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Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

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Contents of this page

Contn. of 2nd phoneme as approximant

{ku.la.} कुल : cont
{ku.la} कुला
{ku.li.} कुलि
{ku.li} कुली
{ku.lau:} कुलो
  {kul} / {kul~}: lepha aka super-L
{ku.wa.} कुव / {kuw}
{ku.sha.} on next page

UKT notes :
Diamond Sutra - a Mahayana Buddhist text
Funerary art
Orbis terrarum: King Burengnong of Hongsawadee 


Contents of this page

{ku.la.} कुल : contd.


p071c1-b01/uchg p055-कुलयोषित््
कुलयोषित्् [ kula-yoshit ]
- f. virtuous woman;
  -râgadhânî, f. royal capital;
  -vat, a. of noble race; -vardhana, m. support of a family;
  -vidyâ, f. knowledge hereditary in the family;
  -vrata, n. family practice (religious or moral):
  -dhara, a. maintaining the family virtue;
  -sîla-vayo-vritta-vitta-vat, a. of good family, character, age, conduct, and means;
  -sikharin, m., -saila, m.= kula-parvata;
  -saṅkhyâ, f. being accounted of good family;
  -samgata, m. acquaintance of the family; -samtati, f. progeny;
  -samnidhi, m. presence of many persons: lc. in the presence of witnesses;
  -samudbhava, a. sprung of a noble house; -sevaka, m. excellent servant;
  -stamba, m. family like a bunch of grass;
  -strî, f. virtuous woman; -sthiti, f. family usage;
  -hîna, pp. of ignoble race.

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{ku.la} कुला

p071c1-b02/uchg p055-कुलाङ्कुर 

• कुलाङ्कुर [ kula‿aṅkura ]
- m. scion of a family;
  -‿aṅgâra, m. firebrand = destroyer of his own family;
  -‿akala, -‿adri, m. chief mtn. or mtn. range;
  -‿anuguna-vat, a. having merits corresponding to his race;
  -‿anta-karana, a. destroying a race;
  -anvaya, m. noble descent;
  -‿anvita, pp. of noble race;
  -‿âpîda, m. ornament of the family.


p071c1-b03/uchg p055-कुलाय  
कुलाय [ kulãy-a ]
- m. n. web, tissue; nest; lair; dwelling;
  -ín, a. nest-like.


p071c1-b04/uchg p055-कुलाल
कुलाल [ kúlâla ]
- m. potter;
  î, f. wife of a potter.

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{ku.li.} कुलि

p071c1-b05/uchg p055- 

• कुलिक [ kul-ika ]
- m. relation.
174) कुलिक (p. 55) kul-ika 


p071c1-b06/uchg p055- 

• कुलिङ्ग [ ku-liṅga ]
- m. kind of mouse; N. of various birds.
173) कुलिङ्ग (p. 55) ku-liṅga


p071c1-b07/ not online

• कुलिज [kuliga]
- n. a measure of capacity


p071c1-b08/uchg p055-

• कुलिश [ kú-lisa ]
- m. axe; n. thunderbolt; diamond: -tâ, f. state of a thunderbolt; -dhara, -pâni, -bhrit, m. ep. of Indra.
200) कुलिश (p. 55) kú-lisa

© • कुलिश [kú-lisa]
Skt:- m. axe; n. thunderbolt; diamond: -- Mac071c1
BPal: {ku.li.þa.} - UHS-PMD0330

  UKT from UHS: n. weapon carried by Indra (MLC-MED2006-471), thunder bolt.
  See in my notes on Diamond Sutra - the most important Mahayana Buddhist text.


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{ku.li} कुली

p071c1-b09/uchg p055-कुलीन
कुलीन [ kul-îna ]
- a. noble (of race and character); belonging to the race of (--°):
  -tva, n. noble birth;
  -îya, a. belonging to the family of (--°).


p071c1-b10/uchg p055-कुलीर
कुलीर [ kulîra ]
- m. crab;
  -ka, m. little crab.


p071c1-b11/ not online
- m. pl. N. of a people

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{ku.lau:} कुलो

p071c1-b12/uchg p055-कुलोद्गत
कुलोद्गत [ kula‿udgata ]
- pp. coming of a noble stock;
  -‿udvaha, a. continuing the race of, descended from (g., --°).

