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Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

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UKT notes :

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पुञ्ज   [puñga]
= प ु ञ ् ज  
- m. (--°) heap, mass; quantity of.



पुञ्जय   [puñga-ya]
- P. heap up, compress, put together: pp. ita, heaped; pressed together, clenched. ud, heap up.


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• [puñgî-krí] heap up; -bhû, accumulate; become clenched.



• [PUT,VI.]
- P. puta, envelope or disguise in (in.); rub with (in.).



पुट   [put-a]
-m.n.î.f. fold, bag; cluster (of shoots), concavity, cavity; slit; m. cup formed of a leaf; covering; -ka, m. concavity; funnel-shaped cavity formed of a leaf; -pâka, m. baking in a leaf-case (a method of preparing medicines by baking them in leaves encased in clay).



•  पुटकिनी   [putak-in-î]
- f. lotus; group of lotuses.



पुटिका   [put-ikâ]
- f. funnel-shaped cavity formed of a leaf.


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• [putî-kri]
- turn into funnel-shaped vessel



पुण्डरीक   [pundárîka]
- n. (white) lotus flower (also as an emblem of the human heart); m. N. of the elephant of the south-eastern quarter; -mukhî, f. kind of leech; -̮aksha, m. Lotus-eyed, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna.



•  पुण्ड्र   [pundra]
- m. pl. N.of the people of the modern Bengal and Behar; n. sectarian mark; -ka, m. pl. id.; -vardhana, n. N. of a town; -̮ikshu, m. sugar-cane.



पुण्य   [pún-ya]
- a. auspicious, propitious, lucky, favourable; beautiful, agreeable; fragrant; good, virtuous, righteous, meritorious; pure, purifying, holy; n. the good, virtue; good work; moral or religious merit: -kartri, m. righteous man; -karman, n. virtuous action; a. righteous, virtuous; -krit, a. acting piously, virtuous; -gandha, -gandhi: -n, a. of pleasant smell, fragrant; -geha, n. abode of virtue; -ganá, m. pl. good people, designation of certain genii (V. E.)=the Yakshas (C. P.): -̮îsvara, m. ep. of Kubera; -gala, a. having pure water; -tarî-kri, make purer or holier; -tâ, f. purity, holiness; -tîrtha, n. sacred place of pilgrimage (esp. along the course of sacred streams); a. possessed of sacred bathing-places; -tva, n. purity, holiness; -darsana, a. of handsome appearance, beautiful; -pâpa, n. pl. good and bad deeds; -punyatâ, f. supreme holiness; -prada, a. meritorious; -phala, n. fruit or reward of good works; -bharita, pp. abounding in bliss; -bhâg, -bhâgin, a. happy, blessed; -yoga, m. consequence of virtuous actions (done in a former life); -vat, a. righteous, virtuous, meritorious; lucky, fortunate, happy: with ab.= happier than; -varman, m. N. of a prince; -sîla, a. righteous, virtuous; -srîka, a. happy; -sloka, a. of good repute; m. ep. of Nala, Yudhishthira, and Krishna: -didrikshâ, f. desire to see Nala, -parâṅmukha, a. averse to Nala; -sena, m. N.; -sthâna, n. sacred place.





पुण्यात्मन्   [punya̮âtman]
- a. righteous, virtuous; -̮âsaya, a. pious, guileless; -̮ahá, n. good or happy day; wishing any one a good day: -vâkana, n. wishing good day, paying one's respects to (g.); -̮eka-karman, a. doing virtuous actions exclusively; -̮udaya, m. rise of fortune in consequence of antecedent good works.


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• [put] v. pud.



पुत्तिका   [putt-ikâ]
- f. Pr. for putr-ikâ, little daughter], doll; white ant.



पुत्र   putrá son, child; young of an animal, whelp: du. two sons or son and daughter; vc. (sg., du., pl.) often used in addressing young persons: î, f. daughter; (a)-ka, m. son, boy: often used as a term of endearment; N. of the reputed founder of Pâtaliputra; -kâmyaN, f. wish for a son or children; -krita-ka, a. adopted as a child; -kritya, n. duty of a son; -krithá, m. n. procreation of children; -tâ, f., -tva, n. sonship; -dâra, n. sg. son and wife, wife and child; -nivesana, n. son's abode; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pautra, n. sg. or m. pl. sons and grandsons: -ka, n. sg. id.; -pautrin, a. having sons and grandsons; -priya, a. dear to or beloved by one's son; -bhâga, m. heritage of a son; -bhânda, n. (?) substitute for a son; -vat, ad. like a son or sons; as in the case of the son; (á)-vat, a. having a son, sons, or children; possessed of a son in the true sense of the word.






पुत्राचार्य   [putra̮âkârya]
- a. having one's son as a teacher, learning the Veda from one's son.



पुत्रिका   [putr-ikâ]
- f. daughter; sp. daughter of a sonless father who claims her son as his own; doll, puppet: -pûrva-putra, m. son of a daughter previously adopted instead of a son.



पुत्रिन््   [putr-ín]
- a having a son or sons, rich in or blessed with children; m. father of a son; n-î, f. mother of a son.



पुत्री   [putrî]
- f. daughter (v. putra).


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• [putri-krî], adopt as ason; -bhû, become a son.



पुत्रीय   [putr-îya]
- a. relating to or procuring a son.



पुत्रैषणा   [putra̮eshanaN]
- f. desire for a son or sons.


