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Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus


A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell, 1893,
http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/MDScan/index.php?sfx=jpg; 1929.
- Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012.
- https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/macdonell/ 190516
The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2, by F. Edgerton, pp. 627.
- FEdgerton-BHSD<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 180627)
The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920.
- (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx).  Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / bkp<Ô> (link chk 190113)
•  Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan), by U Hoke Sein,
- (ref: UHS-PMD). The dictionary in printed form is in TIL Research Library.
Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998
- HHOrberg-LinguaLatina<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190624)

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), Daw Khin Wutyi, Daw Thuzar Myint, Daw Zinthiri Han and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com 

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{la.} : contd


UKT notes :

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{la.} : contd



लस   [las-a]
- a. lively (only --° in a-lasa, dull).



लसिका   [las-ikâ]
- f. saliva, spittle.



• [lahara]
- m. N. of a people (pl.); N. of a province in Cashmere (now Lahal).



लहरि   [lahari]
- f. (also î) wave, billow.


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• [LA]
- II. P. la-ti (rare), grasp, take; undertake; gd. latva, taking = with.



लाक्षणिक   [lâkshan-ika]
- a. (î) understanding marks or signs; having a figurative sense (-tva, n. figurative sense); m. interpreter of marks.



लाक्षा   [lâkshâ]
- f. kind of red dye, lac (obtained either from the cochineal insect or from the resin of a certain tree): i-ka, a. (î) coloured with lac.



लाघव   [lâghav-a]
- n. swiftness, speed; dexterity, in (--°); lightness; ease of mind, relief; levity, thoughtlessness; insignificance, meanness, smallness; prosodical shortness; brevity, conciseness (of expression); lack of weight or consequence, derogation of dignity, disrespect: -kârin, a. degrading.



लाङ्गल   [laNṅga-la]
- n. plough: -dhvaga, m. (having a plough in his banner), ep. of Balarâma.



लाङ्गलिका   [lâṅgal-ikâ]
- f. N. of a plant (Methonica spuperba); -in, m. (bearing a plough), ep. of Balarama.



लाङ्गुल   [lâṅgula]
- n. tail: ûla, n. (commoner form) id.



लाज   [lâg-á]
- m. pl. parched grain.



लाजाय   [lâgâ-ya]
- den. Â. resemble parched grain.



- cs. lankhaya, P. mark, distinguish, characterise: pp. lankhita, marked, decorated, or provided with (in., -°).



•  लाञ्छन   [lañkh-ana]
- n. mark, token, sign; --° a. marked, characterised, or provided with: -tâ, f. condition of being marked or stained.



•  लाट   [lâta]
- m. N. of a country: pl. its peopld; a. (î) belonging to Lâta (î, f. Lâta woman): -ka, a. (ikâ) belonging to or customary among the Lâtas.



लाटाचार्य   [lâta̮âkârya]
- m. N. of an astromomer;  -̮anuprâsa, m. repetition of a word in the same sense but in a different application (rhet.).



• [lada]
- m. N.



लातव्य   [lâtav-ya]
- m. (pat. fr. Latu) N.



लापय   [lâpaya]
- cs. of √lap and √1. lî.



लापिन्   [lâp-in]
- a. saying, speaking, declaring (--°); lamenting.


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लाब   [lâba]
- m. kind of quail (Perdix chinensis): -ka, m. id.



लाभ   [lâbh-a]
- m. finding, meeting; obtainment, acquirement (of, g., --°); gain, advantage, profit; object acquired, acquisition; capture; apprehension, knowledge: -lipsâ, f. desire of gain, covetousness; -vat, a. having gained advantage; having got possession of (--°); -̮alâbha, m. du. & n. sg. gain and loss.



लाभिन्   [lâbh-in]
- a. obtaining, finding (--°).



• [lamagga-ka]
- n. the root of a kind of fragrant grass (Andropogon muricatus).



लालक   [lâla-ka]
- a. (ikâ) caressing; m. court fool.



लालन   [lâl-ana]
- n. (fr. cs. of. √lal) caressing, fondling, cherishing; -anîya, fp. to be caressed, fondled, or coaxed; -aya, cs. of √lal.



लालस   [lâ-las-a]
- intv. ardently desiring, eager for, delighting or absorbed in, devoted to (lc., --°); m., â, f. ardent longing, devotion to (lc.).



लाला   [lâl-â]
- f. saliva, spittle: -pâna, n. sucking of saliva.



लालाट   [lâlâta]
- a. being on the forehead (lalâta): i-ka, a. id.; î, f. forehead.



लालाय   [lâlâ-ya]
- den. Â. secrete saliva: pp. i-ta, foaming at the mouth.



लालित   [lâl-ita]
- cs. pp. √lal: -ka, m. favourite, darling, pet.



लालित्य   [lâlit-ya]
- n. [fr. lalita] loveliness, grace, charm.



लालिन्   [lâl-in]
- a. fondling, coaxing; -ya, fp. to be fondled or coaxed.



लाव   [lâv-a]
- a. (î) cutting, -- off, plucking (--°); cutting down, killing (--°): -ka, m. cutter; reaper.



लावण   [lâvana]
- a. salt, salted: -ka, N. of a locality; -saindhava, a. (î) situated on the salt sea.