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{kul} / {kul~}: lepha aka super-L

UKT 140326, ... , 190117, 200303: It is deemed necessary to have a counterpart to Repha {kur~} to take care of the R-coloration. Its counterpart would be {kul-} to take care of the L-coloration. The question now arises as to its pronunciation. We should also note the Bur-Myan word for a military officer, {bo~l} /boːl/ (MLC MED-2006-315), pronounced as / {bo}/.

p071c1-b13/uchg p055-कुल्माष
कुल्माष [ kulmâsha ]
- m. sour gruel.

For more Indian foods - Traditional Ayurvedic foods, by P. Sarkar et al., 2015 see downloaded text in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries
- PSarkarEtAl-TradAyurvedFood<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 200303)
"Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), {krak-hín:hka:} Hindi: करेला «karelā» is a vegetable having medicinal properties. Bitter gourd possess antidiabetic activity due to the presence of chrantin, vicine and polypeptide-p [62]. The juice of bitter gourd pulp enhances glucose tolerance in diabetic patients [63]."
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momordica_charantia 2003603


p071c1-b14/uchg p055-कुल्य
कुल्य [ ¹. kul-ya ]
- a. referring or belonging to a family.


p071c1-b15/uchg p055-कुल्य  
कुल्य [ ². kulya ]
- n. receptacle for the bones of a cremated corpse.

UKT 140312: I would translate the above as "a family urn", because of the prefix {kul}. See my note on Funerary art


p071c1-b16/uchg p055-कुल्या
कुल्या [ kulyã ]
- f. rivulet, canal.


p071c1-b17/uchg p055-कुल्याय
कुल्याय [ kulyâ-ya ]
- den. Â. become a rivulet.


p071c1-b18/ not online
- m. N. of a commentator on Manu, who probably lived in the 16th century.

( end of old p071-1.htm )

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{ku.wa.} कुव / {kuw}

UKT 200303: Though codas /r/ & /l/ as {kur} and {kul} forms a pair, to add R-coloring and L-coloring, /w/ as {kuw} do not add any coloring. It just make lip-spread vowels to come to have various degrees of lip-rounding.

p071c1-b19/ not online
कुवणिञ् [ku-vanig ] = क ु व ण ि ञ ्
- m. a rogue of a merchant


p071c1-b20/uchg p055-कुवधू
कुवधू [ ku-vadhû ]
- f. wicked woman;

© कुवर्त्मन् «kuvartman»
Skt: [ -vartman ]  -  n. wrong road, heresy -- Mac071c1
Skt: कुवर्त्मन् «kuvartman» - n. "a bad road", bad doctrine  -- SktDict: Monier-Williams

UKT 200303: BEPS interpretations are not "surface interpretations": I've to look (to the best of my ability), deep down into culture and usage. For, example, the English words Right View vs. Wrong View, are not suitable. I would use the word Appropriate View - to reflect on the Middle Path of Buddhism. What is "Right view" to a Buddhist is the "Wrong view" to a Hindu.

p071c1-b21/uchg p055-कुवल
कुवल [ ku-vala ]
- a tree; n. its fruit; water-lily.


p071c1-b22/uchg p055-कुवलय 
कुवलय [ ¹. ku-valaya ]
- n. terrestrial orb, orbis terrarum.

See my note on the orbis terrarum : 'the world, the Earth'


p071c1-b23/uchg p055-कुवलय
कुवलय [ ². ku-vala-ya ]
- n. blue lotus (which opens at night):
  -dris, -nayanâ, f. lotus-eyed woman;
  -mâlâ, f. N. of a mare;
  -vatî, f. N. of a princess.

UKT 140313, 170320: Water-lilies {kra} are of two kinds: those that open during day, and those that open during night. However, we find in Bur-Myan literature five kinds of water-lilies listed in: Burmese-Myanmar Buddhist (Bambi Index) - BMBI-indx.htm (link chk 170321)
Group of Five: 1. white lotus, 2. red lotus, 3. blue lotus, 4. {kra-tûn-hsaip}, 5. {kra-hkaún:laún:}


p071c1-b24/uchg p055-कुवलयादित्य
कुवलयादित्य [ kuvalaya‿âditya ]
- m. N. of a king;
  -‿ânanda, m. T. of a rhetorical work;
  -‿âpîda, m. N. of a Daitya changed into an elephant; N. of a king;
  -‿avalî, f. N. of a queen.