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• PUTH, cs. pothaya, P. (Â) bruise, crush; overpower, drown (sound).



• [pud] hell:
- a word invented to explain putra (pud-tra).



पुद्गल   [pudgala]
- a. beautiful; m. body; material object (including atoms); the ego, soul; individual.



पुनःपाक   [punah-pâka]
- m. repeated cooking; repeated burning (of earthenware); -pratyupakâra, m. retribution; -prepsâ, f. desire to regain.



• back







पुनर््   [púnar-apagama]
-m. going away again, anew; any more or longer, still, yet; further, moreover, besides; on the contrary, on the other hand, but, nevertheless: with i, gam, gâ, go back, go away again; with dâ, give back, restore; requite; with bhû, turn round; be renewed; re-marry (of a woman); púnah punah or simply punah, again and again, repeatedly; na punah punah, nevermore; âdau--punahpaskât, at first -- then -- later; punar aparam, besides; atha vâ punah, api vâ punah, or vâ punah at the end of a verse= vâ; kadâ punah, at any time, ever; kim punah, how much more or less; however; but; punah--punah, now--now.



पुनरुक्त   [punar-ukta]
- pp, said over again, repeated; superfluous, useless: -m or °--, ad. repeatedly; n. repetition, tautology: -tâ, f., -tva, n. repetition, tautology; -ukta-vad- âbhâsa, m. seeming tautology (rh.); -ukti, f. repetition; useless repetition, tautology; useless or empty word: -mat, a. tautological; -uktî-kri, render superfluous; -upagamana, n. return; -upasadana, n. repeated performance; -upâkarana, n. renewal of study; -upâgama, m. return.




पुनर्गमन   [punar-gamana]
- n. setting out again; -garbha-vat-î, a. f. again pregnant; -grahana, n. repetition; -ganman, n. second birth, regeneration; -gâta, pp. born again; -darsana, n. seeing again; -dâra-kriyâ, f. marrying again (after the death of the first wife); -bhava, a. born again; m. re-birth; -bhâryâ, f. second wife, re-marriage; -bhuN, a. being renewed; f. re-married widow.



•  पुनर्युद्ध   [punar-yuddha]
- n. renewal of battle; -lâbha, m. re-attainment, recovery; -lekhana, n. renewed writing down; -vaktavya, fp. to be repeated: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vakana, n. saying over again, repeating; -vasu, a. bringing back boons; m. du. & sg. fifth or seventh lunar mansion.



पुनस्तराम््   [punas-tarâm]
- cpv. ad. over and over again.



•  पुनःसंस्कार   [punah-samskâra]
- m. renewed consecration; -samgama, m. re-union; -samdhâna, n. id.; -sambhava, m. renewal; -sara, a. coming back; -siddha, pp. cooked twice.



पुंनपुंसक   [pum-napumsaka]
- n. masculine and neuter; -nâga, m. a tree (Rottleria tinctoria); elephant among men, pre-eminent man; (n)nâman, a. bearing the name of ʻpudʼ (hell).


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• [púmims] (strg. base. wk. base, pums; middle base, pum), m. man, male; human being; servant; supreme (para or parama) soul; masculine (gr.).



पुंपशु   [pum-pasu]
- m. human victim, human sacrifice.



पुंभाव   [pum-bhâva]
- m. manhood, male sex; -bhûman, m. masculine plural.



पुर््   1. [púr]
- f. fulness (only in. pl.).



पुर््   2. [púr]
- f. (nm. pûh) stronghold, citadel; fortified city; town.



पुर   [pur-a]
- n.castle, fortified city; town; =Tri-pura, the three citadels of the Asuras: î, f. id.



•  पुरउष्णिह््   [pura(h)-ushnih]
- f. a metre (12 + 8 + 8 syllables); -etrí, m. one who goes before, leader, guide.



पुरःपाक   [purah-pâka]
- a, whose fulfilment is imminent; -prahartri, m. champion; -phala, a. prognosticating fruits.



पुरकोट्््ट   [pura-kotta]
- n. citadel: -pâla, m. commandant of a --; -gana, m. sg. the citizens; -git, m. conqueror of citadels or of Pura, ep. of Siva (cp. tri-pura).



पुरंजय   [pura-m-gaya]
- m. conqueror of cities, N.



पुरतस््   [pura-tas]
- ad. forward; before (also of time), in front or in presence of (g. or --°); previously: -- kri, place in front; honour.



पुरद्वार   pura-dvâra city gate.



पुरंदर   [pura-m-dará]
- m. destroyer of strongholds, ep. of Indra, Agni, and Siva: (a)-pura̮atithi, m. guest in Indra's city=deceased; -purî, f. N. of a town.



पुरंधि   [púram-dhi]
- a. spirited; f. sg. and pl. high spirit, enthusiasm, exaltation.



पुरंध्रि   [puram-dhrî]
- f. (respectable) matron; woman.


   पुनरपगम   punar-apagama going away again; -abhidhâna, n. repeated mention; -abhyâkâram, abs. by repeatedly attracting; -âgata, pp. returned; -âgama, m. return: -âgamana, n. coming back, return; re-birth; -âdâyam, abs. repeatedly; -âdhâna, n. renewed kindling of the sacred fire; -âdhéya, fp. to be kindled again (sacred fire); -âvartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; leading to a return of earthly existence; -âvritta, pp. repeated; -âvritti, f. return, reappearance; renewed birth.



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