
96) अनिमिषत् (p. 18) á-ni-mishat unwinking.


p014c3-b10/ p018-095

• अनिमेष [ a-nimesha ]
- a. not winking; m. absence of winking; -tâ, f. abst. n.
95) अनिमेष (p. 18) a-nimesha not winking; m. absence of winking; -tâ, f. abst. n.


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p014c3-b11/ p018-094

• अनियत [ a-ni-yata ]
- pp. unrestrained, unlimited, uncertain; unusual; -vritti, a. having no fixed means of livelihood; -velam, ad. at an uncertain time.
94) अनियत (p. 18) a-ni-yata unrestrained, unlimited, uncertain; unusual; -vritti, a. having no fixed means of livelihood; -velam, ad. at an uncertain time.


p014c3-b12/ p018-093

• अनियतात्मन् [ a-niyata‿âtman ]
- a. not having his mind controlled.
93) अनियतात्मन् (p. 18) a-niyata̮âtman not having his mind controlled.


p014c3-b13/ p018-091

• अनियन्त्रण [ a-niyantrana ]
- a. unconstrained: -m, ad. without limit, freely; -‿anuyoga, a. to be asked without constraint.
91) अनियन्त्रणा (p. 18) a-niyantranâ absoluteness.


p014c3-b14/ not online

• अनियन्त्रणा [ a-niyantranâ ]
- f. absoluteness.


p014c3-b15/ p018-090

• अनियम [ a-niyama ]
- m. lack of limitation; want of self-restraint.
90) अनियम (p. 18) a-niyama lack of limitation; want of self-restraint.


p014c3-b16/ p018-089

• अनियमोपमा [ aniyama‿upamâ ]
- f. kind of simile.
89) अनियमोपमा (p. 18) aniyama̮upamâ simile.


p014c3-b17/ p018-088

• अनियुक्त [ a-ni-yukta ]
- pp. not commissioned, not instructed; unfamiliar with (lc.).
88) अनियुक्त (p. 18) a-ni-yukta not commissioned, not instructed; unfamiliar with (lc.). 


p014c3-b18/ p018-087

• अनियुज्यमान [ a-ni-yug-ya-mâna ]
- pr. ps. pt. unauthorised.
87) अनियुज्यमान (p. 18) a-ni-yug-ya-mâna unauthorised.


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p014c3-b19/ p018-086

• अनिरीक्षक [ a-nirîksha-ka ]
= अ न ि र ी क ् ष क
- a. not seeing, not visiting (g.).
86) अनिरीक्षक (p. 18) a-nirîksha-ka not seeing, not visiting (g.).


p014c3-b20/ p018-085

• अनिरुक्त [ á-nir-ukta ]
- pp. unexpressed; implicit: said of verses in which the deity is not expressly named.
85) अनिरुक्त (p. 18) á-nir-ukta unexpressed; implicit: said of verses in which the deity is not expressly named.


p014c3-b21/ p018-084

• अनिरूपित [ a-ni-rûpita ]
- pp. not viewed.
84) अनिरूपित (p. 18) a-ni-rûpita not viewed.


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p014c3-b22/ p018-083

• अनिर्जित [ a-nir-gita ]
- pp. unconquered.
83) अनिर्जित (p. 18) a-nir-gita unconquered.


p014c3-b23/ p018-082

• अनिर्णिक्त [ a-nir-nikta ]
- pp. unpurified.
82) अनिर्णिक्त (p. 18) a-nir-nikta unpurified.


p014c3-b24/ p018-121

• अनिर्णीत [ a-nir-nîta ]
- pp. undecided, unadjusted.
121) अनिर्णीत (p. 18) a-nir-nîta undecided, unadjusted.


p014c3-b25/ p018-118

• अनिर्दय [ a-nirdaya ]
- a. soft, tender: °--, ad. gently.
118) अनिर्दय (p. 18) a-nirdaya soft, tender: °--, ad. gently.


p014c3-b26/ p018-116

• अनिर्दश [ a-nir-dasa ]
- a. not past the ten days (after a birth or death); -‿aha, a. id.
116) अनिर्दश (p. 18) a-nir-dasa not past the ten days (after a birth or death); -̮aha, a. id.


p014c3-b27/ p018-115

• अनिर्दिष्ट [ a-nir-dishta ]
- pp. unindicated; unspecified; unauthorised; -kâranam, ad. without indicating the reason.
115) अनिर्दिष्ट (p. 18) a-nir-dishta unindicated; unspecified; unauthorised; -kâranam, ad. without indicating the reason.


p014c3-b28/ p018-114

• अनिर्देश [ a-nirdesa ]
- m. non-specification.
114) अनिर्देश (p. 18) a-nirdesa non-specification.


p014c3-b29/ p018-113

• अनिर्देश्य [ a-nir-desya ]
- fp. not to be specified.
113) अनिर्देश्य (p. 18) a-nir-desya not to be specified.


p014c3-b30/ p018-112

• अनिर्बन्धरुष् [ a-nirbandha-rush ]
- a. persistent in anger.
112) अनिर्बन्धरुष् (p. 18) a-nirbandha-rush persistent in anger.


p014c3-b31/ p018-111

• अनिर्भिन्न [ a-nir-bhinna ]
- pp. uninterrupted; undifferentiated; vague.
111) अनिर्भिन्न (p. 18) a-nir-bhinna uninterrupted; undifferentiated; vague.


p014c3-b32/ p018-110

• अनिर्भेद [ a-nirbheda ]
- m. non-betrayal.
110) अनिर्भेद (p. 18) a-nirbheda non-betrayal.


p014c3-b33/ p018-109

• अनिर्लोडित [ a-nir-lodita ]
- pp. not thoroughly investigated.
109) अनिर्लोडित (p. 18) a-nir-lodita not thoroughly investigated.


p014c3-b34/ p018-108

• अनिर्वचनीय [ a-nir-vakanîya ]
- fp. not to be defined (by or as, in.).
108) अनिर्वचनीय (p. 18) a-nir-vakanîya not to be defined (by or as, in.).


p014c3-b35/ p018-107

• अनिर्वर्णनीय [ a-nir-varnanîya ]
- fp. not to be looked at.
107) अनिर्वर्णनीय (p. 18) a-nir-varnanîya not to be looked at. 


p014c3-b36/ p018-106

• अनिर्वाच्य [ a-nir-vâkya ]
- fp. inexpressible; -vâna, pp. unextinguished, unended; untamed, wild; -vâhya, gd. without executing.
106) अनिर्वाच्य (p. 18) a-nir-vâkya inexpressible; -vâna, pp. unextinguished, unended; untamed, wild; -vâhya, gd. without executing.


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