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p071c2-b01/uchg p055-कुवलयित
कुवलयित [ kuvalay-ita ]
- pp. adorned with water-lilies.


p071c2-b02/uchg p055-कुवलयेश
कुवलयेश [ kuvalaya‿îsa ]
- m. lord of earth, king:
  -tâ, f. dominion.


p071c2-b03/uchg p055-कुवस्त्र
कुवस्त्र [ ku-vastra ] = क ु व स ् त ् र
- n. bad dress; a. ill-clad: -tâ, f. abst. ɴ.;
  -vâkya, n., -vâk, f. ill word;
  -vâdika, m. charlatan, quack;
  -vâsanâ, f. wrong notion.

© [ku-vâsanâ ]
- f. wrong notion - Mac071c2

UKT 180101: See my interpretation of Right and Wrong Notion
Note: I used to be an editorial writer of the North Renfrew Times in Canada, and I am no stranger to turning "Right to Wrong", and "Wrong to Right".

p071c2-b04/uchg p055-कुविद््
कुविद्् [ kuv-íd ]
- ad. perchance? I wonder?


p071c2-b05/uchg p055-कुविन्द
कुविन्द kuvinda, ˚क [ -ka ]
- m. wearer.


p071c2-b06/uchg p055-कुविवाह
कुविवाह [ ku-vivâha ]
- m. low marriage;
  -vritti, f. poor maintenance;
  -vedhas, m. evil fate;
  -vaidya, m. bad physician;
  -vyâpâra, m. low occupation.

( end of old p071-2.htm )


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UKT notes

Diamond Sutra - a Mahayana Buddhist text

UKT 140315, 200303:

I used to ask my co-religionist friends - the Theravadins, why they are against Mahayana Buddhism. I ask them to read at least one text, such as the Diamond Sutra, before they come to any conclusion.

What Macdonell has given for • Skt: कुलिश [kú-lisa] - m. axe; n. thunderbolt; diamond: -- Mac071c1
and what I've given as its equivalent in BPal: {ku.li.þa.} -  - UHS-PMD0330
have "diamond" as a meaning. It suggests flashes of light or lightening, and it reminds me of Mahayana Diamond Sutra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_Sutra 140315
Skt: वज्रच्छेदिकाप्रज्ञापारमितासूत्र, «vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra»

Note: I'm not referring here to the Tantric or Vajrayana Buddhism, {waiz~za lûm:síñ} that provided the foundation of Tibetan culture for some twelve hundred years. Vajrayana Buddhism has many elements similar to Myanmar [common to Bamah, Mon, Shan, etc.] {waiz~za lûm:síñ} and its opposite {ka.wé lûm:síñ}. However, in the Myanmar version, sexual relation in any form is strictly forbidden for the highest adepts.

The downloaded papers of Friedrich Max Muller's Sacred Texts Vol49 on Mahayana Sutras are in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries. We find in Introduction, p.roman12-19, the mention of the Sutra. On p111-144, we find the translation of text address to the Elder Subhûti, and the general audience:
- FMaxMuller-SacredTextsVol49<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 171230)
(Intro p.vi) "At seventy-eight years of age Buddha is said (fn01) to have composed the Samanta-bhadra-bodhisattva-karyâ-dharmasûtra, in the city of Vaisâli. At the age of seventy-nine he is supposed to have ascended to the Trayastrimsa heaven in order to preach to his mother, and after descending on earth again, he only published two more Sûtras, the Nirvâna-sûtra and the Sukhâvatî-vyuha. Very soon after he died.' "
(p.144) "As in the Sky -- 'Stars, darkness, a lamp, a phantom, dew, a bubble/ A dream, a flash of lightning, and a cloud — thus we should look upon the world (all that was made). //
Thus he should explain ; therefore it is said : He should explain.' //"

Go back DiamondSutra-note-b

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Funerary art

- UKT 140312

Ancient Pyus of Myanmarpré had used funeral urns to preserve the remains of their dead ones. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyu-city-states 140312). Modern Theravada Buddhists would sometimes rebury the ashes after cremation in urns. This is especially done to some monks and very aged grandparents and parents. 