•  लावणिक   [lâvan-ika]
- a. (î) dealing in salt; charming, lovely.



लावण्य   [lâvan-ya]
- n. saltness; loveliness, beauty, charm: -mañgarî, f. N.; -maya, a. (î) consisting entirely of beauty; lovely, beautiful, charming; -vat, a. lovely, beautiful: -î, f. N.; -sesha, a. of whom beauty only is left (-tâ, f. abst. n.); -̮argita, pp. acquired by beauty: a term applied to the private property given to a woman on her marriage by her parents-in-law.



लावम्   [lâv-am]
- abs. w. √lû, cut off like (--°).



• [lavana-ka]
- m. N. of a district near Magadha; N. of the third Lumbaka of the Kathasaritsagara.



लास   [lâs-a]
- m. [√las] jumping, skipping, moving hither and thither, playing: -ka, a. moving hither and thither; m. dancer; N. of a dancer; m. n. kind of weapon; -vat-î, f. N.



•  लासिक   [lâs-ika]
- a. dancing; -ikâ, f. female dancer; kind of play; -ya, n. dancing (also fig.); dance accompanied with singing and instrumental music; dancer.


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•  लिक्षा   [likshâ]
- f. nit, egg of a louse; as a measure=eight trasarenus.



• [LIKH]
- VI. P. likha [ later form of rikh], scratch, scrape, furrow, tear up (ground); peck; draw a line (lekham); delineate, protray, sketch, paint; engrave, inscrible, write. - down: pp. likhita. w. iva ( kitra), as if painted = motionless; cs. lekhaya, P. cause to engrave, inscribe, or write; cause to paint: scratch; write; paint: pp. lekhita. abhi, inscribe, write: sketch, paint; write on anything (ac.); cs. cause to inscribe, write, or paint. ava, gall, make score; erase (writing). a, scratch, scrape; sketch, drae, paint; write down: pp. alikhita, w. iva, as if painted=motionless; cs. cause to paint. via, scrape, touch; write. sam-a, sketch, draw, paint; write. ud, scratch, scrape, draw a line, on (lc.); tear of rip up; peak at, rub against; draw (a line); carve; polish; strike ( a musical instrument); wipe away; represent; bring into relief. pra ud, draw lines on (ac.). sam-ud, mark out with a line; furrow, scrape up; write down, inscribe (in a book). nis, scarify; scratch out. pari, draw a line round: scrape or smooth around; copy. pra, scratch, draw lines on (ac.); draw; write; scrape together: A. comb one's hair. prati, write back, answer by letter. vi,  scratch, scrape, tear up; lacerate; rub against (ac.); sketch, draw, paint; inscribe, write; cs. cause to write.





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लिखन   [likh-ana]
- n. scratching; inscribing, writing; written statement or remark.



लिखित   [likh-ita]
- pp. written, etc.; m. N. of the author of a law-book; n. writing; written document: -tva, n. condition of being written down; -pâtha, m. reading of written works, learning from books: -ka, a. reading from manuscript.



लिखितव्य   [likh-itavya]
- fp. to be painted (Pr.); -itri, m. painter; -ya, m., â, f. nit, egg of a louse.



• [lin]
- personal terminations of the potential or precative, potential.



• [LING]
 I. A. linga (attach oneself to), v. a-ling.



लिङ्ग   [liṅg-a]
- n. [anything attaching to an object] mark, token, sign, emblem, characteristic; catchword; deceptive badge (rare, E.); proof, evidence; sign of guilt, stolen property; sign of sex, sexual organ; grammatical gender; Siva's phallus (as an object of worship); image of a god (rare); typical or subtle body (the indestructible original of the gross visible body: Vedânta phil.); nominal base (=prâtipadika: gr.): -deha, m. n. subtle body (phil.); -dhârana, n. bearing of marks of identification; -nâsa, m. loss of characteristic marks; -pîtha, n. pedestal of a Siva phallus; -purâna, n. T. of a Purâna; -mâtra, n. intellect; -mûrti, a. having the form of a phallus (Siva).




लिङ्गय   [liṅga-ya]
- den. P. change (a word) according to gender. ud, infer from signs: pp. ulliṅgita.



•  लिङ्गवत्   [liṅga-vat]
- a. having characteristic marks; having various genders; having a phallus (a certain Sivaite sect); -sarîra, n. the subtle body (phil.); -sâstra, n. treatise on grammatical gender; -stha, m. ascetic; -̮anusâsana, n. doctrine of grammatical gender.



लिङ्गिन्   [liṅg-in]
- a. having a mark or sign; having the marks or appearance of (--°); wearing false badges, hypocritical; assuming the badges of, passing oneself off as (--°); wearing his badges justly, sincere; provided with a phallus; having a subtle body; m. hypocrite; member of a religious order, ascetic; a Sivaite sect (pl.); cause.



लिङ्गोद्धार   [liṅga̮uddhâra]
- m. cutting off of the male organ.



   लम्बापटह   lambâ-pataha drum; a̮alaka-tva, n. pendulousness of curls.
    लम्पाक   lampâ-ka î, f. Lampâka woman.
   लहर   lahara Lahal).



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