Update: 2019-08-05 06:32 PM -0400


Sanskrit Glossary for Buddhists and Hindus : Consonants


Based on
1. Sanskrit Documents ||संस्कृत शब्दार्थ || = स ं स ् क ृ त ,
- https://sanskritdocuments.org/dict/dictall.html 181222
Write to sanskrit@cheerful.com . 12/22/2018 23:25:17 
2. ¤ Student's Pali-English Dictionary, by Maung Tin (name later changed to U Pe Maung Tin), (ref: UPMT-PEDictxxx). Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:
- UPMT-PaliDict1920<Ô> / Bkp<Ô> (link chk 190114) 

Edited by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) (M.S., I.P.S.T., USA), and staff of Tun Institute of Learning (TIL). Not for sale. No copyright. Free for everyone. Prepared for students and staff of TIL  Research Station, Yangon, MYANMAR 
 - http://www.tuninst.net , www.romabama.blogspot.com


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Caution: My main difficulty in learning Skt-Dev, is to become familiar with horizontal conjuncts. I've no choice but to rely on my knowledge of Bur-Myan and Pali-Myan, to come up with a compromise in giving the akshara-equivalents, knowing fully well that it would not make my pronunciation of Skt-Dev any better. It might even a detriment. But since, translation is my ultimate aim, using the motto of Shin Kic'si -- the Buddhist grammarian praised by Gautama Buddha himself -- I have to be content with what is available to me.

To aid me in my task, I'm preparing a Sanskrit Glossary for Buddhists and Hindus , based on the Sonority Scale, in which begins with Consonants and Vowels last: an arrangement used in Bur-Myan dictionaries and glossaries:
The original Glossary files given by Sanskrit Documents has become so unmanageable in size that I've to divide it into sub-files. Since, I'm including Pali terms from UPMT, I've to subdivide down to columns :

This file is on Row #3 Columns 1 & 2

Entries on Skt from SktDoc are in Devanagari characters, and
on Pali from U Pe Maung Tin (UPT) are in International Pali characters.
Be careful to check diacritics when using UPT.

{t³a.} ट
{ht³a.} ठ


Pali terms for row3

डयते (Dayate) = to fly
डुकृञ्करण (DukRiJNkaraNa) = grammatic formula ``DukRi.nkaraNa''
डुकृञ्करणे (DukRiJNkaraNe) = the grammatical formula ``DukRi.nkaraNe''

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Pali terms for row3 


ṭagara, adj. squinting; m. borax.
ṭarika, mn. borax, spade, knife, chisel.
ṭarikaka, m. coined money.
ṭatani, / a house lizard.
ṭaddarl, /. jesting, kettle-drum.
ṭara, rn,. a horse.
ṭika, /. a Pali commentary on an Atthakatha, gloss.

ṭhakkura, m. an image of the Buddha.
ṭhaga, adj. shameless, crafty.
ṭhagi, /. a betel box.
ṭhana, n. (ijtha) stopping, place, situation, station, appointment,
subject, basis.
thanantara, n. an appointment, office.
thanaso, adv. (s/tha) causally, suddenly.
thanlya, adj. (Jtha) based upon; n. a town.
thiti, /. (jtha) stability, durability, existence; *ka, adj
thivana, n. spitting.

ḍarhsa, m. a gad-fly.
ḍamsati, v. (Jdams) to bite; "ana, n.
ḍamaya, mf. confusion, revolting.
daka, mn. a vegetable, potherb.
dalima, m. the pomegranate tree.
dahati, v. (Jdah) to burn, consume by fire, torment ; daddha,
daha, m. (Jdah) burning, conflagration,
dahuka, m. a water-fowl.
tanhakkhava 101
dikkan, /. a young maiden.
dirigara, m. a servant, bad man.
dindiramodaka, ??. garlic.
dimba, m. a sound of terror, heap.
dimbika, /. a bubble while rising in water.
dundula, ra. the owl.
dunduka, m. water-fowl.
duli, /. a young tortoise.
deti, v. (Jdl) to fly.
clemana, m. a! bird.

ḍhamara, /. a duck,;goose.
uhala, n. a shield.
dhunthana, n. investigation, enquiry.
dhola, m. a big drum.


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