Excerpt from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funerary_art#Pre-history 140312

In Neolithic and Bronze Age societies , a great variety of tombs are found, with tumulus mounds, megaliths, and pottery as recurrent elements. [UKT ¶]

UKT 140312: The metal of choice of Ancient Pyus of Myanmarpré was brass, an alloy of copper & zinc, which according to Ancient Jews, brass was a religious metal unlike bronze, the alloy of copper & tin. Bronze according to Jews was a metal of war, and it was forbidden to use bronze at their Altar of Burnt Offering. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altar-Bible 140312). Because of this fact, I would refer to our ancestral Pyus as the people of peace - not of war.  

In Eurasia, a dolmen is the exposed stone framework for a chamber tomb originally covered by earth to make a mound which no longer exists. Stones may be carved with geometric patterns (petroglyphs), for example cup and ring marks. Group tombs were made, the social context of which is hard to decipher. Urn burials, where bones are buried in a pottery container, either in a more elaborate tomb, or by themselves, are widespread, by no means restricted to the Urnfield culture which is named after them, or even to Eurasia. Menhirs, or "standing stones", seem often to mark graves or serve as memorials, [13] while the later runestones and image stones often are cenotaphs, or memorials apart from the grave itself; these continue into the Christian period. The Senegambian stone circles are a later African form of tomb markers.[14]

UKT 140322: My mother's father, Zhu Lai Guang (in Pinyin, or, "C." in traditional Chinese use in Burma), was one of the wealthiest Cantonese Chinese at the beginning of the 20th century in southern Burma. Having had an English education, he made his fortune by becoming a building contractor to the British-Burma government.

My mother told me of how her father's body was exhumed three years after his sudden death of plague just as he was turning 40. On opening the coffin, my mother, who was still a child, had a last look at her father's body which was still intact as it was placed in the heavy Chinese coffin 3 years before. Then as the outside air came to act, the body slowly turned to fine powder and only the bones were left. The bones, down to the smallest digits of the fingers and toes were then sifted out of the dust, and cleansed in green-coconut water using small brushes. The bons then became pearly white. Then they were attached to each other with silver-wire. The skeleton was then placed in a sitting position in the burial urn ('che'in' was how my pronounced) with its chin resting on the knees. A small cushion was placed under the pelvic bone so that it looks as if it was sitting. Then the urn was moved into the family horse-shoe tomb.

An article on Chinese burial in Hong Kong by B. D. Wilson, in J. Hong Kong branch of the Royal Asiatic Soc. Vol.1 1961 . http://www.cultus.hk/cemetery_lecture/Wilson.pdf 140312 , p. 120
Downloaded papers in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries
- BDWilson-ChineseBurialHongKong<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 170320)
   "After five years or more, the body is exhumed. The bones will be cleaned by the family and be placed either in a funerary urn kam t'aap or in a formal masonry grave shaan fan shaped like a horseshoe. In the funerary urn, the bones will be arranged in a manner as if the deceased were sitting in the Buddhist lotus posture."

The whole process was very labour-intensive and very expensive. Only the wealthy could afford it. Unfortunately, because my father was not Chinese, my mother could not visit her father's tomb at Thaton regularly. (I have never been there either.) However she continued the ancestral worship every year at home just outside the building. Her father's tomb was not left unattended, because it was he who had purchased the land and had donated it for use as a Cantonese cemetery, and he was also the permanent member (even after death) of his clan society. His clan society continued to honour him for at least 80 years after his death. My mother would send money now and then to the clan society for repair to the tomb. I am told that his tomb and all others from the cemetery had now been moved.

Go back funerary-note-b

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Orbis terrarum : World Atlas

-- UKT 140314, 170320 

"The Latin Phrase Orbis Terrarum has many meanings, mainly: the world, the Earth. "
-- http://www.latinwordlist.com/latin-words/orbis-terrarum-21108133.htm 140314

From the Latin phrasal noun, by adding "theatrum", we get 'World Atlas'

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatrum_Orbis_Terrarum 140314

Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (pronounced [tʰɛˈaːtrʊm ˈɔrbɪs tɛˈrːaːrʊm], "Theatre of the World") is considered to be the first true modern atlas. Written by Abraham Ortelius, strongly encouraged by Gillis Hooftman [2] and originally printed on May 20, 1570, in Antwerp, [3] it consisted of a collection of uniform map sheets and sustaining text bound to form a book for which copper printing plates were specifically engraved.
The Ortelius atlas is sometimes referred to as the summary of sixteenth-century cartography.

UKT 140314, 170320: My interest is the geographical position of Myanmarpré.

Inset enlarged from the original map. However, for those interested in history, read: The changing nature of conflict between Burma and Siam as seen from the growth and development of Burmese states from the 16th to the 19th centuries , by Pamaree Surakiat, in Asia Research Inst. Working Paper Series no. 64. Downloaded paper in TIL HD-PDF & SD-PDF libraries:
- ARI-BurmaSiam16-19c<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 200303)

The timeline in Burma (Myanmarpré) in 1570 AD was during Bayinnaung Empire.

The following timeline is from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Burmese_history  140314.

UKT 140314: this Wiki article did not do justice to King Bayinnaung aka Burengnong of Hanthawaddy aka Hongsawadee  with his capital at Pegu. He had probably dreamt of a federation of fraternal kingdoms of South-East Asia

¤ 1550Apr30 : King Tabinshwehti assassinated by Mons.
¤ 1555Jan22 : Bayinnaung of Taunggo captures Ava, and annexes Upper Burma
¤ 1557Jan-Mar : Bayinnaung annexes cis-Salween Shan States; abolishes animal sacrifice at Popa Hill and human sacrifice at Shan Hills.
¤ 1558Apr02 : Bayinnaung annexes Lan Na
¤ 1563Mar : Bayinnaung captures farther Shan States (Kentung and Chinese Shan states)
¤ 1564Feb19 : Siam becomes Burmese vassal following the Burmese-Siamese War (1563-64)

UKT 140314: King Burengnong of Hongsawadee (King Bayinnaung) did not seem to have the ambition of taking over Siam. He brought the royal family to his capital (probably as unwilling invited guests), and adopted the Siamese crown-prince , Prince Naresuan, as his own, and had him trained in the Burmese martial arts together with his own sons, the eldest being Naungdawgyi. When the Siamese prince came of age, Bayinnaung sent back the Siamese prince to Siam to rule it as a sovereign king owning Bayinnaung as his father. The adopted son remained loyal to Bayinnaugn until the father's death (1581Nov10), at which he revolted along with all the sons of Bayinnaung now kings in their own kingdoms. The eldest "brother" Naungdawgyi now as Bayinnaung's heir tried to put down his "younger brother" the Siamese king.

On the last day of battle, the rash young Siamese king found himself mounted on his elephant alone right in the middle of the Burmese camp, and saw his elder brother resting under a tree. The younger brother asked for single combat on elephants from the elder brother, which was graciously granted by the elder. Naungdawgyi could have refused and gave an order to his troops to capture the Siamese king. But being a warrior worthy of his father, King Bayinnaung, he granted single combat.

During the single combat, the younger brother killed the elder brother thereby breaking up what the father Bayinnaung had planned to be a confederation of fraternal kingdoms. It is said, that the Siamese king, with genuine sorrow gave his elder, the Burmese king, a royal funeral. -- I am writing this from memory from reading a historical article written by a modern prince of Thailand. I got the names of Prince Naresuan, Burengnong, Hongsawadee  from:  http://www.watyaichaimongkol.net/index.php?lite=article&qid=200146 140314

Though King Burengnong of Hongsawadee aka King Bayinnaung, has been portrayed as an expansionist Burmese king, I do not consider him to be such. I regard him as a far sighted statesman, far ahead of his time, with a dream of a confederation of fraternal kingdoms. I now cite Wikipedia on
¤ Lanna Kingdom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanna 140314
"But the king was captured by Burmese forces in November 1564, and sent to then Burmese capital Pegu. Bayinnaung then made Visuttidevi , a Lan Na royal, the queen regnant of Lan Na." - I see this as the second case of statesmanship of Bayinnaung.

¤ 1569Aug08 : Burmese-Siamese War (1568-69) restores Burmese rule in Siam after the Siamese revolted in 1568
¤ Burma conquers Lan Xang
¤ 1584May03 : - Siam declares independence; Repeated Burmese invasions fail to re-conquer Siam (1593)
¤ 1593 : - Lan Xang, Manipur and Lan Na throw off allegiance to Burmese throne. Siam regains Tenasserim coast up to Tavoy (to 1594)
¤ 1597 : All regions of the kingdom now in revolt 
¤ 1599 : Fall of First Toungoo Empire after Pegu [UKT: capital of Hanthawaddy kingdom under King Bayinnaung. The name "Toungoo Empire is inappropriate.] sacked by the Arakanese and Toungoo (city) forces. Siam captures the entire Tenasserim coast to Martaban. Arakanese capture delta ports; appoint Portuguese mercenary de Brito governor of Syriam.

An excerpt from: http://www.watyaichaimongkol.net/index.php?lite=article&qid=200146 140314

King Bayinnaung had the greatest influence on Prince Naresuan’s life and really deserves praise. King Bayinnuang not only clarified the teachings of Sun Tzu’s strategies (The Art of War) in the light of his seemingly limitless learning and wisdom, but also in love and care of young prince as though the crown prince had been his own son. The spirit of a great warrior was gradually implanted in the heart of Prince Naresuan from the age of nine to adulthood. Over many years of heart-felt advice, King Bayinnaung natured those seeds of courage Queen Suriyothai had sowed in Prince Naresuan blossom.

Go back orbis-terra-note-b

Contents of this page

Right and Wrong Notions

UKT 180101:

Being at opposing extreme ends of what is Right vs. Wrong, Buddhism of the Anatta doctrine, and Hinduism of the Atta doctrine hold opposing interpretations. The Eight Noble Path, with the Right View coming first is the Buddhism Way of Life - how to get out of the mire of human existence.

Note: I avoid using the word "Samsara" which is interpreted with diagonally opposite meanings. Ideas can be interpreted in many ways: such as Gautama Buddha - a human of bone and blood - being interpreted as an incarnation of Vishnu-déva. Inset pix shows an interpretation of a school of Hinduism.

To the scientist in me, Buddhism is the Way of Life of uncertainties and miseries, without Axiomatic MahaDev, YHVH, God, Allah, and Mother-goddess Dévi.

With this interpretation - which is the usual way of presentation by Theravada Buddhism - turn the wheel in clock-wise (Right-Hand Path), or in anti-clock-wise (Tantric Path - worship of Mother-goddess Dévi - the Left-Hand Path), until Right Livelihood comes to the top or first position. You'll have either the Right Action or the Right Effort to support your Right Livelihood. Caution: Since "Right vs. Wrong" can be interpreted with opposing meanings, I use the word "Appropriate - with regard to customs and ideas of your neighbours".

For example, if you were born in a fishing village with fishing villages around you, then don't condemn "taking of life". In other words, the Five Precepts with abstinence of taking of life as the most important must be taken (by you) in a light way. Or, move out of the area, cutting off relations with your parents, relatives and friends and live a life of uncertainty as a "refugee" in another place or country.

fac·et - n. ¹. One of the flat polished surfaces cut on a gemstone or occurring naturally on a crystal. - AHTD

mire - n. ¹. An area of wet, soggy, muddy ground; a bog. ². Deep, slimy soil or mud. ³. A disadvantageous or difficult condition or situation: the mire of poverty. - AHTD

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UKT 140317, 170322:

Usury is the practice of lending something, usually money, at unethical high interest rates. The oldest condemnation of this practice was found in the Vedas. There are many tricks used by the usurers to cover their practice such as charging compound interest which to the uninitiated would appear as a very low interest rate if they were unaware of the method of compounding. The Chettiar bankers from southern India have been accused of using this method on uneducated Burmese farmers during the British occupation of the country because of which they are very much hated even after many years. See Wikipedia articles on:
#1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury 140317
#2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chettiar 140317

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